Showing posts with label Kevin McCarthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kevin McCarthy. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2023

KEVIN MCCARTHY: "We have never asked for land afterward . . . ." Well, there was the whole Spanish War thing, and Mexico ceded 55% of its territory, and Samoa, but that's it. I promise

"In every single war that America has fought, we have never asked for land afterward except for enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for that freedom we went in for."  Kevin McCarthy, former House Speaker 

The US has acquired numerous territories through conflict, including: 1848, Mexico ceded 55% of its territory: 1898, Spain ceded Guam, Puerto Rico & The Philippines. 1899, US acquires American Samoa after the 2nd Samoan Civil War 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

MATT GAETZ: I don't think that the adult in the room would allow America to sit atop a $33 trillion-dollar debt facing $2.2 trillion-dollar annual deficits

LARPing, Live Action Role Playing.  Gaetz will file a Motion to Vacate on Speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: "we are looking at the absolute vile corruption of Republican forms of government."

See Alabama Congressman, Republican, Christian, 59-year-old Mike Rogers lunge at Matt Gaetz after Gaetz announced "Present" only.  Rogers angrily lunged at  Gaetz moments after the Florida lawmaker declared “present” during the 14th round of voting for House speaker.

Martin Armstrong predicts that Republican forms of government will be gone.  So stay tuned for more chaos.  

Armstrong finishes his article on violence on the House floor with this ominous prediction for the country of the U.S., not just individual states.  

We have reached such a moment in history and the election of Kevin McCarthy spells the doom that we face ahead for the nation is more than just the deep divide between left and right, we are looking at the absolute vile corruption of Republican forms of government. This is why Caesar crossed the Rubicon. Six Waves of 31.4 years from 1856 brings us squarely to our model’s forecast for the total collapse of republican governments – 2044.