Showing posts with label Jacob Dreizin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacob Dreizin. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

VIDEO: $60 billion and counting to Zelensky, and all that Ukraine soldiers can do is offer a kid candy? While Russian troops deliver real food to Ukrainians

from Jacob Dreizin

Check out the below NY Times cover, from this past Friday.

It has TWO “above the fold” pieces on the Ukraine or Russia.

There’s nothing “above the fold” here regarding midterm polling or tough races, LOL.

I guess they have nothing “good” to write about that, to make their core readership happy.

The funniest thing here, there’s no cover story that relates to this photo of a Ukrainian soldier giving out candy.

It’s like, this is the story itself, no text, just a Ukrainian soldier handing out candy.

Of course, they neglect to mention that Russia has brought in many thousands of trucks (including semi’s with trailers) and distributed hundreds of thousands of tons of actual, real food…..

… well as water bottles, soap, hygiene kits, and other goods.

(Below is one scene, out of thousands of similar scenes over the last eight months.)

Naturally, Russia SEVERELY disrupted the economy when it went in, so it HAS to feed people in its areas of control…..

…..whereas Saint Zelensky couldn’t give a crap.

What’s he doing for “liberated” areas, have you seen it? How much U.S. aid is going to that?

Like, none?

$60-some billion and counting, all they could buy is one piece of candy for this photo-op.

The Ukraine can just hand out a few pieces of candy to “liberated areas starved and brutalized by Russia”…..

…..and it’s a news story, LOL.

Hey, it beats covering the midterms! Or, “where’s Kamala?

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Comments from the Controversial Jacob Dreizin on Tulsi Gabbard After She Abandons the Democratic Party

from the Dreizin Report.  Be sure to listen to Jacob's assessment on Russia's progress in the Ukraine.

As usual, we’ve got something for everyone this time. Dumb Jews, economics, war, plague, more war, dancing hippos. First… Tulsi Gabbard.

This is more interesting than it appears.  Of course, she is running for higher office.  She and (as I covered recently) Elon Musk, among others.

It’s funny how the magnets are starting to pull towards the metal plate.

This surfer girl is a dum-dum.  America is not the Eastern Bloc, where the chosen few literally had party ID cards in their wallets. 

She holds no political office, she’s washed out.  She doesn’t get to “leave the Democrat party”, LOL. 

By virtue of no longer holding elected office, she’s ALREADY not in any party.  

She’s unemployed, as far as I know.  OK, she has a podcast.  The Dreizin Report is more interesting.

As for the “theatrics” angle, well, her timing instinct is good… maybe. 

Keep in mind, she voted to impeach Trump twice over political BS. 

Yes, she’s been on Carlson’s show to condemn the wars… But she voted party-line Democrat on pretty much everything. 

Now, less than two months before the midterm election, she suddenly makes a big show of “leaving” the Democrats… because it’s the party of elites, and it’s out of touch. 

LOL.  Wasn’t it the party of elites, last year as well?  And the year before? 

Interesting she didn’t say much about Republicans.  They’re not run by elites?

Of course, she wants to run for president (more realistically, vice president) in 2024, with support from Republicans and independents.

Folks, this lady is NOT smart.  Even on Carlson’s show, where she had an ideal platform, easy leading questions, just free airtime to say whatever…..

…..She showed her true nature, uninformed and shallow. 

Her most memorable quote from her Carlson appearance shortly before the Ukraine war?

Nuclear war with Russia will melt your face off“, or something very close to that.  LOL.

Sounds like she watched the doomed playground scene in Terminator 2, too many times.

She didn’t bring any interesting facts to the broadcast, no research, nothing.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Of course, Carlson knows what he is doing.  He’s always looking for some “outsider” to shake up the system.

Even if it’s a lightweight.

Carlson’s “problem” is there’s just no “thought leaders” among any credible “outsider”, potential Federal candidates. They’re all as dishonest (or just clueless) as the insiders.

That’s why I keep saying, we won’t get saved by politicians, even if they’re coming in fresh and new and aiming to change something.

Not that deep thinkers would save us, anyway, but still.

Getting psyched about “voting MAGA” so you can have 15 real solid non-RINO, GOP House members… instead of the present five or ten…..

…..Well, I admire the enthusiasm, but jeez that’s some funny shit.  Sorry. Yeah, it’s really gonna save America! LOL.

And in the Senate, perhaps we can gain a few more, true MAGA names like Marsha Blackburn and Tommy Tuberville, bahahahah. That’ll show ’em!

This is not to mock Republican officials and activists who do good work.  We do need at least two parties in this country.  The “what’s the point of voting?” crowd can shut up.

The point of voting, is that you maintain a multiparty system…..

…..because as bad as it is, a one-party system (not a “uniparty” like we have, but an actual dictatorship of one exclusive clique) would be FAR worse.

Nonetheless, people should understand that our problems are way beyond being solved by our current politics.

They will be solved only on the other side of the reset (if anything’s left standing.)

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Putin, so far, hasn't given them the casus belli they need to create a complementary coming together of the West's populations. There is still no appetite for war in the West.

And if you've got any critical thinking cajones left, check this out by Jacob Dreizin.