Showing posts with label John Jay Singleton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Jay Singleton. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024

"federal district judge in Alabama ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is unconstitutional"

On March 1, 2024, a federal district judge in Alabama ruled that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is unconstitutional. The judge concluded that the CTA exceeds Congress' legislative powers and lacks a sufficient connection to any enumerated power to achieve Congress' policy goals. The CTA requires companies that do business in the United States to report information about the individuals who ultimately own or control them. The act was intended to help law enforcement detect, prevent, and punish misconduct, such as money laundering and terrorism, through business entities. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

JOHN JAY SINGLETON: Find out where your maintenance crew hangs during break time and send them a pizza party. And just come in there during the pizza party and tell them "Hey, I appreciate what y'all did." Maintenance crew should be your best friend

Don't let people get you down. Have fun. 

Find out where your maintenance crew hangs during break time and send them a pizza party.  And just come in there during the pizza party and tell them "Hey, I appreciate what y'all did."  The maintenance crew should be your best friend, just like the clerk of the court. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

John Jay Singleton.  

Calls from people trying to open accounts I'm always focused on private property and data so when I'm dealing with Caleb and Brown or Coinbase or the bank. I like Caleb and Brown by the way, so I'm going to be biased.  I get commissions from my referrals, okay.  So I'm a little biased.  However, I do like their service.  I wouldn't work with them if I didn't like the type of service they provide.  But they are kind of caught in the middle, as it were, because the government wants them to investigate and collect data on the owners of their account holders.  So they're asking for information just like Coinbase is asking for financial information, source of funds, source of wealth, for the signer, for the account holder.  Realize what's going on.  I'm telling you this because I want you to understand the language here.  A lot of times you forget that you're opening an account for another party,  your LLC.  And then you are being asked for financial information about yourself.  Your response should be, 
What legal duty do you have to investigate my financial wealth when I'm not the account holder?

Then ask,

What financial duty do you have to investigate the financial source of non-account holders?  And if you do have a legal duty, no problem.  I would like you to cite your legal duty.  Cite the law.  Because I want to read it. 

Step one, that's how I respond.  I don't just give them what they want and then beg for mercy.  I say, well, okay, I understand.  If you have to do something, show me the law that requires you to do it.  I'm a non-party.  I'm not an account holder.  My company is, and yeah I own it, but I don't have the contract with you, my company does.  The ownership of the company can change at any time.  That's why this is an issue.  The other thing is, let's say I'm going to give it to you.  Realize that the information you're requesting from me now is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in which there are substantial penalties for disclosing the third parties.  We can remedy that if you'll indemnify me against the penalty.  That means you pay the penalty for me because I'm going to have to pay the penalty. Did I tell you how much it was?  No I didn't.  Do you want to ask? Do you even have the ability to do that, right?  Let's just start there.  This is called negotiating with somebody that's not in the room.  You pull this trick on them too.  Make them negotiate with someone who's not in the room.  My company has substantial liquidated damages for disclosing information and that is what you're asking me for is a trade secret.  I don't have to tell you why, just know that it's a trade secret.  There's another reason why we say trade secret but we can get into that maybe I can give you a summary of what you're looking for tell me what actual legal Duty you have cite the law and you're not trying to be combative you're just saying look I'm with you I'm trying to work with you because I like your service tell me what legal Duty you actually have because you may not have read the statute you're just telling me what your boss told you to tell me so I read the statue and it says oh right here it says you need to do this this and this okay I'll do that for you or I will give you a summary. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024


Grocery store won't let you in?  Okay, that's false imprisonment.  Think I'm kidding?  Wikipedia spells it out,
False imprisonment  or unlawful imprisonment occurs when a person intentionally restricts another person's movement within any area without legal authority, justification, or the restrained person's permission. Actual physical restraint is not necessary for false imprisonment to occur. A false imprisonment claim may be made based upon private acts, or upon wrongful governmental detention. For detention by the police, proof of false imprisonment provides a basis to obtain a writ of habeas corpus

Guess what?  You don't have to sue them.  Just write a letter to the Chief Counsel.  I've done that before, been doing that for 20 years.  Now, it's just like

Dear Sprouts, you didn't realize that you were breaking the law.  So let me show you what's on your website, let me show you the law, . . .  Why don't you come out and make amends?  Sprouts ignored thousands of messages and emails.  Not good.  Shows they're scared.  John, can you tell us what we could have done to get better results?  We put them on notice and we stirred the pot.  We let them know that we were unhappy.  We'll let you elevate it to the next level.

John Jay, 6:13  You have a right to rely upon the law.  Pick a fight and win it.  There's a monied force operating behind everything that we're seeing. Sprouts is going to be the bad boy and let's see what happens.  Let's see who is going to make us pay.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Documenting Employer Harassment & Retaliation -- Part I

FYI, this is only Part I of III

Take the mitigation measures and give me some leverage to work it out.  

3-Point Process:

1.   Shift the burden back onto them.  

What we're documenting is the harassment, the coercion, the retaliation, the discrimination.  We are not documenting a medical history, and that's really important.  

And any conversation about medical history is going to become confidential.  So instead of having all these arguments with your boss, your boss's boss, and coworkers, you can turn that all into "Look, guys, I can't talk about this.  It concerns my medical history.  You can talk to personnel and HR, and HR is not able to discuss the merits of your file.  It's confidential.  

The process that we're proposing is a way of getting the HR person, and the HR privacy confidential banner that they wear as your barrier between having these stupid conversations and stressful conversations and having them be the person who wants to question me has to go through and we're putting up that barrier for you.  

2:08  So this is on-the-job harassment.  We're going to document on-the-job harassment confidentially, which is what you would do, because your boss is supposed to be instructed by someone in personnel to deal with it because that's his role.  We're going to make everyone do what they're supposed to do.  So we open a file.  Find out who your HR manager is

STEP 1: GET A CLEAN COPY OF YOUR PERSONNEL FILE.  Get a copy of your clean personnel file, one that you had before you started doing any of this  When you're getting all of these stupid emails about all of the things you have to do and all of the exemptions and processes you have to go through, notice that they're saying "File it with HR."  They know that that's the system that you have to deal with.  That's already like in place.  Find out who your HR person is and, first, ask for a clean copy of your personnel file.  

STEP 2: CONFIDENTIAL LETTER.  We have a great letter with CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION in big red letters that outlines the parameters of the discussions that you're going to have on the claims that you're making.  

STEP 3: ONE-ON-ONE CONVERSATION W/HR DIRECTOR, OUTLINE THE ISSUES, ASK THEM TO DOCUMENT, SIGN, & DATE.  We'll ask you and guide you on this.  We'll ask you to have a one-on-one conversation, in the flesh, or on Zoom if you need to with the HR Director.  Ask them to take notes.  She'll give you the outline of the issues you're going to bring up and what you're going to ask them to document, and then this will be what you get a signed, dated copy of, and then you have that in your file as well. 

4:00  Once you ask for a copy of your file, you'll know who that person is unless it's a small company.  Establish a communication with that person.  I have a conversation I'm going to have with you, and I want it to be confidential and I have a right to keep it confidential and I want you to understand that's where this conversation is.  Now they're in that mode.  That person's going to realize that they're now in HR mode.  So any conversation after that is going to be confidential.  Going forward it's going to be confidential.  

4:40  You take your privacy back.  You're also getting the conversation adjusted to the right parameters.  You're not talking about why you think the jab is harmful to you.  You're talking about "I'm being discriminated against.  This is harassment that I am experiencing.  Your personnel are treating me like I'm a threat to them while I am in the shower.  You might have physical reactions.  You might have job pay problems, like the lady who said that she's been kept out of conferences that if she'd been able to participate in she'd be able to advance her career but she's being kept out of that training.  Also being separated from other coworkers in a certain area.  (translate this to customer situation).  And she's not being allowed to work overtime. 

Travel Centers of America.  Customer Service representatives are available at (800) 632-9240, Monday - Friday 9 AM - 9 PM ET.


1.  You have confidential communication with your HR rep that will relate to on-the-job harassment, the nature of which is DISCRIMINATION BASED ON DISABILITY

2.  In that conversation, you're going to talk a bit about your health, not so much your medical records.  We're not doing that.  We don't need to get your medical records and give it to the employer.  Never going to do that.  Talk about how you're feeling about this.  You're feeling anxiety, frustration, despair.  These are the things you want documented.  Write it out.  Part of this record is going to be written communications and you restating and paraphrasing what you've been told by your boss relating to this subject.  Cite the gal's comment, "I know what you want."  You might be getting memos and general emails about when you have to get your vaccine.  And that's part of the harassment.  You're documenting all of the harassment.

