Showing posts with label Jim Ostrowski (@JimOstrowski). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jim Ostrowski (@JimOstrowski). Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Jim Ostrowski: City of Buffalo Putting Fluoride Back in the Drinking Water

4:35, PAM.  Pam says that fluoride has an accumulative effect.  So once it's in your body, it's there for a lifetime and it cannot be removed.  

On that point, I'm not so sure.  I think cilantro has a decent record of eliminating mercury, which is different, but it seems to help in the removal of fluoride.  But Pam says it's there for a lifetime.  So we'll wait and see, or we'll read and see.  She says that it is a neurotoxin, meaning that it can cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning that it injures the brain and the central nervous system.  The more than you take in, it slowly changes the body's chemistry and slowly brings on disease.  And the city of Buffalo, New York is putting fluoride back into the water without the consent of citizens.  It can hurt kidney function and bring on kidney failure, especially in our elderly population.  Many women do not have the money to buy spring water, fluoride-free, so they'll be cooking for their babies, cooking for their children, and making formula for their babies with fluoridated water.  We know that it reduces IQ, not a joke, this is real.  It's really true.  And once IQ goes down, it's not going to come back.  I'm a retired Buffalo School teacher.  The question is how many more special ed classes can we pack into a school?  

Fluoride that is used topically on your teeth is spat out.  You brush your teeth with it, you spit it out.  Imagine a sponge drinking water with fluoride.  Your body is a sponge, all of your cells start to absorb these toxic chemicals.  

Oh, is it natural, does it come from the earth?  Heck no.  Do you know where it comes from?  It comes from the atmosphere.  It's harvested from probably chemtrails.  It's part of the industrial waste.  
"Oh, well, we've got to find somewhere to put it.  Let's put it in our water.  Wow!  Great idea!" 

All I can tell you is that there is a family with a lawsuit against the city or a group of people and I would be willing to sit down with them and look at the other side of this.  It was a blessing that Buffalo didn't have fluoride in its water from 2015 'til tomorrow, and I hope it stops.  I hope that they forget to turn it on because this has been a vacation for us.  

As to chlorine, chlorine is used as a sanitizer.  Chlorine evaporates in the water.  Chlorine is not such a big deal.  Fluoride stays in the water, and it just keeps getting recycled year after year, it just doesn't leave.  Another thing we have enough of in our water is pharmaceuticals and parasites, these things don't get eliminated.  So now we have fluoride to add to the mix.  I'm having a rough day right now to think that my community is getting poisoned.  We've suffered enough here in Buffalo.  There's so much here going on with poverty.  So much going on with the education system.  It's sad.  Thank you, Jim, for letting me come on and speak. 

8:40, OSTROWSKI  I want to introduce Nicole.  All three of us took time out of our busy day on an emergency basis to come down here.  We have a lot of other things that we wanted to do.  I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that we are very passionate about this issue and that's why we're here today in a little bit of drizzle in front of Buffalo City Hall when we have other things to do.  So we really believe in this, so I am going to introduce Nicole now. 

9:17, NICOLE.  Hi, I'm here today as a resident in the city of Buffalo opposed to the fluoridization of Buffalo's drinking water.  This is an incredibly stupid battle that the public does not need to be fighting as it is the role of government to work with agencies to do what is in the best interests of the public's health, not serve some special interest.  Ample research exists about fluoride as a neurotoxin, the lack of evidence that ingesting it prevents tooth decay.  In the city of Buffalo, there are many factors impacting health such as nutritional issues rather than an ad hoc mass medication of the population.  One major concern about mass-medicating the population through the drinking supply is that drugs have dosages.  If someone drinks 8 glasses of water a day, they have 1 dose of fluoride.  If they have a different volume because they need to drink more for other reasons or consume fluoridated foods, that means they're going to have another dose of fluoride.  This is unacceptable for people to not have control over the volume of drugs they will be consuming aligned with their water.  Someone's body may react differently to one amount, or dose, of fluoride.  This is medical malpractice to an amount in any quantity.  It's just wrong in my book.  And today, we're in a city where it's raining, and how we have bypassed more critical needs for protecting our drinking water through much-needed infrastructure, such as combined sewer overflows

Saturday, May 13, 2023

IMMIGRATION CRISIS: Major Cause is that they're fleeing from low civilian gun ownership to a high civilian gun ownership state

from Ostrowski:

Immigrants come from low-gun-ownership countries to the US, a high-gun-ownership country.  

They come here to escape mindless gang violence and random political violence.  They come here to become citizens.  They come here, my right-wing people would say, because of all the free stuff.  I think that's very incomplete.  Yeah, we have a relatively generous welfare state, and once you get in the borders, . . . it's understood that the current regime isn't going to kick anybody out.  You get here physically and you're in, you have a kid, your kid has birthright citizenship--that's one of the 4 reasons why people come here.  To become citizens themselves, to get welfare, birthright citizenship for the kids, and . . . ?

The reason we have the leading economy on earth is due to private gun ownership.  It's a check on government power.  There's a general correlation between a well-armed civilian population and relatively high rates of freedom.  Until the last few years, there's been some decline.  The U.S. is at the top in terms of freedom.  The other country is Switzerland.  People want to invest in a stable polity.  the U.S. is a stable polity because of civilian gun ownership.  In his The 2nd Amendment Works, he points out that countries have coup d etats when civilians don't have any guns.  You take a couple of hundred people in some of these 3rd world countries and you take over a couple of key positions in the capital and you control the country.  This happened in Burma, Myanmar.  The War on Drugs creates refugees.  Gang violence in Nicaragua.  That violence is drug violence.  End the Global War on Drugs tomorrow and that will create more political stability in these countries and people will want to stay in their own country if they want to.  And have a Global Right to bear arms.  People fleeing hellhole countries for the United States, they're fleeing from low gun ownership countries.  When you have a low gun ownership country, you have political instability.  Coup d'états correlate with low civilian gun ownership.  We don't shoot politicians because they raise taxes 14%.  The mere possession of the right to bear arms is a peaceful deterrent to tyranny.  In other words, we don't have to go out and shoot anybody, the government just knows, like our government knows.  That's why they spy on gun people and infiltrate organizations.  They know even though some of the naive people do not.  If the U.S. government started a civil war against this population, we would win in about a month.  We would kick their fucking ass.  Now, we don't have to do it.  It's latent.  It's peaceful.  That's why I have the double D olive branch in my book.  

My observations:

I really liked Ostrowski's point, an obvious one, but as Gary North used to say, "Facts don't speak for themselves," so I was glad to hear it stated, "The reason we have the leading economy on earth is due to private gun ownership.  It's a check on government power."  You do realize that every time you heard Obama and his progressive ilk say, "Who needs an AR for deer hunting?" he's literally baying for your surrender or death.  He's downgrading your survival and self-defense to hunting for venison.  Don't believe me?  Compare his remarks and his principles with Lenin.  Gun control is the root of terror.  Civilian gun ownership is the root of peace.  See Ostrowski's "Intellectual Roots of Terror."