Showing posts with label War on Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War on Drugs. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2023

IMMIGRATION CRISIS: Major Cause is that they're fleeing from low civilian gun ownership to a high civilian gun ownership state

from Ostrowski:

Immigrants come from low-gun-ownership countries to the US, a high-gun-ownership country.  

They come here to escape mindless gang violence and random political violence.  They come here to become citizens.  They come here, my right-wing people would say, because of all the free stuff.  I think that's very incomplete.  Yeah, we have a relatively generous welfare state, and once you get in the borders, . . . it's understood that the current regime isn't going to kick anybody out.  You get here physically and you're in, you have a kid, your kid has birthright citizenship--that's one of the 4 reasons why people come here.  To become citizens themselves, to get welfare, birthright citizenship for the kids, and . . . ?

The reason we have the leading economy on earth is due to private gun ownership.  It's a check on government power.  There's a general correlation between a well-armed civilian population and relatively high rates of freedom.  Until the last few years, there's been some decline.  The U.S. is at the top in terms of freedom.  The other country is Switzerland.  People want to invest in a stable polity.  the U.S. is a stable polity because of civilian gun ownership.  In his The 2nd Amendment Works, he points out that countries have coup d etats when civilians don't have any guns.  You take a couple of hundred people in some of these 3rd world countries and you take over a couple of key positions in the capital and you control the country.  This happened in Burma, Myanmar.  The War on Drugs creates refugees.  Gang violence in Nicaragua.  That violence is drug violence.  End the Global War on Drugs tomorrow and that will create more political stability in these countries and people will want to stay in their own country if they want to.  And have a Global Right to bear arms.  People fleeing hellhole countries for the United States, they're fleeing from low gun ownership countries.  When you have a low gun ownership country, you have political instability.  Coup d'états correlate with low civilian gun ownership.  We don't shoot politicians because they raise taxes 14%.  The mere possession of the right to bear arms is a peaceful deterrent to tyranny.  In other words, we don't have to go out and shoot anybody, the government just knows, like our government knows.  That's why they spy on gun people and infiltrate organizations.  They know even though some of the naive people do not.  If the U.S. government started a civil war against this population, we would win in about a month.  We would kick their fucking ass.  Now, we don't have to do it.  It's latent.  It's peaceful.  That's why I have the double D olive branch in my book.  

My observations:

I really liked Ostrowski's point, an obvious one, but as Gary North used to say, "Facts don't speak for themselves," so I was glad to hear it stated, "The reason we have the leading economy on earth is due to private gun ownership.  It's a check on government power."  You do realize that every time you heard Obama and his progressive ilk say, "Who needs an AR for deer hunting?" he's literally baying for your surrender or death.  He's downgrading your survival and self-defense to hunting for venison.  Don't believe me?  Compare his remarks and his principles with Lenin.  Gun control is the root of terror.  Civilian gun ownership is the root of peace.  See Ostrowski's "Intellectual Roots of Terror."

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Drug War On Your Kids

Thanks to Drug Awareness.  Are you understanding that phrase "War on Drugs" a bit better now that you've been vaccinated or do you think the vaccines have nothing to do with the War in Drugs?  So between your ears all you hear is the Nancy Reagan prescription of "just say no"?  Every government foray into medicating its citizens has been a complete and utter failure ti its citizens.  To those running these public medication programs, why, it's been a great boon.  But you'll forget.  You'll forget.  You'll repeat history.  The propaganda will come along and claim some new disaster that you'll get in line for, effectively over your personal sovereignty and body integrity to some public health official.  You've always gotten in line.  You're good at getting in line and standing patiently in line, tucked in between others who, like you, love the anonymity of getting lost in line.  It's been some of your best work.  

When Richard Nixon announced his refrain of the ongoing war on drugs in 1971, he by no means started it.  The drug war predates the 20th century, is, in fact, the gears of the Progressive movement, it's takeover and transformation of the United States at about the time of the Civil War.

Looking for an interesting history on the drug war?  Check out this article by Mark Thornton.

When I went to the Oxford Union debates this past summer I was told by a veteran of the debates that I must have a joke in order to win over the audience. My attempt to win over the British audience was a success, but unfortunately my opening remarks are too close to the truth and in retrospect, are really not that funny:

Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for the opportunity to debate the War on Drugs in this forum. Mr. Chairman, as you probably know, the War on Drugs was not a response to calls from experts, it was not in response to recommendations from the medical community, or even the law enforcement community. Mr. Chairman, the War on Drugs was started by the agitation of racists, bigots, religious fanatics, believers in eugenics, extremist politicians, and power hungry diplomats. In other words, Mr. Chairman, the average ordinary American.

The War on Drugs was initiated by legislation that was passed not to help drug addicts and protect the innocent, but rather was designed to control and marginalize minority groups and to push the United States into a leadership role in world diplomatic affairs.