6:50  This woman has had significant weight loss because of the stress of dealing with her boss.  [talk about being harassed by the woman, her assistant, and her boss who says that whenever she talks to him he says, "You have to do this or you're going to be fired."  So she feels like her career is being jeopardized.  She's not able to participate in seminars that would advance her career.  She's losing weight.  She feels intimidated now by the other coworkers so she's been using a bathroom outside of the facility.  You document the treatment that you receive from them.  You're documenting how you're being coerced.  You're documenting the harassment, which would be like coworkers saying, "Oh, you're dangerous."  You're a threat.  I need to stay away from you.  "Oh, you're scaring me."  Any of that stuff.  That's all the harassment that you're receiving.  [security guard said "Down until further notice."  like they each had a role in a skit.  ]  And tell it to the HR person.  

7:54  And this is key.  You've got to recognize the consequences of on-the-job harassment and recognize it for what it is.  If your sleep pattern has changed.  Or you're gaining weight.  I'm not saying that you should blame everything on this, but it does affect a lot of things in your life.  Be cognizant of that so we want to try to document it.  

8:13  This is even in the language of the ADA. [and here.]  Daily things like talking, communicating, sleeping, eating, how is it affecting that?

the security guard.  Get the name of the security company.]  

8:27  Oh, yeah, just the harassment is affecting that.  But these mitigation measures are part of the disability and so forth.  The fact that you're being regarded as having a disability; the other word for that is you're being regarded as having a contagious disease.  If that's the case, the burden of proof is on the one who is doing that.  It's your employer, right?  That's why you never give your employer your medical records or anything because the burden of proof is always on that other party and you want to keep the burden of proof there.  Why is it that someone can impose medical interventions on you without a doctor's note, supervision, or approval of any kind without any judicial intervention, yet you have to go to the doctor to get a note for permission to exercise your right to informed consent?  You already have the right to informed consent, you see.  

9:15  You don't have to go to the doctor for written permission to informed consent.  You already have the right to informed consent.  Always keep the burden on them.  If you say things like "religious exemption" or "medical exemption," and there's no such thing by the way, . . .   There's no exemption because there's no legal duty.  So this is even the wrong language from the beginning.

9:30  Exactly, by asking for an exemption, you're saying "I accept the parameters of what you're saying needs to happen, and I'm trying to step just outside of it with my exemption."   No!!!  We're not doing that.  We're saying that you never had the right in the first place.  The burden is on you; you need to prove it.  

9:55. I know it's difficult for many of you because you're entering the premises at work and the first thing is submitting to a medical exam of your vital statistics, taking your temperature, but at some point you're going to be able to do that because you've documented the harassment, right?  And then you can say, "Look, I'm not being subjected to this anymore.  You are going to have to talk to HR," and let HR know when I'm out on my job and I'm getting harassed, I'm going to tell them to contact you but my file is confidential, so you need to tell them to leave me alone or tell my boss to tell them to leave me alone.

10:35  Once you take these three steps that we are talking about whenever these conversations or situations come up, you can say, "You need to talk to HR.  I'm not complying with this."


10:56  Well, these are examples.  You keep it simple.  You document everything and you tell HR because the HR person is not going to be trained for this.  You train them.  When someone contacts you about these matters, you tell them that it's already worked out with me.  We already have an arrangement and that that is confidential.  You're off the hook, I'm off the hook, and he's off the hook, everybody is good.  If you break this confidence and you do something else, we got problems.  I'm trying to help you, trying to help myself, I just want to do my job.



Document harassment, coercion, and retaliation.

Describe what's been communicated to you--copies of emails.  Free written guide.  Check it out.  Find it first. 

1.  When you go into an HR meeting, you're describing, and documenting the harassment and coercion.  And you begin by describing what you received--emails, letters, signs around the warehouse.  These are the facts of what I've been receiving.  

2.  Describe in detail how these requests have been affecting you.  Physical reactions, emotional reactions, since this has happened on ______________, you list the effects.  Hard time sleeping, heart rate racing, rashes, or you've lost weight, upset stomach, upset digestion, whatever you've been experiencing since the confrontation started.  Mental examples--fragmented thinking, always on the alert due to conflicts, can't concentrate, disrupted focus.  Always thinking about it that I can't focus on my job or production.  Angry, nervous, afraid of getting fired.  Worried about job is under threat.  Have the HR person write these things down.  


Legal questions but they're going to be rhetorical questions.  And will lead the HR person doing his job, which is to resolve it, work it out, and document the solutions.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

JOHN JAY SINGLETON: If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

John Jay Singleton and
Jobs are not jobs.  
What is being presented to us? 
Everything that doesn't serve me is crumbling away.  
we're being offered an opportunity.

Just because they call it a school doesn't mean it's a school anymore.  

Should I sue if my employer is not doing anything about it?  

Time to lay back and see what's going on or is it time to take action?  

00:37  A lot of people want to live their lives the way they've been living it.  And they're reluctant to realize, that in my opinion, they should do is look at what they've observed and make a conclusion based on what they're seeing without any premise about what they've done in the past.  I know that sounds cryptic, but . . . 

If you see that children are being forced to wear masks at a school, why would you take your kids there, you have to realize that that is no longer a school if it was in the past.  That observation alone: it's not a school.  So, we don't have schools.  We don't have hospitals.  If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.  What we have is a euthanasia-type program administered.  I mean you go to the hospital to be murdered today.  This is what's happening.  

What do you think a COVID ward is?  

SINGLETON, Exactly, if you can't get that, you're lost.  You're lost.  The analogy I give all the time is if I'm out in public somewhere at a restaurant or a bar, and some dude comes over and punches me, well, I'm not going to wonder what to do.  As soon as I get up if I'm not out for a while, as soon as I get up I'm going to start swinging some fists, you know.  I don't care if he's twice my size I'm not going to let someone take a shot at me like that.  

MARISSA, 02:15  Schools are not schools; hospitals are not hospitals.  Same with jobs:  jobs are not jobs.  If your employer is saying that to have this job, to get a paycheck, you have to waive your rights, you have to stick things in your body that you don't want to do, and undergo experimental injections.  So jobs are not jobs either.  What is being presented to us?  On the one hand, you get all anxious about this and say everything is crumbling away; on the other hand, you can go, "Wow, everything that doesn't serve me, is crumbling away, because the corrupt systems are being revealed and we're being offered the opportunity to stop aligning with them, stop connecting and giving our energy to them.  Let go of the corrupt!  Let it go!"

SINGLETON, 03:08  Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore.  Just because they call it a school doesn't make it a school.  So your attitude should be, "Okay, if that's what's going on in our society, let's just take it at its face value and my employer says that I have to do these things, well that's not my employer.  Maybe I'm involved in an internment camp of some kind.  Maybe I'm involved in a cult.  Think about those who are involved in a cult.  I don't think that they realize it.  

MARISSA, 03:37  Ponder this question.  What you give your energy to is what you make manifest.  So if you're giving your energy to this cult-like, false-premise, rights-waiving entity, then you are making that happen.  I'm not accusing anybody or being judgmental, but you are part of the problem because you are energizing the problem.  

SINGLETON, 04:05  I told my friend that the other day.  He wants the same lifestyle and travel and all that.  I said, "Why are you participating in all this?"  He told me that his wife tested positive for COVID.  I said, like, there isn't any COVID and  I said what are you doing.  He said, "Yeah, but his wife believes in it."  I said, okay, but you're participating in it.  You're making it bad for guys like me.  Just because you want to keep your same lifestyle, this is not a time to do that.  We're under attack.  It's the time to fight.  It is time to stop doing the things that perpetuate these problems, and so he didn't want to hear that.  He agreed with me, but they don't want to get this in their head but what does it take?  If I see you at the mall, and you're with your family and your wife and your two kids, and I come over to you and say, "Hey, man, I wish your children were sterile so they can't have children.  What would you do?  Would you think about that?  Would you want to fight me?  What if I pushed you down?  You should fight!

MARISSA, 05:00  You'd know what to do.  It's a matter of taking blinders off.  And thinking that this is anything other than that.  WE.  ARE.  AT.  WAR.  All you have to do is step and align yourself to the side that says "I do not accept this" and things will fall away.  It will open up.  The falling away process actually makes way for the new.  So when you're not giving all your energy trying to graspingly hold onto a job that no longer serves you or forcefully stuff your kids into a school that no longer serves them, or use a medical service that is not about health.  If you distance yourself from that, you make room for other things.  I've seen so many say, "I don't want to go to a hospital" figure out something else out.  People who say I don't want my kids to go to that school, figure something else out.  We have so many people in Zunga, I get letters all the time, No, I'm doing homeschool and coop, or we have a pod, or we're doing this stuff.  It's not like you have to be a teacher, don't think that way.  You can get your kids into a situation that is much more productive.  They learn how to educate themselves.  They follow their interests.  That's the way

06:42  For years, we've been babied by division of labor.  So I go to the grocery store like it's my 2nd refrigerator.  I don't know how to clean a deer.  I wouldn't want to do that.  I'm glad that someone else is going to do all that stuff and I can just go buy it.  That's cool.  It's a good use of human labor.  But we've been babied by it because we lack knowledge now.  Don't be confused when. . .  recognize what is happening and take the appropriate action.  We've created a resource.  We're with you.  You're not alone.  

