Showing posts with label Eugenics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eugenics. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2023

Why would my government do this? They have never NOT done this.

From Sasha Latypova.

If you are wondering “why would my government do this”- I highly recommend to watch this well-produced and thoroughly researched documentary discussing the history of the Eugenics movement and it’s deep connections to the medical establishment:

Wikipedia considers eugenics a “fringe” idea. How fringe is it when trillions have been pouring into it worldwide and it has been an explicit US Government policy (laws remain on the books and have been further strengthened over time)?


Eugenics (/juːˈdʒɛnɪks/ yoo-JEN-iks; from Ancient Greek εύ̃ (eû) 'good, well', and -γενής (genḗs) 'come into being, growing') is a fringe set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Historically, eugenicists have attempted to alter human gene pools by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior. In recent years, the term has seen a revival in bioethical discussions on the usage of new technologies such as CRISPR and genetic screening, with heated debate around whether these technologies should be considered eugenics or not

Also, for everyone crying “prosecute Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, etc!” - please note how many prominent corporations have been deeply involved in human genocides during the past 100 years: GE, Ford, IBM, IG Farben, DuPont, not to mention the most prominent banks! And they are still the most prominent corporations. Not a single one has been held accountable for any deaths, because they are implementing a policy dear to the ruling families that control the government policy - eugenics and democide through medical poisoning (peacefully), plus wars largely orchestrated by the CIA and OSS, its predecessor. There is nothing ideologically or structurally different with the current genocide strategy, except it’s gone more global and harmonized with other governments’ legal frameworks. They are even using the same “contaminants” (on purpose) -SV40 in Pfizer and Moderna shots, and the same gaslighting tactics - vaccinate millions of people with poison and call it a pandemic from Spain. Or Marburg.

Why would my government do this? They have never NOT done this.

Saturday, January 29, 2022


Open up this link [which is behind a paywall], to find Episode #20, dated June 17, 2021, titled "Is There a COVID Cabal?"  Eugenics is a field in which Gates has been involved for decades.  If anybody would know how to render a population sterile, it would be Bill Gates.  Gates supports death panels. It's a return to the divine right of kings.  Eugenics is at the heart of COVID Cabal.  

You need fear to get people to forfeit liberties. Where the state is the solution as security to achieve certain objectives.  What did Gates start talking about a decade ago when he launched the Decade of Vaccines?  "Great, great concern about a coming pandemic and how we need to be prepared for that pandemic.  We need to be prepared to use unique medicines we've never used before in terms of population and social controls and need to have quickly available vaccines that have complete indemnification from liability in case they turn out to be complete crap as other prior rushed vaccines have been." Co-sponsor was the World Economic Forum, WEF's Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset.  He has promoted Bill Gates quite heavily.  Soros & Bloomberg are part of this cabal too. But Gates was clearly chosen to run and head this cabal, to be its lead advocate, proponent, and participant.  Eugenics has been rebranded as Transhumanism to use artificial intelligence and gene editing for enhanced breeding for select people.  Somebody else that Gates was attached to: Jeffrey Epstein.  Epstein's main obsession was not sex, it was technology.  He was backed by certain MIT scientist connected to Gates.  One of Gates' immunological scientists would be the back-up executor of Epstein's estate.  That's how deep these connections go.  He was building a ranch in Arizona where he wanted to impregnate 20 women a day and wanted the gene editing to go with it to enhance a genetically superior species.  His sex powers and trafficking were the result of elite power ideologies that are deeply dangerous to us as a society.  Communism is just another expression of an elite few who think the world is better off if they run our lives and deprive us of core freedoms and liberties and are always often obsessed with control: control over the population.  That's what the COVID cabal is really about.  That meeting in 2009 that was leaked to a small Irish publication--by maybe a maid, maybe a janitor, these are the heroes of the world--who leaked out that this meeting took place, what was discussed, and what it was about, who was there, and where it was going.  If you followed it and tracked it, you could've known what COVID was about from the moment it came on the scene. And that's the enemy and adversary that needs to be faced, just another version of the Nazi face but with a big tech nerd smile than with a German accent.  So if you listen to Klaus Schwab you still get the German accent part if you want that too. So there truly is evidence of a COVID cabal.