Showing posts with label FAO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAO. Show all posts

Saturday, October 16, 2021

"Codex Alimentarius reclassified vitamins and minerals as poisons and toxins"

This was an interesting discussion.  Dr. Carrie Madej was pretty animated here.  In previous interviews, she has sounded pretty despondent and for good reason given her findings.  

Her remarks about the CDC were interesting--that the CDC owns over 50 patents on vaccines.  But what that means--I need a context for that--it's hard to tell.  She added that individual board members of the CDC have or own rights to specific vaccines, which means they're not going to be honest about how any product they own and will benefit your health or protect you from disease.  

They will lie to you.  That's all they do is lie.  I guess we should all know who, what, where, when, why, and how the CDC was created to get a better sense of who they are and what they're about. 

To know what the CDC, the FDA, the EPA, the NIH is willing to do to you in the name of the common good or the public good, simply look back to what Stalin did to Russians and what Hitler did to Germans, communists, homosexuals, and Jews.  These alphabet soup "institutions" are the heirs to the heirs to the Nazis and Communists.  

Her remarks on the Codexd Alimentarius were interesting.  

International trade agreement: Codex Alimentarius.  This program, or trade agreement, is a product of W.H.O. intended to regulate the exchange of food internationally.  According to the CA, everything has to be genetically modified.  Everything.  So where are the natural foods or natural seeds?  So the yield from a crop becomes the number one ethic . . . because they'll use the argument of feeding the masses or feeding the world as the only virtue of agriculture.  Period.  Forget the nutritional content of food.  It's all about volume.  Seem like a theme you've seen in the last 30 years?  

It's funny how the mission statements of so many different government-connected agencies always love to prioritize safety as the most important concern.  Think of the early days of COVID.  What did you hear your neighbor or your co-worker say?  "Stay safe."  Or, "be safe."  What are you, my mother?  Take a look at the Codex Alimentarius FAQ sheet.  The second and third sentences read respectively, "The C O D E X  A L I M E N T A R I U S international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice contribute to the safety, quality, and fairness of this international food trade. Consumers can trust the safety and quality of the food products they buy and importers can trust that the food they ordered will be in accordance with their specifications."  The 4th sentence reads, "Public concerns about food safety issues often place Codex at the center of the global debates."  So it's safety ad infinitum and ad nauseum.  How many people die each year from food poisoning?  The CDC claims 48 million get sick each year in the United States

CDC estimates 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year in the United States.

The 128,000 that are hospitalized is equal to only 0.0026%, and that is cause to create a program like Codex Alimentarius to regulate the food exchange from around the world?  Note, too, that these government agencies love to use children as leverage to get you to comply.  That's what the whole use of "safety" means.  Keeping you safe means to keep your child, children, or the child in your safe.  Too many are uncritical about this and comply rather quickly. 

Though the organization was created by the W.H.O. and the United Nations, the United States does have a member office, called the U.S. Codex Office

Established by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1963, the Codex Alimentarius, or “Food Code,” is the preeminent international food standards-setting body that protects the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade through the establishment of voluntary international standards, guidelines, and codes of practices. 

It looks like the FDA cooperates with the W.H.O. and the UN. It is amazing to me how the United States allowed itself to be tied up with these organizations.  But I guess the U.S. government were the ones who created the League of Nations.

Codex reclassified vitamins and minerals as poisons and toxins.  If they're natural, it means that they're not controlled by anyone or owned by anyone.  But turn them into poisons and toxins, and voila, suddenly an international one-world government dispenses food and vitamins to you according to what they think you should have.  How do you like that, slave?  

I don't know how many more declarations of war one needs.  This means that vitamins and minerals can now be controlled because they're no longer natural organic things in the world because THEY decided they weren't.  In the human body, only so certain dosages will be allowed or only a certain number of bottles of vitamins can be purchased in a health food store at any one time.  

 In each organism, legally speaking in a genetically modified organism, it allows the owners of the patents on that organism to judiciously measure out how much of a vitamin, er, a, poison, sorry, people could consume.  

Why would this international organization be dictating how food or which foods can be grown in any other country or state?  

 Sounds and looks like a friendly farming bill, how to make things work more effectively, produce things more efficiently.  But when you look at it closer, it’s really a one-world order for all of agriculture.  Everything has to be genetically modified.  Everything.  This is one-world medicine, one-world food store, one-world everything. 

Harvard Pilgrim Study.