07:22. You don't have to figure out how to engage in the fight we can partner with you on that and help you through it you just need to get your mind in the right place and say I'm going to fight.

07:28. Yeah and so this is what you do.  People go, "Well, gosh I have to use a court?  I have to sue?  Can I have an attorney?" Nope. You don't need one.  There isn't one.  Even if there was one, the law is designed for you to have the remedy and it's not beyond your ability to know how to do that, and you don't have to do that yourself.  We can do all that.  We can write it up.  Like Marissa and I were discussing before this recording, we know that the language we are writing in letter letters and disputes like your conferences like your free employment termination meetings, all the steps that lead to court . . . this language is intended to not only advance your legal argument, it's to empower you to understand what those are because there is no such thing as a religious exemption.  That's for babies.  Medical exemptions, religious exemptions, that's for babies.  Stop doing that.  There is a law, there are many laws, and they are all in your favor.  And you just have to use them.

So, what is involved?  So people start with us.  The first thing we do is the first hour is where you are doing a complaint to your internal Human Resources some agency that is a little bit different than that and then right within the same hour we're going right to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on the FED level.  and all we care about is documenting it we don't care what they say whether we get our right to sue letter or not

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

With regard to all of the COVID insanity. #1: DON'T COMPLY.

With regard to all of the COVID insanity.  #1: DON'T COMPLY. 

I'll take the case of Eddie Stage.  We get to use discovery because the business has a temporary restraining order against it and the person running the business continues running the business without stopping.  That's what you have to do.

Document: a response that we got back after sending questions to the agency that obtained the temporary straining agency in court. And they did it with 3 avidavits that had no relevance whatsoever. What's supposed to happen is the agency obtains the physician's affidavit from a physician who's identified someone affiliated or identified with that business as having a communicable disease and then take action.  So that never happened.  What they're doing is policing interventions that they've imposed on businesses, but they're not policing the discovery and administration of a communicable disease.  They're acting as if everybody has it, so they're only policing the intervention, which has yet to be proven anyways.  So by these discovery questions, we're going to step it back a little bit.  And our purpose here in discovery is to ask for the basis of the junction, and then once we get enough discovery responses to get the restraining order dissolved.     

2:47  So we asked if we could see the copies of all the physicians' affidavits, identifying the defendant or anyone associated with the defendant as having been suspected of a communicable disease.  And then the attorneys--there was the county and the city involved in this--responded back with a really bogus objection, saying, "Well, we object because your question is too complicated.  It's vague, ambiguous, overly broad, it's confusing."  And so they cite this case law, but they know that the question is garbage, so they went and answered the question anyway, so at the very bottom, you can see right here: none.  That's the answer.  [to what question?]  Where's the physician's affidavit identifying someone with my business as having a communicable disease?  Ah, none.  There isn't any. 

3:45  And what's interesting is that these attorneys pretty much have unlimited resources.  There's no excuse justifying an attorney who's answering this to not know or understand the question.  Not a difficult question.  It's an adult question.  It's not Cat in the Hat, right?  Nonetheless, it's not just one attorney.  It's any attorney.  Whoever did this and didn't understand the response, he could just call up another attorney or a physician and say, "Hey, what do you think about this question?"  Now we have a response under oath that says there is no physician's affidavit.  And that's actually required to have attained the temporary restraining order.  So they got the temporary restraining order by saying to the court, "This business wasn't complying with our interventions."  And the court replied by saying, "Okay, we'll give you the restraining order."  No, no, no.  [everybody in a court of law is leveraging each other]  That's not how it works.  You go to the court and say, "We've discovered a communicable disease, and here's the affidavit stating . . . ."  Can we have our restraining order, and then the judge can yes, and then you have a hearing with the business owner to determine if that restraining order should be sustained.  [so no issuance by the court is permanent]  

5:15  We're going to use the answer to get rid of the restraining order.  So, for business owners, this might be the worst-case scenario.  This is the thing that terrifies people, okay.  Your attorney should know this.  Have to understand the jurisprudence so you can get these guys, you can beat them.  And you can beat them.  But you've got to start at the beginning and you've got to know what the beginning is, okay.

Identify anyone--employee, customer--as having contracted a disease as a result of patronizing my business.  

attorney bar number: Lexus law
west law.  check case law.  bench book
cheaper if you do a memorandum

Sunday, December 25, 2022

this leads to a situation where we're witnessing the collapse of modern society.

When they say "eliminate carbon," they mean us

People are being exploited through the financial system because they don't understand what their property rights are.  And privacy is a property right.  And what the hell does privacy have to do with debt collection?  And I can tell you that I've used it in every single case to fix someone's situation, to restore where they were.  Here's an example.  Say a chiropractor is running an office, and for some reason, he ends up with a huge debt to the IRS, and let's say that the IRS is doing what's called a "till take," where all his receivables are being levied by the IRS every time they come in or every month or something, so maybe he's getting levies $30,000 a month or more.  So what I do, is I come into his business, I do not change his accounting, I don't talk to his CPA, and I'm not even a CPA.  If I need accounting, I go to a CPA.  I don't do that work. 

I do financial risk management.  I will restructure his company and create a payment fraudulent service that is an innocent 3rd party that then receives all the money.  Now his company owes the IRS, and I don't care if he owes them or not, the IRS is taking all of his stuff, or money, I just moved his stuff to a new organization and cut off the IRS in one hour.  The IRS cannot take anything.  So the IRS then has to be polite and come to the table and say, "Hey, Mr. Chiropractor, would you like to work out a payment plan?"  And that's when I get involved officially and act on behalf of the company.  In the meantime, my client's running his business unimpeded.  I've reorganized his property rights and I didn't argue with the IRS to do it and I stopped the collection.  And most of the time, I make that client uncollectible.  And I don't care if he's a multimillionaire, I will get the IRS to agree that he's uncollectible.  That he cannot pay.  I did everything legally.  Didn't do anything fraudulent.  

8:55  In the process of learning all that, they bring in the fake public health emergency, violating public health policy on public health policy that's been established for a century.  I see that as another property rights problem that's being used to exploit people in the health industry.  It tricks somebody into thinking he has a disease and he goes for the treatment, the problem, the treatment creates the disability.  The treatment creates the illness.  There was no illness.  It never existed, right?  Well, how do you articulate that?  You walk into a place, into a grocery store, and they ask that you wear a mask because we're supposed to protect everybody, we're going to save you, right?  "Oh, that's so great!  So I want to see evidence that you actually do have financial responsibility in the event that I suffer the consequences that you're claiming to be able to protect me from." 

"No, no, no, we can't do that." 

"Well, then shut up." 

And now they get scared because you're putting the responsibility for their actions in your hands.

Yeah, it's very simple.  I told you about going into the doctor's thing where you go to the doctor for treatment on something that you already know obviously you need treatment on this thing.  And for the last couple of years, you have had to wear this mask.  You have to take this fake test.  So my question is Bryan calls me from the hospital, risk management supervisor.  

10:25  Put him on the phone, and I say, "Hey, I am your patient's ADA advocate.  I am an advocate under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  You're regarding my client as having a disability for which there has been no diagnosis.  Obviously, he is presenting with symptoms for which he does need treatment.  You're capable of providing the treatment and yet you're telling him you won't do it until he submits to another medical treatment which is completely underrated for which he has not been diagnosed.  That sounds like an assault, negligence, and malpractice.  See how fast they are so nice to my client.  They walk him in.  They treat him like a king in the hospital because I just talked about a property right. 

It's so remarkable the words they use against ys and how simple it is once you understand those basic principles.

And the concept.  

"Okay, you want to protect me?  Prove that you can."  And prove that you have to have financial responsibility. And also, prove that you have the duty to do so because there's a doctrine called the doctrine of the assumption of risk. So if you engage in a dangerous activity, it's well-known that everybody understands the danger in it. No one else is liable but you.  If there's a risk to the entire community and everybody's aware of it, and it's every man for himself, there isn't one party who is going to be legally liable for your demise.  There is no insurance for that, right?  So you cannot possibly . .   can't even establish approximate or probable cause.  So I love having my clients listen to my calls, "Just write letters to retailers where you live and tell them that you were at their place of business last week, you caught COVID, and you want to know what the insurance is to make a claim, right?  Just see how fast their general counsel writes back to say "Oh, we're not insured for that."

12:30  Okay.  Then why are you telling everybody that you can protect them?  It works so easily though, but you've got to talk to the right people though.  Not to the cashier.  It's got to be the decision-maker.  

