Showing posts with label Jamie Sale (@JamieSale). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jamie Sale (@JamieSale). Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2022

Dr. Eric Cohen: Remember this criminal's name

Dr. Eric Ruben is an immoral, unconscionable critter.  If there ever is a Nuremberg 2.0 [and there won't be], he needs to sit right next to Fauci, Collins, Gottlieb, Walensky, and others.

This is the ghoul.  He calls it a close call "

based on what the prevailing conditions are?  (What prevailing conditions is he talking about?)  But you're never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it."  

Hasn't he heard of clinical trials?  You know, trials that take 10-15 years?  Proof the idiot doesn't know what he's talking about.  But as Dr. Pierre Kory pointed out, so many of the vaccine advocates were merely foot soldiers to defeat vaccine hesitancy.  

Thursday, July 28, 2022


Could you imagine being in charge of a nation's public health response to a purported pandemic, a response whose actions murdered tens of thousands of your citizens, and then as an explanation you tell that same country whose mothers, fathers, cousins, friends, and co-workers are grieving from unimaginable losses in health, mobility, vigor, production, wealth over a two-year period, confused and angry, trying to understand what happened and see if restitution is available and you hear the architect of that misery, of that 2.5-year debacle, tell you that she overplayed her decision?  That is what passes for an apology in government today?  That is what passes for restitution to grieving families, destroyed lives?  I mean if the reader here has an ounce left of moral convictions, you know that this has to be avenged.  You know.  You know, and I know.  And what is with the sports analogy of "overplayed"?  I love sports as much as anyone, and certainly, there are aspects of life that feel like a game and not so, not as serious, though people take the rules of a game very seriously.  But the suffering isn't just a sunk cost to families.  There has to be restitution.  Her deeds must be avenged.  Otherwise, her role and her seat of power are empty and illegitimate and should be dealt with as such.