Showing posts with label Kathy Hochul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kathy Hochul. Show all posts

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Quarantine regulation created by Governor Kathy Hochul and pushed through the Dept. of Health is completely unconstitutional, completely illegal was ultimately defeated

The first speaker is Bobbi Anne Cox. the woman who defeated the quarantine camp regulation in New York State.

Quarantine regulation created by Governor Kathy Hochul and pushed through the Dept. of Health is completely unconstitutional, completely illegal.  It did not get through the legislature.  Senators with Assembly members make law in New York.  It went through her Dept. of Health, no vote by legislature, no vote by citizens.  

Nick Perry, an Assemblyman, gave the power to government health to lock up New Yorkers.

Perry tries for 7 years to get a law passed, and it never got any legislative support.  Recently, Kathy Hochul took the same bill, doctored the language a bit, and submitted it as a regulation.  What's the difference between a regulation and a law?  Good question with an interesting and important explanation

Individual laws, also called acts, are arranged by subject in the United States Code. Regulations are rules made by executive departments and agencies, and are arranged by subject in the Code of Federal Regulations.

4:55  The bill allowed the governor just with suspicion that you were sick or that you may have infected someone asymptomatically, and they could have locked you up in a quarantine facility or in your house, no time limits, 

Monday, February 14, 2022

SCHWAB'S AGENDA: To use health as the means to impose Marxism

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

COMMENT:  Dear Martin,

I am writing to bring your attention to this action by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. This has been slow coming to public awareness because she very quietly published this slate of ‘regulations’ just before Christmas when everyone was involved with the holidays. She also did it without any press release. Now the 60-day comment period is coming to an end on February 14th. After the Comment Period ends, these ‘regulations’ will be voted on by the NY State Dept. of Health Public Health Council and, if passed, will become LAW without having ever gone before the NYS Legislature!

One of the ‘regulations’ will allow her to imprison ANYONE she feels is a threat to public health There is NO procedure for you to get out once you are detained. They are trying to use public health as a cover to arrest any dissenters.

The other three regulations would allow her to make face coverings permanent, not allow visits to nursing homes, give school nurses the authority to vaccinate without parental consent, and mandate the vaccine for all. The last one will be voted on by the New York State Board of Regents.

This very good video, uploaded on February 5, 2022, and titled "NY Gov. Kathy Hochul--Jail the Unvaxxed" is an interview with Alix Mayer from Children’s Health Defense, John Gilmore from Autism Action Network, and Curtis Cost from Informed African Americans which succinctly explains all of this and can be viewed at

The whole world is waking up and resisting the Covid mandates. Meanwhile, our NYS Governor is taking actions to lock up anyone they want. The only possible thing that can stop this is public exposure, hence my email to you.

Thank you! for all you are doing!  


REPLY: This has been part of Schwab’s agenda – to use health as the means to impose Marxism. In a virtual session of the World Economic Forum, Fauci said: “It’s very disturbing, I believe to all of us as public health officials and scientists, such a degree of pushback against regular, normal, easy-to-understand public health measures. Reluctance to wear masks, reluctance to promote vaccination, reluctance to do kinds of public health measures.” Fauci is a government employee who is spending more time advocating a foreign entity that has a public goal to control the world and overthrow the United States.

I really do not see where the FBI, CIA, and DOJ refuse to defend the Constitution and support this publicly stated objective and allow US officials to participate. The 14th Amendment they are so desperate to use against Trump also applies to someone like Fauci.

I am not thrilled about the flight to Florida. Now 1,300 people PER DAY are fleeing to Florida.