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Showing posts with label J.Cherry (@JCherryWESU). Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2022

Dr. Eric Cohen: Remember this criminal's name

Dr. Eric Ruben is an immoral, unconscionable critter.  If there ever is a Nuremberg 2.0 [and there won't be], he needs to sit right next to Fauci, Collins, Gottlieb, Walensky, and others.

This is the ghoul.  He calls it a close call "

based on what the prevailing conditions are?  (What prevailing conditions is he talking about?)  But you're never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it."  

Hasn't he heard of clinical trials?  You know, trials that take 10-15 years?  Proof the idiot doesn't know what he's talking about.  But as Dr. Pierre Kory pointed out, so many of the vaccine advocates were merely foot soldiers to defeat vaccine hesitancy.