Showing posts with label Destroying fossil fuels in the West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destroying fossil fuels in the West. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

How Joe Biden's Assault on Fossil Fuels Benefits Mexico and Its Peso

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

QUESTION: Good afternoon Mr. Armstrong.

I have been a basic member for 6 years.  Since then I have been following your USD prediction and it is on spot despite everyone saying the contrary.  However, after seeing the EURO, Pound, Yen, and other currencies waterfall, why has the Mexican peso kept its value? I can’t find the logic.  Could you please explain?
Thanks for ALL you do.  BP

ANSWER: This is the Array from 2020. That was the ideal of the high for the dollar and that coincided with the end of the Trump Administration. The Biden Administration has been at war with fossil fuels from the beginning, despite trying to blame Putin.

[But there are plenty of instances where he promises to end fossil fuels under the guise of climate change all in the service of Soros, Davos, WEF, and others to destroy the west.]

This has benefited Mexico from a value perspective, but while claiming to be on board with this Great Reset, they are not as gun-ho as Canada and the USA. Even polls at the start of 2022 in the USA were telling. Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey concluded that 45% of American voters believed the highest priority for businesses was to provide individual consumers with high-quality products and services at the lowest prices. Only 9% of voters classified climate change as the top priority for business, and only 1% said that business resources should pursue social justice as a top priority. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Our capital flow model has been pointing to tremendous inflows to Mexico since they have had the best anti-COVID mandates so there are a lot of Europeans leaving for South and Latin America and Mexico has been a primary target.

This trend appears to be continuing into 2024. As war rises in Europe and the leaders seem intent upon sacrificing their people on the altar of climate change, COVID, and Ukraine, the flight of people and capital will continue. For those who refused to get vaccines, Mexico has been the safe haven for the world.
  • There are no COVID-19 test requirements in Mexico.
  • COVID vaccination passports or certificates are not mandatory to enter Mexico.
  • There are no quarantine requirements in Mexico