12:55  Ignorance and fear are the control mechanism of the slave master.  And once people rise above ignorance, they automatically rise above fear.   

That mask is the constant reminder that you need to be afraid, and if you're not afraid shame on you.

Now, this leads to a situation where we're witnessing the collapse of modern society. Or we're witnessing the destruction of it: the supply chains and everything else.  So this fake thing that's going in right now is an aspect of the climate change hoax.  It's a complete hoax as you all probably know because back in the 80s like I said, I was not a good student. I left high school in 1987 and went to college, and even then I was a C student.  BTW, I had to rake chemistry twice to get a C.  And I had to hire a tutor and I still got a C.  I alone decided, okay, if there's more carbon in the atmosphere and there are things in the biosphere made of carbon you would think that the biosphere would be happy and absorbent and there's this homeostasis.  And sure enough, we have science on the books.  How in the heck are we arriving at "Aaaaaaahhhh!!!! the earth is breaking up"? 

Talk about the science.  The science is on the books. Earlier, thriving ecosystems had twice the carbon in the air

We have a carbon deficit right now.  When they say "eliminate carbon," they mean us.  They want to eliminate people.  

14:50  And BTW, fossil fuels are on the scientific determination, 1892, the Geneva Convention, tables where the scientists got together and said let's establish some definitions for some nomenclature.  Let's talk about what is fossil fuel.  Well, it's a thing that's a thing that used to be combusted, that used to be part of something that was living.  Okay, so that's compost.  That's a tree that died a long time ago.  That's not where oil comes from.  Oil is a consequence of the geological movement.  It's a product of the earth.  It's a mineral. It's not a fossil fuel.  It ain't from something that was living.  We have more oil and coal . . . we have so much coal that we can continue wasting it . . . because our energies are so inefficient for several centuries and never pay attention and it wouldn't destroy the earth.  The atmosphere would say thank you very much.  And we'd have more trees everywhere.  So we're heading to a point, where we're creating a situation where there's a breakdown in the supply chain, "John, what are you doing?"  Well, I live on a 1/5th acre here.  I bought 91 acres just in Cedar Key, Florida, okay, by Gainsville on the gulf.  And so I want to create the situation where you can walk in . . . my wife is from Europe, and in Europe, they don't have lawns, such a wasteful use of land.  16:15  They have tomato vines, and grape vines and they're in the front yard.  And if you walk down the street from where my wife is from, you can just get a bag and pick tomatoes and stuff and everybody loves when you do that because they're too lazy to get it because they already have so much food.  Here it's ridiculous.  If I try to put up a banana tree in my front yard, the HOA is going to talk smack about it.  So this is what we need to do.  We need to coordinate with our neighbors. At least start talking to your neighbors.  

An HOA is a private membership association.  It's exclusive to homeowners.  And if you're not a homeowner or renter, same thing, in that neighborhood, you ain't in it.  That's what makes it private.  The problem is we're not paying attention, right, we're busy watching TV or on the computer.  Well, the HOA has lee rights, and today they're run by psychopaths for the most part.  We can cure that.  Simple.  If the voting already took place months ago, call a special session, get your friends and neighbors, and vote them out.  No big deal.  

17:35  And then do this: an HOA has a perpetual lien on every property in the neighborhood.  That may not mean too much to you, but remember, I come from financial risk, right.  If I don't pay my mortgage or if I don't pay my property tax, it gets foreclosed on me.  The title gets stripped away from my name, and whoever I didn't pay, gets to take the title and then sell the property and someone else gets it.  The one thing that didn't change there, is my mortgage lien got exhausted, or it foreclosed on or I paid it off.  My state tax lien got exhausted because it was paid off when it got auctioned off.  My HOA lien did not: it's in the second lien position.  But it never goes away.  Now, check this out.  Let's say you see what's going on in your community, they're shutting everything down, they're torturing people, committing genocide, and you say, "I'm not paying for this."  I'm not going to pay my property taxes.  I tell my neighbor 

49:49  The idea behind cryptographic currency and the technology there . . . remember, this technology is ours.  Mathematicians created cryptocurrency 

54:35  There's a help desk function.  Takes a week to respond sometimes.  Can reach him on telegram.  ID is JJsingleton.  Telegram seems to be the best way to get a hold of him., $300 to $600 to join, where he talks about a lot of these legal concepts.  Video membership with an inner circle where he talks about some really technical things. He mentions The Zunga. $600 to join.  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Find Rogue News @ RealRogueNews.

00:58  Fresh hot off a trial.  I just put that attorney in her place.  John just crushed an unemployment attorney in New York City.  John was representing.  He absolutely massacred this crazy psychopath.  I mean blood was coming out of her neck.  

No, she needs therapy now.  She was crying at the end of the hearing.  You know how you make closing arguments?  She wanted to say more, and the judge said "Look, I'm sorry, I can't help you."  

We're facing energy crisis like never before.  Inflation crisis like never before.  And I think right now is no better time in American history where people need to rediscover entrepreneurship, which was something that made this country great, that made this country unique among nations because at the advent of the early years of the United States pretty much everybody was an entrepreneur.    

2:55  The conversation I am having is that it's looking like we need to have a new society.  There're the people who understand what is going on, and then there's the Muppets.  It's the Muppets that have been sitting on our resources.  So, what do we do?  We just have to be our same old selves.  We have to be entrepreneurs, we have to think, we have to collaborate, like you and I do.  I mean you and I can go out in the world and make deals with people.  We have the idea that we can make money and we can serve other people and we can get along.  Whereas the Muppets are stuck in the world of "I need my government benefits and where do I wait in line for my next job?"  And that's all they know.  So, here's our problem.  I could set up a business or something, but where do I get my resources?  Who do I hire?  So this is the big question.  We need to have land that we have use of.  I just bought a bunch of land.  And I am going to create a deed, put deed restrictions on it, and make it into my own township.  It's going to make its own water, energy, and these things.  Nothing new.  It's easy to do.  Nothing miraculous.    

4:00  But a lot of people need to move in that direction or join people that are in that direction.  But also consider . . . what the heck do you do in an environment where you can't get supplies that you absolutely need, like that part for your car, or that part for your AC unit that we spoke about before? I think we need to be in a position to make that stuff.  What do you think? 

4:44  Aspects from the health realm.  There's going to be opportunities there in terms of natural supplements, like growing necessary herbs that you need for immune system health.  The more we decentralize, the more self-sufficiency, self-manufacturing that we do the better off we are.  I mean this morning, the European Union has decided to close in their circular firing squad and shoot themselves with, right? They've decided on a partial ban on Russian gas, petroleum and hydrocarbon products, which will breed starvation and economic ruin in Europe, which doesn't benefit anybody, even the morons over at the World Economic Forum.  These are idiots who think they have all this nascent talent in countries that they govern.  Thankfully, the U.S., thank God the founding fathers were able to buffer much of the tyranny.  If we did not have those things in place we'd be just like the European Union.  We'd be like that moron, Justin Trudeau, who's ran for election 20 or 30 times, and he has 300 scandals in any given week and somehow this idiot is still in power.  And via edict, he just basically banned handguns in Canada.

6:24  Well, they want to make our lives as difficult as possible.  When I say "they," I mean the people behind the show that you're watching.  They want to make our lives as difficult as possible so of course, starving us out, cutting off the fuel, jacking up the prices is going to make a lot of people angry.  And all they talk about is who to blame.  

7:35  They want to make it so that you can't exist in society, so this is what we're talking about.  You can't live in this society the way we've had it.  People like us--we're the target.  They want us to be excluded from society.  Okay, fine, I don't want to be with the idiots.  But if I don't have access to the resources, then I guess I need to figure out how to do that.  So, one thing is I need to be able to make things locally.  I need to be able to make them, to do that.  Maybe I need to go around and find car parts.  I need to find a big round of trash the county put aside, right?  Because we don't actually recycle the trash.  We tell people to recycle, but we put it in a big mound and stick pipes in there, and we put sod on it and let the methane out and we just let it sit there for decades.  So, if we go over there and grab those raw materials, we can make things.  I've seen people on the internet make fuel and plastic from waste products.  

The more self-sufficient we are, the better we'll all be.  

Buy 2 tow trucks, run a tow-truck service, $10,000 to $20,000.

25:55 Look at the example of Cuba.  All these classic cars still running on the streets.  How?  Embargo against them for 50 years, still is maybe, they can't get new cars, new car parts, what did these guys do?  Jury rig, or something.  They had to figure out how to do their own metallurgy or welding.