The War on Drugs is 100 years old today. It kills thousands of people, destroys untold number of lives, and wastes hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Plus it prevents us from using three of the most miraculous plants on the planet, even for their “legitimate” uses.

The Harrison Narcotics Act

As written, the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914 was legislation that established a tax and registration requirement on narcotics and cocaine. Politicians and journalists openly targeted Chinese immigrants, Southern blacks, and Mexicans with outrageous propaganda. The real priority of the legislation, however, was to comply with the first international drug control treaty, the International Opium Convention of 1912.

As implemented, the legislation quickly evolved into an outright prohibition. Enforcement bureaucrats argued that doctors prescribing narcotics for drug addiction was an illegitimate medical practice. The courts ruled in their favor and addict-maintenance medical practices and addiction clinics were forced to close.

Marijuana prohibition went national with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. It too quickly changed from a measure to tax and regulate into an outright prohibition. Even hemp, the non-intoxicating form of cannabis was banned! When propaganda claiming that marijuana was deadly and caused insanity, violence, and criminal behavior was debunked (aka Reefer Madness), the “gateway theory” was born to fill the void. The gateway theory posits that while marijuana might not be addictive or dangerous, it would lead the user to try the hard drugs, such as heroin. This theory became the prevailing view in the second half of the twentieth century.

Continue reading . . . 


Tuesday, January 9, 2018



Interview is from Tom Woods Show.

Here are my notes . . . 

Anslinger was riding the fear of Latinos, a lot of parallels of today, “If you smoke cannabis you will murder your family with an axe.”  This was the reason why cannabis was banned.  
90% of crack and heroin users do not become addicted, leaving 10% or less of those who do use these drugs become addicted.  
Chemical hooks theory.  Patients recovering from serious injuries are put on heroin drugs in hospitals but they never get addicted.  If heroin is addictive, why are these folks not getting addicted?  The chemical hooks theory took place following a lab experiment with a rat.  A rat was placed in a cage with two cups–one with water only, the other laced with heroin.  Placed all by itself, the rat almost always preferred the heroin-laced water.  It’s not the drug that causes addiction, it’s the isolation.  Rat Park: lots of colored balls, other rats, lots of sex.  In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water.  They don’t use it very much.  In the 1970s, scientists came along and pointed out that you put the rat all alone in an empty cage, where it’s got nothing to do except use these drugs, what would happen if we did this differently?  So he built a cage that he called Rat Park. 
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; the opposite of addiction is connection.  Places where addiction is highest is where suffering is highest.  Not a coincidence that the current addiction crisis spiked after 2008.  Core of addiction is trying to avoid pain, trying not to be present in your life.  Fundamental errors in the war on drugs.  One solution is to get rid of the drugs.  Can’t do that; they even appear in prisons.  If you could do that, that’s not the core of the problem.  War on Drugs says you stop addiction by inflicting more pain on addicts.  He gives the example of a woman in prison in Arizona where she is humiliated.  Stopping addiciton by afflicting more punishment on them.  Punishment makes suffering worse, and therefore makes addiction worse. 
Here is 

And here is

Marcia Powell, 48, was baked in 106-degree heat for 4 hours under Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a disciple of Harry Anslinger.  A woman cooked in a cage in Arizona kept getting arrested.  Judged by the courts to be mentally incompetent.  She was trying to kill herself, and the guards to stop her from doing that put her in an outdoor cage.  Exposed to the desert sun.  Prison guards said they forgot about her.  She screamed, she begged for water, and by the time they called for an ambulance, she had been cooked.  No one was ever criminally punished for what happened to Marcia Powell.  Because when you dehumanize someone with an addiction problem so deeply, you can brazenly murder someone with an addiction problem and it just doesn’t matter, it doesn’t get counted.  

To remedy a few addictions, see Bill Sardi's list:
Myricetin, a molecule from the Asian raisin tree, has been shown to block the cell receptor in the brain responsible for addiction to alcohol.
One of Myricetin's benefits is indicated in Alzheimer's.  Interesting.
Researchers at UCLA tested various molecules and found one that magnanimously blocked the cell (GABA) receptor on the surface of brain cells that produces alcohol craving.  [Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Aug 2014; Neurochemical Research June 2014]
N-acetyl cysteine, a sulfur compound, has been shown to reduce behavioral addictions such as gambling and physical addictions such as smoking. [Journal Clinical Psychiatry Jan 2014]
Zinc supplementation may be beneficial for those individuals who are hooked on opoid drugs (Fentanyl, morphine, Oxycontin, etc.). [Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention Policy Aug 4, 2015]
Carvacrol from oil of oregano is effective in beating back fungal overgrowth (Candida species) that creates sugar craving. [European Journal Clinical Microbiology Infectious Disease Jan 2011]
Zinc and magnesium may be helpful in reducing nicotine addiction among heavy smokers. [Addiction Research & Therapy 2012]