Showing posts with label Dr. Gerald H. Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Gerald H. Smith. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

DOCUMENTARY: ROOT CAUSE "70-90% of all medical problems actually originate in the mouth"

Your teeth are too important for overall health, so you don't want to be putting any kind of metal in your teeth. You don't want to shave any of your teeth down, like what needs to be done for crowns.  Teeth at every age are a sign of health, fertility, intelligence, and longevity.

15:39  Dr. Gerald H. Smith, DDS, DNM.  [find his FB page here.]  70-90% of all medical problems actually originate in the mouth.  Conventional dentistry still has a focus on the mechanistic, Newtonian mentality that the teeth are not connected to the rest of the body.  I mean embryologically, the teeth developed from the same tissues that give rise to your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.  The blood supply literally will take any toxins via the lymphatic system and take them down to the thyroid, the thymus, the heart, and the rest of the body, so there is a direct connection.

16:15Thomas Rau, MD.  The teeth are just not like a stone in the mouth.  It is extremely densely connected.  The pulp is extremely densely connected to the lymph system and to the autonomic nervous system.

95% of the time, women who have breast cancer and undergo a thermographic study, will be found to have hot spots on the jaw on the same side as that malignant breast.

97% of breast cancer patients between the of 30 to 70, they had a root canal of a toxic situation in their teeth. 

The discussion of energetic relationship between the teeth and the rest of the body is very interesting.  Every tooth lies on a specific acupuncture meridian, relates to certain organs, tissues, vertebrae, and muscle groups.  And so very often you can . for instance, a 19-year-old girl, first year in college had a root canal on her front tooth. That front tooth relates to the kidney and the bladder.  She started to have bladder infections and kidney infections.  She tried every treatment known and she was constantly going on antibiotics 

18:50. I remember years ago a physician saying he just can't buy into the concept that there are these electricity meridian.  I've never seen a meridian in all the cadaver lives I've . ... Okay, when you do an EKG on your cadaver, I'll show you