26:18  Iran, after the Islamic Revolution, go to Iran right now and you'll find American muscle cars, 1960s Camaro SS's, Pontiac Judge, GTO's, older Mustangs, you'll find all these muscle cars left over and they can't get any parts for them, but you have an entire cottage industry popping up that is making parts for these cars.  A lot of times these metal parts can be replaced with a high-density resin.  You don't need a metal part.  We always like to do a giveaway.  You and I end up doing that every time we do a call like this.  If you like the idea of owning the mechanic shop that you like to take your car to--you pay your mechanic a lot of money, but you trust him--and he's going to do a good job and he has a good staff and all this stuff, why not buy the shop?  Here's why.   You buy the shop and start adding new services, creating a niche market.  You bring in more niche markets and start making more money, but don't bring in more money until you buy the shop, right?  One of the things you could do is make cars run more efficiently.  Who would want that now?  

There's a 3-step process.  Step 1: you can remove the throttle body from the engine.  Has to be a gas engine.  You take the throttle body off and you carb it out a certain and it causes the fuel to turn into a plasma.  This a little bit different than a mist; it's a plasma.  And you put it back in the car and it will dramatically increase your mileage 20% to 50%.  There are 2 more things that you can do to the engine and still keep it in spec and keep the engine warranty.  If you were to bring that in where there are qualified mechanics and show them the procedure, they could put together a whole marketing thing for an F-150.  If you want to take over a business like that, that's what I would do.  I would come in there with a business idea that could possibly make more money.  I told my son . . . he actually gets paid by the Jiu-Jitsu gym to help the owner, and he trusts him.  He's like the Assistant Manager.  Why don't you buy into the gym?  You understand the business, you have a good rapport with the people that work there, and maybe it's $50,000.  It's not a lot of money and maybe you can finance the $50,000 but here's the thing: the gym wants to expand; the owner wants to get a new location.  Why don't you come in there with an offer to buy into it so that now you are a co-owner with the original owner, and you then come in there with a new marketing plan but still he would be running it.  And I don't care if he does it.  My thinking is that I want my children to think that way.  I mean if you're asking me, "What can we do, John?"  Well, there's an idea.  Okay, $50k might be beyond people, but you can find it, or maybe you just need a better idea.  

29:37  That's thinking out of the box, and people don't think that they can do that.  The reality is folks that you definitely can.  Last but not least, John, let's talk about some of the limitations that people are facing in terms of credit.  They're worried about debt collectors, things of that sort.  What's your advice to them, so that they're not hampered by the fear of all this nonsense? 

30:00  Don't be afraid.  Okay, for 30 years I've been telling people 

Monday, July 11, 2022


Who is Voyager Digital?  What do they do?  What do they sell?  Voyager is a crypto app.  It looks like they went out of business and filed for bankruptcy with their customers holding the bag.   

Thursday, May 26, 2022

BUSINESSES ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW . . . they can't make you take a line of cocaine as a condition of coming into the store . . . [They're] not your own legislative body.

John Jay Singleton is a consultant from Orange County, Florida.  His website is called Ace of Coins.  You'll find a "Help" link on that page where you write a message to John.  
Laws are not written to give you rights.  Laws are written to restrict those from violating your rights.  --Peggy Hall

To be clear, Peggy makes a joke when she says that companies can do anything, hey, they're a private company. A few conditions with that. One, when a company claims to be private, what they're claiming is that they're not government-owned the way some are under communism. Two, privately owned does not mean they're a private club that requires annual or monthly dues and access is only to men or to white men or rich men.  Three, businesses are not above the law or cannot violate their own law in their own corporate charter. 

Here is a 56-page guide on how to sue Sprouts

7:00. "Grocery store won't let you in?  Okay, that's false imprisonment."   

Don't have to sue Sprouts but you can put them on notice. 

12:55. "You have a right to rely upon the law.  . . . you want to pick a fight and win it."  There's a money interest behind everything we're seeing.  Sprouts is the bad boy.  Let's see who is out there that's going to make the rest of us pay.  Fine.   

14:09. Put them on notice.  1.  Notify the Chief Counsel.

So many holes in their scam that if they succeed in what they're doing, it's on us. There's no reason why they should prevail in this . . . the moneyed interests who want us to submit. 14:47.  

16:30. Document what's going on. 

17:22. It's illegal to stop you.  It's illegal to stop your path.  It's illegal to touch you.  Illegal to prevent you from continuing to walk.  

18:14. If you're walking into any business that is open to the public, and they try to stop you it's a crime.  It's known as unlawful restraint or false imprisonment to prevent you from going somewhere. Even if you have the freedom to leave that area, your liberty to go into that store available to anyone else has been strained against your will and that's a crime.  The person doing that to you can be arrested.

18:50. Making a scene is not our solution.  Documenting it is where we win.  

18:55. Understanding your right when you walk in the store no matter what anyone says to you.  You can ignore them and keep on walking.

19:02. You don't have to tell them anything.  If they physically restrain you, that's another issue. 

19:27. If Sprouts intends to deny services to you, you'll be informed of that.  The manager will tell you.  What happens when the manager sends over their monkees?  He and his friend both got banned from Sprouts.  That's not winning.  

20:04. My manager said I can't sell this to you.  

Are you denying me service because of the disability I have? 

MGR: No, we're not doing that because you won't comply with the law!

20:12. Well, I just want to get confirmation that I'm being denied services because I have a disability. (Get that admitted somehow; have that discussion)

And I got his name, that's important too.

NOTICE OF DISCRIMINATION, an incident report form. Not a legal document but it's very satisfying.  Date, person's name, what they look like, this is the name of the store, here's what went on, serve it to the person, snap a photo of it, so you have a record and a document.  

21:38. Get them to acknowledge it in some way.  Incident report becomes an element in a cause of action.  A Cause of Action means you CAN sue them, but you don't have to.  Include a one-half-page letter to the CEO, the Chief Counsel, this is an attorney now and his job is to manage risk for the ENTIRE COMPANY.  He measures out the insurance rates, consults with the insurance companies, and tells the store what its policy should be regarding . . . spills.  

Document it and you're halfway there.  But you also want to get the person who is responsible for that facility, for the premises at that time.  You'd be surprised.  We went ti Planet Obstacle recently and the cashier want me and my 2 little girls to wear masks.  And I asked, "Are you the manager for this facility right now?"  He says yeah.  I said are you responsible for the entire facility at this time?  Then he weighed it and said yeah.  That means something to these people.  Okay, you're requiring medical intervention for me and my two daughters.  So if I act upon your medical intervention and have them wear a mask like you're saying, and they go out and play and you've not conducted any medical examination, so you don't know their medical history at all, nor are you competent . .  is there a physician on-site?  So are you willing to accept the responsibility and liability if one of my daughters collapses in an unconscious state?  Do you have insurance for this?  

He said, look, you guys don't have ti do all that stuff.  He was going to let us come in for free.  

I'll pay.  I just want to see where we are here with liability.  Next thing he knew, all the kids in the place took their masks off and had a good time.  Parents took their masks off because they saw my family without their masks on, so . . . .

24:09.  So bring the store manager over and get that person to identify, and admit, that he or she is responsible for that entire property.  Then you get them to say, "Okay, are you denying me services now?" and Because the reason is that I am unable to wear a mask, or am unwilling because it violates my religious convictions.  And no matter what, no matter what they, they're going to deny you the service, you're done.  Then leave.  You don't have to push it to where the police come.  

24:45  The other day, the police did show up because the manager was flustered.  While he called the police, other customers heard the conversation and they came out and said, "Yeah, this is crazy.  We shouldn't be doing this."  this was at Sprouts.  I went with a client, who was in the area.  Cop arrives and asks if they're the guys the manager called about, and he said yeah, and the cop said, well, have a nice day.  

25:35  ***If the police are called, that is cause for more damages.  The cause is exacerbating the situation unnecessarily.  He didn't need to do that.  There was no . . . 

25:50  When a business is open to the public, it has its own policies.  They can make their own policies, but they still have to be within the confines of the law.  They can't run, which they're trying to do, a demonic cult, right?  They can't make you take an aspirin or a line of cocaine as a condition of coming into the store, right?  They can't make those kinds of policies obviously.  Sure you guys can make whatever policy you want but you still can't break the law.  You're not your own legislative body.   

26:45  Peggy:  Police show up and say, "Store policy, store policy."  I never want to hear that again.  Bring the NOTICE OF DISCRIMINATION WITH YOU WHENEVER YOU ARE GOING OUT.  Add the name of the manager.  You're very calm, you're polite, and you say, "Hey, I just want to be sure that you're requiring a medical intervention, so are you the physician on staff?" and they'll go "No."  Can I talk to the person in charge of the facility?  They come over and you confirm, "So, you're in charge of the entire facility at this time?" and they will either say yes or no.  You get their name as well and say "I just want to see where we are here with liability because you're requiring me and my kids to wear a mask, and you know, you're not their doctor, you haven't examined them, so I want to make sure that if something bad happens--do you have the liability to handle this?  Don't blow it out of proportion.  Hopefully, it's not going to escalate to where the police come.  If they deny you, you fill out that INCIDENT REPORT, which you will use when you do the CAUSE OF ACTION, which might be suing, it might not, but if they call the police, that actually makes your case even stronger because that was an unnecessary action.  If they charge you with trespassing and they ask you to leave, it's a good idea to leave.  You don't want to damage your stance by being belligerent, or by causing a public nuisance, but you want to have the strongest course of action possible.  If you are being harassed . . . I've had a Healthy American member who was being pelted with walnuts in bulk, someone taking a clump of them and throwing them at them.  That's assault.  And that's when you call the sheriff and you say I'm reporting a crime in progress.  

