Showing posts with label Khmer Rouge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khmer Rouge. Show all posts

Sunday, January 14, 2024

FYI, the Left uses language of the Khmer Rouge, like "Year Zero," with people before "Year Zero" deemed largely irrelevant and purged

All of the history of a Nation corrupted by "Western, capitalist" ideas and people before "Year Zero" would be largely deemed irrelevant and purged, replaced with ideas based on "equity" and "social justice."

The Khmer Rouge declared day 1 of "Year Zero" for Cambodia to be April 17, 1975.  4 years later they ended up killing 2 million people nearly a quarter of their population in their attempt to achieve Year Zero, also known as the Cambodian Genocide. 

The first thing i noticed when the COVID lockdowns began and the mitigating measures, or countermeasures, launched were all the reports on how to be hygienic under the new COVID regime as if all of the hygienic habits of putting your hand over your mouth when you sneezed or coughed and making sure to wash your hands regularly were somehow tossed out the window, making March 20, 2020 Day 1 of "Year Zero" in the new normal of unprecedented times.  Had no idea that we were being subjected to pages out of the Khmer Rouge's playbook from the Cambodian Genocide.  Ominous.  Going forward, governments will target anyone ir ant group deemed immunologically unfit as targets for the roving mobs of the Cambodian Genocide stateside.