Showing posts with label Boris Yeltsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boris Yeltsin. Show all posts

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics 

I feel sorry for you for those who believe the propaganda put out to justify a war that Putin is this madman. Be careful what you believe and wish for. You probably think the government really cares about you and your future. You probably still wear masks driving alone, or even when you sleep, and possibly a condom just in case for good measure.

There are those of us who have REAL contacts and who understand REAL geopolitics and the way governments create wars by filling the minds of their people that there are weapons of mass destruction. Now even a former MI6 agent has come out and said the same thing. You better be careful what you wish for. Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. Yeltsin was under siege from the communists who did want to resurrect the USSR and the oligarchs who wanted to strip mine Russia for themselves. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.

I have all the declassified documents from the Clinton Administration that CONFIRM that Putin was nothing that the propaganda is all about. He NEVER sought to resurrect the USSR. As far as the KGB, he was never high-ranking and quit in 1991 as soon as Russia fell. All of the comments put out there by John McCain were outright lies. I have the security briefing he read and said the opposite because he was a Neocon who just wanted endless wars.

So you can believe all the BS. They need you to do that to wage war and offer your life on their altar of political agendas. If you think you will be an armchair general and watch this war on CNN, sorry. It will come to a neighborhood near you. I just thank God I am not 18. The future these people want is total insanity. The Weimar Republic in Germany took place because it was a revolution against the imperial government that always waged war. We face the same fate when the people realize this has been a mountain of lies for a political agenda. When Zelensky came to power, he promised peace. He was then instructed by the West that was not acceptable. The West promoted the civil war in Ukraine.

It is the hardliners putting pressure on Putin because he has been “too soft” on Ukraine. Replace Putin and we will get World War III. Zelensky better pack his high-heels in an emergency exit bag. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Plot to Seize Russia, War Propaganda, and More

Maria Zeee is the host, and Martin Armstrong is the guest. Here is her summary of the show:

World renowned economist Martin Armstrong joins us to break the story of the several-decade long plan to seize Russia, detailing how he has obtained declassified documents from the Clinton Administration, and how he was previously targeted for possessing this knowledge - which he is finally able to release.

Martin takes us through his encounter with an alleged terrorist from 9/11 while he served in prison, who was actually a Pakistani Christian that was framed by the US Government. We also discuss world events, war propaganda, and Martin's insight into where we are heading.

You can follow Martin's work via his website:

My Notes:

From the very beginning, the interview takes off.  

The Plot to Seize Russia provides the back story on why Martin went to prison and why he was persecuted, the ways in which he was persecuted, and the plot to seize Russia.

I managed to get a hold of documents from the Clinton Administration that have been declassified.  So I've got all the phone calls now between Yeltsin. And the Clintons, and it's really quite eye-opening.
Omitted from the history books is in 1991 when Russia collapsed, NATO actually asked Russia to join.  And that was what sparked the coup against Gorbachev because the hardliners looked at it as surrendering Russia to America.  So they staged a coup, and that's when Yeltsin ended up standing on the tank.  That's the backdrop which history books apparently have omitted.  

Declassified documents from the Clintons about NATO inviting Russia to join.  

The real person who was trying to grab Russia was Russian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky.  He and his 7 oligarchs were actually trying to take over Russia.  And I've got the documents . . . at first he was pitching it that the west should absorb Russia like they did their former enemies, Japan and Germany.  And he said, look, we'll take over the country.  We're not military, we're just businessmen.  That's where it kind of starts.  It wasn't working out well for them at that stage, so then they try blackmailing Yeltsin.  And that's when they staged thus whole thing.  Money was stolen from the IMF and it was all routed through the Bank of New York.  [3:26] And then Edmond Safra, of Republic National Bank was the one that was in league with Berezovsky, and he ran to the Feds and said Bank of New York just did a $7 billion-dollar money laundering.  And so the Feds run in there and it was all set up, and they were blackmailing Yeltsin in July 1999 that he should step down, otherwise, all this was going to come out.  That's when he turned to Putin.  You have to understand all if what was going on at the time.  Yeltsin was being attacked from two sides: one, the hardline communists who filed a motion to impeach him over this Bank of New York and corruption issues that came out.  And they were trying to take back Russia and turn it into the USSR.  On the opposite side, you had the oligarchs who were blackmailing him.  So he turned to Putin.  At the time, nobody knew who Putin was.  He was an unknown.  He wasn't a member of the oligarchs and he wasn't a communist. So Yeltsin appointed him August 9, 1991.  At that stage of the game, the world was like what's going on, what's happening?  First, they thought that he was just going to be another one of these Prime Ministers that's pushed out.  At that stage of the game, what had happened was that in the 1998 Financial Crisis in Russia, apparently, Safra had lost about 50% of his net worth and was putting the bank [Republic National Bank] up for sale with HSBC.  He saw an opportunity, and he stole $1 billion dollars from my accounts.  [5:50]  And on August 27, when that takes place, I call and ask, "What the heck is going on here?"  And the head of the HSBC bank, George Wendler, 1944-2018, gave me the reply, "I'm just the messenger."  Whoa.  Now when you're talking to the head of the bank, and he says he's just the messenger, the only person higher than him was Edmond [Safra]. 

So I said, "You tell Edmond that I'll hop on a plane and I'll be in Geneva in the morning."  

He said, "You can't go there.  He's not in Geneva.  He left for Monaco for security reasons."  So that starts the whole thing going.  So I had assumed that once Putin was installed that that was the sign that the oligarchs were dead, and Safra being involved in the conspiracy, he fled to Monaco, which was like a fortress.  But somebody from the inside left the doors open and they went in.  I knew Dominick Dunne, who wrote the article, "The Death in Monaco," 2000, for Vanity Fair.  [7:07]  Also not reported, Dominick told me, "Look, there were two bullets in his body."  It's an interesting play here, but at the time I thought that Putin killed him.  I was just believing what the Russian press was saying, and it's just not true.  Most of these assassinations had nothing to do with Putin.  This was Berezovsky taking out people that were going to rat on him or one thing or another.  Even when Berezovsky had written a letter to Putin,