30:15  Think of it as a Slip and Fall.  That's exactly the liability that that property owner or manager has.  Now sometimes they're covered, and sometimes they're not because there's an issue of negligence for which they would not be covered.  An example would be breaking the law and resulting in an injury.  So here's an example.  I walk into a store, and the guy with a mask says, "You must have a mask or else you can't come in here," and he blocks my way.  Okay, that's a crime right there.  What crime?  Because the moment I have a civil cause of action, I also have a criminal cause of action.  

31:00  Florida statutes, 687 or 681, if you're wearing a mask, usually that's not a problem.  In some jurisdictions, or in some cases, that is a problem to wear a mask, or it used to be.  If you're wearing a mask now, and you're doing a certain thing, that is literally a crime.  [Okay, John, I need specifics here.]  That's a 2nd-degree misdemeanor in Florida.  So a person who's an employee of a business who is standing at the entrance, who gets in your way and says you can't come in here unless you do a thing, whatever that is, that's a crime.  It's also an assault.  I'm not saying these people need to be prosecuted, but just realize what your rights are and what their obligations are, and realize what the law is.  It's assault when you feel intimidated by someone wearing a mask.  That's the definition of assault.  That's a trespass on you.  It's called a TRESPASS ON THE PERSON.  There are a lot of trespass issues, so let me explain how that works.  

32:24  When you're walking into a retail place of businesses open to the public, it is not a private membership association; it's not a private club.  It's open to everybody, whoever you are.  Obviously, you've got to wear clothes, right?  Obviously, there are standards that we have: you have to have shirts and shoes.  It is not trespass when you're in a public building and the manager tells you to leave for any reason.  If the manager calls the cops, and the cops tell you to leave, the cop can then give you a trespass warning . . . .  They can make it to where you can never go back there unless you want to be arrested.  That has to do with how the legislature wrote the language in the statute.  You can get out of that, but you have to argue the case.  You've got to be in court.  I recommend avoiding that but understand this: when you go into a store, you have an irrevocable license to be there.  Why?  Because it's open to the public.  It's an irrevocable license.  A license is the privilege of being there.  The privilege was extended by all the investors, store owners, and managers that opened the store up and said, "Hey, guys, come on in and buy our stuff."  That's the privilege.  Now, if I go over to my neighbor's house next door and open the door and walk into his kitchen, open the fridge and get some pudding or something, that I don't have a privilege for.  He can shoot me for that.  

34:00  I do have that privilege at Publix.  So, for someone to come along and impose illegal requirements or act in an unlawful way is a trespass against you.  You are not trespassing.  Now because you have an irrevocable license does not mean that you can do anything you want.  If you disrupt the business or you hassle people, make a scene . . . you have to really hassle people.  If you call the manager for help on something, that's not really harassing anybody even though the manager may not want to talk to you.  But because you have an irrevocable license, it's not trespass unless there is a violation, and that's a keyword.  For example, if someone calls the cops on you, the cops understand this part of it.  they're trained differently.  Sometimes you can talk to them if you want to talk to them.  Understand that you have an irrevocable right to be there, so if the cops show up . . . and let's say that you were shopping and someone decides to call the cops on you even though you've done nothing, if the police say, "Look, the manager called us and says that you're trespassing,  [35:11] and he wants you to leave, your response would be "Has there been a violation?"  And you'll watch the police officer--he knows what that is.  You're trying to persuade anyone; I'm not trying to win an argument with a cop.  What you're trying to do is document what is going on here.  "I talked to Officer Jones, on this date, at this time, apparently the manager called the police on me while I was shopping.  At the time, the store was open to the public, as they always are, and I asked the officer if he had any evidence of any violation, "Do you have evidence of any violation?"  Am I being accused of violating the public peace, breaching the peace, harassing anyone, what type of violation is it, Officer?  Now, you're not trying to be flippant with him or anything.  You literally want to know.  See what his response is and make a record of this.  You've got to write it down, take a picture, do a voice recording onto your phone.   If there's been no violation, there is no trespass.  There is no trespass unless there's a violation.  

37:00  When the cops come out, you can be removed if there is a violation or if there is no violation.  And if you want to challenge it, there are causes of action that are civil.  You can also challenge it by going the route of getting arrested, which I don't recommend. Not sure you'd win the case if you allowed yourself to get arrested . . .because it's not necessary.  It's a civil matter but you can win on the fact that there's been no violation. 

37:25  And the judge might say to you like, "What's the problem?  Why don't you just leave?  You're in the right but why didn't you just leave?  For example, one store wouldn't let us in, so we left and just shopped elsewhere.  We sued them.  

38:00  So the judge asked, "You sued them, why did you go back there?"  Use your head a little bit and be rational.  So just because you are right, don't act righteously.  Yes, you're right.  I know they're wrong.  Just be patient.  This might take a few months.  Work gets around.  Just 3 people led 15 people.  Here's where we win guys: identify to the organization the financial risk. It's not about like what you see in the movies, where you win a case and like civil action and the jury finds in your favor, and . . . it's not going to happen.  It doesn't work that way.  Most cases do not end up before a jury, and most cases in this country do not go to trial. Most cases are resolved in summary judgment.  So, you document what's going on.  You get the responsible people.  If there's an issue of trespass, realize where there is a trespass.  It's a trespass to the person if you're being threatened or intimidated by someone with a mask.  It's an irrevocable license if you go into a business that's open to the public.    

39:36  There has to be a violation before there is a trespass.   And what's interesting is that there needs to be 2 witnesses.  A cop would be a witness and the store manager.  If there's a violation, there needs to be a witness.  You don't want to be a witness against yourself.  So by engaging in something that is disruptive, you become a witness [40:00] . . . against yourself.  Why do that, right?  [Oh, God.  Had never put that idea into those terms.  Wow.]  Live your life, go through the process, and if you encounter this, understand what your rights are and document what is happening, and then you can take it to the responsible people.  So the next level would be, you would leave the store.  In a lot of places that are providing services would be like a barber shop . . . it's different than a store because they'll tell me to wear a mask at a store, but I'll ignore them.  I mean I'll go in there to buy my stuff and they deny me services; there are only one or two stores that deny me services.  But in a barber shop, the barber can just say, "I'm not going to cut your hair."  It's not so easy; it's not like I'm just going to pick something off the shelf, right?  So in a case like that, if you really like the place, like my dentist, like Peggy did a great thing with the dentist thing . . . I haven't tried that yet.  You talk to the people rationally, "I already took my temperature, I already talked to the dentist, I'm just going to walk down the hallway . . . I'm not going to wear a mask, I feel it's the mark of the beast, or whatever.  

41:00  [PEGGY]  It's not just about the masks.  The reason we're talking about the masks is that you will be denied entry.  This is a test case, a trial balloon.  And somehow, Sprouts raised its hand, and was selected, or appointed to be the most militant of the retail grocery stores, because some are really easy-going.  I've never been denied in Ralph's.  One sweet little girl was following me around, she looked so scared to tell me.  They're being paid to enforce these unenforceable laws.  [Just as hospitals get incentives from Medicare and Medicaid to record a death as COVID and diagnose the flu as COVID, retailers get paid by the government to enforce illegal rules on its paying customers.  It's bigger than the mask.  It's about freedom.  We have free and equal access to public places, to the courts, to schools, health clinics, hair salons, and dentists.  I'm going through it with our local swimming pool and they want to take your temperature.  

Why do you want to take the temperature?  
We're following the guidelines . . . 
And you know the guidelines aren't law, right?  
Yes, we know, but it's our duty to keep everyone safe.  
Oh, safety!!  I have an idea to make it even more safe!!  You don't want me showing up if I have a fever, do you?  
No, that's why we take your temperature.  
How about if I take my own temperature at home?  And if I have a fever, I won't show up.  Wouldn't it be horrible if someone took my temperature and there I was standing in front of them with a fever?  Breathing on them?       

They don't know what to say.  You caught them on it.  If you want to do this Gustapo safety thing, I will give you safety!  Because I'm relentless like you are John, and I'm never going to give up.  If you say this, I'm going to find that.  If they say do X, I'm going to do X.  One of my adages is that there's always another way, and I'm going to find it.  There's always another way.  If you're afraid about the temperature, then I'll take my own temperature.  No, no, we have to see it.  Well, I will take my own temperature with a thermometer that I bought at CVS.  Because I do not give you permission to undertake a medical intervention.  Now, it is a little tricky at the doctor.  The last time I went to the doctor was about a year ago, they did take my temperature and they also took my blood pressure, because I was at the doctor's office.  That, to me, is not as egregious as going to the dentist.  So I called the dentist and gave them the same schpiel, and they said, "Ah, that totally makes sense."  One of them said, "Why don't you just snap a picture of the temperature reading on your phone and send it in?"  That would be more sanitary if I have to sneeze than a mask would be. [45:39]    

Don't lose your cool.  Don't act righteously even though you're in the right.  Because this is about the long game.  I am astonished that people.  46:30  Got to plan in advance.  Got to know which stores are friendly, which ones are not.  The bigger issue is to not let a business trample over your rights under some pretend banner of "We have the right to refuse service."  Yes, they do but they can refuse you service only if there is an incident.  Don't surrender your rights up freely.  Do not comply.  There is a way to be defiant that will actually serve you.


1.  Document what is going on. 

2.  You have an irrevocable license for a place of business.  

3.  There has to be a violation of trespass. 

4.  Don't argue with the cop.  This isn't the place to do it.  

5.  You need 2 witnesses.  

They need it to prosecute a case, but you're never going to get there.  You just want to document everything, and then get out of there.   

The property rights issue we're talking about here is a testing ground to see how many people will give up their rights.  These are property rights, these are not constitutional rights.   You don't have a Constitutional right.  48:22  The Constitution is supposed to restrain government.  We had rights like that before they had written laws.  If we don't stop this, and we don't find those testing grounds, like Sprouts, get them, and put a stop to it now, they're going to conclude that their model is working and all we need to do is spread it out now.  We need to jump on those, and that's why I am doing this.  

48:47  Property Rights.  Okay, this is where most of society is being taxed out of existence.  It's through taxing people's intangible property rights.  An intangible property right is something like deciding what I am going to wear today.  Also, my right for no one to hear a conversation I am having unless I want them to.  That's called a Privacy Right.  Privacy is a property right.  It doesn't come from a law.  It's a human right.  But who defends human rights?  That's why we have all of these written statutes, like the Patients' Bill of Rights.  These are basically telling the insane people, like corporations, right, what rights people already have and what restrictions you have, you insane corporation.  BTW, corporations are defined as insane persons.   

PEGGY, 49:50  Laws are not written to give you rights.  Laws are written to restrict those from violating your rights.  

We're all born with God-given rights.  Property rights [your body] and privacy right [preference for exclusion].  And these other Bill of Rights are there to explain to others clearly so they understand where the line is and they may not violate those rights.  

We're not just trying to cause trouble in society.  There's something else going on here, and we realize that.  Viruses are not contagious between people anyways.  COVID-19 is not a virus; it doesn't exist.  it's never been isolated.  There are no documents on it.  Someone has patented it, I believe this CDC, has patented the genetic material that they modified and they called it COVID-19.  The human body has about 18 Coronaviruses.  The human body makes coronaviruses to clean itself.  They cannot, do not, travel in the air, they're not in a place, you don't have to wipe everything down all the time, don't wash your hands with sanitizers.  Ther's methanol in that; that'll kill you.  About 70 to 90 brands have methanol in them.  That's the other part of this: COVID-19 is not a contagious virus.  and viruses are not contagious between people, bacteria are but not viruses.  A virus is a cleaning agent made by your human body.  It's like saying, "Ooh, we found that everybody has red blood cells."  

52:40 PEGGY  Take away cholesterol, and it induces Alzheimer's.  My dad died at the hands of medical terrorism.  The reason it's important to explain this stuff, friends, is there's a larger agenda at work, and we have to be on our toes, be on our toes about the medicine, about the science, about the social implications, and our focus today is on the legal remedies.  [This is a Florida department] 

53:30  JOHN, We can do this at any place where you're having this problem.  You can do this with anyone.  There is always an intake form for the Department of Health.  Now the Department of Health is behind this scam.  But the Department of Health is supposed to police situations where people who are not authorized or licensed are giving medical advice.  Brief story:  we went to Applebee's the other day, and we couldn't sit down without wearing a mask.  Of course, I'm not going to do that.  I'll never do that, so my wife just called up another Applebee's and we went to the other one and we were fine.  So I do the thing I always do, I ask for the floor managers, but in this case, the guy was the General Manager.  Got him to admit, yeah, you can't wear a mask.  So I documented all that.  So I filed a complaint with the Department of Health on their own form, explaining that there's an employee at AppleBee's restaurant who is requiring patrons to undertake a medical intervention as a condition of patronizing the restaurant.  So I filled out this form and sent it to the DOH, they called me a couple days later to ask "What's up with the complaint at Applebee's?  I said it concerns a restaurant.  She said for that I would have to contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation [This is a Florida department.]  Well, I already know that.  And I know who I'm supposed to be calling.  Well, actually this concerns Section 456.065, and she goes "Oh, really?"  I said yeah, there's an individual at the store who is imposing medical interventions as a condition for patronizing the restaurant.  And she goes, "Well, we definitely need to see all the facts on that."  So she goes, "Let us review everything and let us get back to you."  So the DOH is behind pushing this, and so is the Department of Business.  They're probably doing that in your state too.  It's not just the DOH, [55:34] they're using other agencies.  And now they're supposed to prevent people from giving medical advice who are not trained and qualified, insured, and licensed and all this stuff.  Do you know why there's licensing?  To get licensing, you're affecting the public.  You don't need a license to cut grass, but you do need a license to advertise to cut grass for someone else because you're open to the public because there's a risk to the public, so licensing allows the government body to regulate it, it also allows insurance carriers to gauge [56:08] their risk.  Because you've succeeded in getting a license, therefore, you must be insurable.  It all works together.  It really works well.  Sometimes, I don't like the licensing issue, it does work pretty well as long as it's not abused.  So when you have someone who is completely not licensed, who would never qualify for a license who's engaging in this, it would be like a person who is playing with fire at a daycare center.  That's how insurance looks at it.  [56:32]  So by filing a complaint with the Department of Health over violations of unlicensed practicing medicine, also denying you informed consent in that situation is another legal violation.  I don't know if it's an "unlicensed to practice medicine," but it is a legal violation in the medical area.  Informed consent requires that you be informed before you are given a chance to consent or not.  So you cannot be informed of a medical procedure unless you've been given all the pertinent information that's available to the physician who is going to consult with you.  You cannot have informed consent unless there's a licensed physician.  So a store manager, a restaurant owner, not going to [cut] do it, so you're already denied informed consent.  Along with the illegal medical intervention.  I mean that's a big issue.  Informed consent, you can slam on that all day long.  It's a big liability.  So now you've got a particular license to engage in, they have permission, to sell a thing to people in general.  But they're engaged in this activity over here where thes another set of licensing that they don't have, and they don't have qualifications.  [57:51The other issue is that they have no duty, a restaurant has no duty to protect the public.  You want to point that out to them.  This is another item you want to bring up to "the attention of," and you'll see this in the letter.  You bring that to the attention of the Risk Manager, the Chief Counsel for the Organization.  They have no duty to protect the public, but yet they're acting in that capacity.  Moreover, they don't just have zero duty to protect the public, they don't even have the capacity to protect the public.  And that language I am telling you right now comes from case law.  Go see the case law.  This is what judges have been saying for 50 years or a 100 years.  You have to have a duty to protect the public.  You have to have the capacity to protect the public.  That means you have to have the funding, the training, the equipment, and you have to be insured really.  The qualifications to engage in that activity.  If I saw a fire in my neighborhood, I couldn't just go over there and start putting it out . . . I mean I probably could but I really shouldn't.  I'm not qualified.  I don't understand all that stuff.  I'm not a fireman, so . . . that's why we have these restrictions.  Even if there was a pandemic, the law is still the same.  It doesn't repeal laws.  See, they have a problem.  You have the Dept of Health which is supposed to police the unlicensed practice of medicine yet they're pushing the unlicensed practice of medicine.  [59:16] We need to follow many, many complaints.  Because here's what happens.  You have an insurance liability for the one who is doing it for the entire business on that property, again, it's like a slip and fall, maybe a little bit worse.  But then you have a liability for your county and your state, probably your city, because they have a liability for pushing this.  They're part of it.  And I don't know what that liability is yet, but we're going to talk about how to address that too.  [59:47]  Okay, so now you have a Civil Liability where you get into the issue of  . . . religious convictions where you cannot be denied services because of a religious convictions.  You can't be denied services because of a disability if you're in a wheelchair, whatever.  So we all know that.  You have your different state laws.  And, of course, they're actionable.  There's a private right of action, which means you can sue under that particular statute, like in California like Peggy is talking about.  It's California Civil Code 51.  We have one here, it's Florida Statute 760, almost word for word.  And you can sue under that.  The way you sue though is that you don't just sue somebody.  You have to document it and then you have to try to work it out.  So you got to send them a letter, and tell them, "Hey guys, you messed up.  I'll give you a chance to fix it, let's work this out."  [100:35]  But you also need to send a letter to the administrative agency that is supposed to oversee this type of violation.  Normally, it'll be the Human Rights Commission, and you'll see my example here in these notes.  So there's a letter here . . . I didn't do a screenshot.  Like in the Sprouts example, we can bring in the state's . . . .  Page 5.  The subject of the letter is "Complaint for Unlawful Discrimination."  If you state your case properly, you're probably going to get the remedy you want without going to court.  They don't want to go to court.  I mean they don't want to go to court any more than you do.  It's expensive.  For them, it's really expensive.  If you go to court by yourself, you might pay like $500 in filing fees over a period of a year.  For those guys, it's literally like $50,000.  And as much as I don't like to, sometimes I win just because of the cost of litigation, and I would really like to win on the merits of the case.  But this will work in our favor, so you present it like this.  Here's my general statement here.  I went and got their own policy.  I copied the pertinent sections.  [102:15]  I printed every single page and put it in a binder.  If you have to do this, let's do this, right?  It was fun.  It was empowering.  I'd go in there with a binder.  The store manager runs over.  We had this conversation.  I said okay, "So you guys have a policy about mask-wearing?  He goes "Yeah."  I said, "Can you show me which page it is?"  It's like he couldn't believe I had . . . you know.  So he goes, "It's not in there."  So I said, "Can I see your updated one?" So he comes back with a piece of paper.  He's waving a piece of paper.  In black and white it says, "All Customers Must Wear a Mask."  I have to take it at face value.  So then I asked him, "This says that.  This is your policy.  This part of your policy says that you have to respect these issues, which are here."  Of course, he didn't respond to that; I didn't want to argue with the guy.  Why not bring a case against them, not for violating your civil rights, I mean we all know you have civil rights and stuff like that.  But why not get an injunction against them for something that they already admit to?  Why not bring a case where there really shouldn't be a dispute once the store sees the case and the case is I am suing you so that you all have to comply with your own policy?  So what are they going to say, "That's not our policy.  It's secret?" If you have a secret policy, that's not a store policy.  It has to be public because you're open to the public.  Just like the vaccine court.  Or the FISA Court.  Those are not courts even though they call them courts.  It's because they're secret.  There's no such thing as a secret court.  So there's no such thing as an unwritten or secret policy when it comes to issues from public business.  So when you sue them for an injunction against violating their own policy that incorporates all the laws they're supposed to follow, it makes it into one single issue which allows you the chance to win on summary judgment.  A Siummary Judgment says to the judge, "Hey Judge, you knliow what?  They've already admitted they have this certain policy, they've already admitted that thy've violated it, so I just want a sumary judgment because there's no controversy here."  

[104:47]  To confirm, John, an Injunction means that they will stop doing this action.  That's what an injunction is.  

[104:52]  Yeah, it enjoins them from breaking their own policy, they've violated their own policy, so the court would order them to comply with their own policy.  And don't ask for money.  I mean you can, but I would recommend not.  I don't think you should.  I just think that you should get Equitable Relief, which is an injuction.  And I think you can do it within 90 days.  We'll see.  I'am about to file one against Sprouts.  Is that the one where you brought your own handbook?  Yeah.  I told them, "Hey, I'll meet you down there on Monday, I want to document eerything."  I thought we were going to get out of there with our groceries.  I thought I was going to get some black cherry juice stuff and other things.  Now we have a perfect case.  We've got all the facts, and the case is basically what you're seeing here.   

[106:22]  You have the Human Rights Commission, or whatever it is in your state.  Send your letter there.  Articulate the thing.  Use my letter.  Use the language.  That is what you do when you send the company the pre-suit medication notice.  The note that says, "Hey, I was just at your store.  You did this thing.  It was wrong I thought.  And I'm sending you this letter to see if you can work this out.  And send it to the Chief Counsel and send it to the store manager.  Then send your report to the Department of Health, and send a letter to the Human Rights Commission, your state agency.  My recommendation on that is that you DON'T let the Chief Counsel of the organization, or the store manager, know that you're complaining to the State, like the Department of Health.  Don't let them know that because I think that it's in your interest that you want them to make a decision quickly.   And if they see that you've sent a letter to a state agency, the attorney might just say, "I"m going to wait and see what happens there," because a lot of them are afraid to make a decision.  So I want them to make a decision as soon as possible and in the background, I'm going to file these complaints where I can these letters, okay?  

BUSINESSES MEASURING OXYGEN LEVELS?  [107:25] The other health issue is that and it has been demonstrated [and you guys can look for this through the internet] you'll see where people have been measuring the oxygen levels and the mask-wearing.  There's a letter back from 2007, that was sent to OSHA, and an enforcement officer was talking about the science behind a particular regulation that I mention here.  This is an OSHA reg that covers the process by which an employer would make an employer or organization would make someone wear a mask on site.  29CFR.1910.134.  Certain precautions that have to be taken.  A physician has to be involved.  The person being told to wear a mask has to give his consent.  Even then you still can't make someone wear a mask.  

[108:17]  Peggy:  They're testing us.  They're seeing that people are compliant.  They're doubling down.  It's like California is one of the test states for the nation, like Hawaii is, New York, and others.  The other thing is they want to see . . . they have all of this written down, too.  They've told us that they're going to use test cases.  That they're going to say who is compliant and who is going to push back and all of that is in writing.  And the beauty of this is even with all of these regulations, and California is the leader in regulations, is you've made the bed.  You've given us all of this.  And your idea of filing the violations with the Health Department is brilliant because they are the very ones who are supposedly giving out the guidelines, and I believe that some of these health officers are going to start back peddling or they're resigning.  We've seen many of the Department of Health Directors resign in California.  I think it was Ohio, Connecticut, Oregon, and Colorado.  They've been falling like dominoes. And Healthy Americans, helps me, how many state and county health officers in your state have resigned or have just been appointed?  Many of these . . . when they realize they're placeholders, they don't want to go to prison.     

[110:00]  These guys are going down.  I just reported every member of my City Council for disaster fraud. 

[110:00]  All of these documents Peggy has at the Healthy American.  These are the tools you're going to use going forward: you're going to use them against vaccination, you're going to use them against contact tracing, you're going to use it against testing, you're going to use it at your workplace.  What about the courts who require you  to wear a mask inside the courtroom?  Understand property rights, privacy rights, irrevocable rights, and places of public accommodation.  

[112:30]  The Chief Judge is the person responsible for the courthouse.  And you want to in advance send a letter to the Chief Judge and let him know that he is accepting liability and responsibility, and that I have a whole list of things that he's going to be liable for.  You just put him on notice.  You don't need his consent at all.  You just tell him.  

[112:55] This is the OSHA regs.  29CFR.1910.134.  OSHA spent decades, since the 1970s, studying the science behind keeping workers safe mostly. And that has to do with wearing equipment that restricts air flow or oxygen. 

[113:10] Immediately when you put a mask on, it violates OSHA Safety Regulation the moment you put it on .  And the longer you keep it on, you increase the chance of you getting bacterial infections, like pleursy Legionairre's Disease and Streptococcus.  You're goint to see a lot of people with welts and infeections on their face.  This in itself is a safety violation.  Imagine if you file a copmlant with the DOH for them to puportedly requiring them to violate healtha nd safety laws and theyre in charge of health and safety, who's above the Department of Health?  More than likely it's going to be your State Attorney Gernal's office, and that's the person who prosecutes people for crimes.  That's the person who would prosecute somebody for dumpring toxic waste or polluting the water, you know, things like that.  So your next step up is the AG's office.  You need to document what's going on and you need to notify the DOH.  I mean all of us on this call could file 10 of these this week.  Just go to DOH, look for "Unlicensed Practice of Medicine," download the form, fill it out . . . .  Mail it in.  Just flood them with it.  

[114:36]  Peggy:  And that's going to go agaisnt Sprouts, the swimming pool manager, local hair salon, your dentist, mechanic, We're trying to get the Dept. of Health to stop breathing down your neck.  

How to Sue Sprouts or Other Businesses.  This is the only way to get businesses to abide by the law, by your civil rights, and maintain some civility in society.  Sad but these companies commit terrible acts.  


Notice of Discrimination

To start the preliminary documentation and preliminary notifications to a company, start with these letters.  

Discriminated against?  It can happen to the best of us.  See Item #3 here

Okay, when it comes to defending your civil rights, what you're doing is relying on the federal code 1964 U.S. Civil Rights law

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is federal civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination in numerous settings including employment, education, voting, and public accommodations.

“SEC. 201. (a) All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

See if this advances your understanding, your actions, and your strategy.