Showing posts with label MD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

Man with cancer in 11 bones in his body was told "there's really nothing else we can do." Was in remission a few months later. Why would an anti-parasitic drug like Ivermectin work on cancer?

Monday, April 29, 2024

DR. ALFONS WEBER: . . . emphasized that micro parasites are more pathogenic meaning disease-causing than any bacteria and fungus infection you could have. And they are the natural causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.


The claim that cancer is some micro parasitic infection and not some random development of your body's own healthy cells actually goes back centuries and more recently to the late 1800s, when German scientist named Dr. Alfons Weber conducted experiments in the early 1860s in which he captured photos of cells being invaded by microparasites.  He also discovered that these cells were in tumor tissue and blood of all cancer patients.  Experts today will tell you that not only is cancer a micro parasitic infection but that we all have it inside of us at any given time.  Why would the allopathic system, standard medical doctors, and healthcare system hide this from us?  The current thinking says that your cells just went crazy and that the treatments, consisting of chemotherapy and radiation, both highly toxic, is a $300 billion industry, and given the revelation of the history of medicine recently in the United States how it was hijacked by the oil barons, the architects of the private inauditable Federal Reserve that is crushing our country currently, they're propensity to create the pharmaceutical industry a cash cow fed by the waste products of their oil processing plants the story actually extends to their control over what really causes disease and keeping the American public hidden causes from the real causes this was designed to maintain control over the treatment of disease as you will see you can't sell a multi-billion dollar industry if you don't control what the public thinks is the etiology and the diagnosis of the disease.  

2:55.  So take a look at slide one.  These are the two current paradigms for cancer--our genetic paradigm, meaning that our genes are turned on, oncogenes are turned on just out of nowhere, and the second is the viral paradigm.  Viral etiology is fast coming under scrutiny and being debunked after the recent COVID scam.  Countless experts now stand on the premise that cancer is caused by microparasites and that it is a microparasite infection that the stages of cancer progression are related to the lifecycle and proliferation of these microparasites and the ultimate incoming cause of cancer, a wasting disease that becomes overpowering when these microparasites are, what Dr. Lee Meritt calls them, intracellular parasites what happens when they become too prolific across the body and too powerful.  But clearly from some of the video clips I'm going to show you can see these microparasites are in and out of our various cells, including our blood cells, depending on the stage of their lifecycles can be seen, and slightly different forms of themselves.  Now these doctors go about treating cancer in a whole different way, which makes sense if you're positive that something other than viral or genetic is the cause you will approach parasitic infections, or cancer caused by parasitic infections, in a different way.  More on that in the second half of the show.

4:40. The genetic dogma is blown apart by the reality that DNA does not exist as a whole thing, only chromosomes, and chromosomes do not mutate. This is something that you can do your own research on for validation.  

On the virus paradigm related to cancer, given the modern approaches to electronic or electron microscope and its incredible magnifying capability, viruses we now know have never been isolated, or identified.  And still, to this day, they're not really well characterized, they're not measured, they are not really specifically separated as we know from the SARS-CoV-2 itself that has never been isolated in its pure and whole form from an ill individual.  Now the pictures you see in the media at all levels--mainstream media, alternative media, new media, whatever you want to call it--are all nothing more than cartoons created on a computer it now appears that viruses are only tiny protein fragments or what we are calling viruses they are only tiny protein fragments resulting from the asexual micro parasites or bacterial proliferation of themselves.  In other words, what is being called a "virus" is really a piece of dead flesh or genetic material proteins.  It's the toxins from their waste matter, as Dr. Lee Merritt has said over and over, that create illness and disease states across many different diseases.  

So you can see why, at the turn of the century, while hijacking the entire medical model to create the pharmaceutical industry, these oil baron criminals, you know, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Warburgs, you know all their names now, these criminals buried the parasitic story in humans, and then, when you think about it, you know, you are deworming your dog regularly.   What makes you think you are not vulnerable to parasite invasion?  Well, Dr. Weber's work is based on thousands of biological in vitro and in vivo experiments with tissues and blood samples collected from cancer patients during their lives and even after their deaths.  Many experts like him have found that all these blood and tissue tests were confirmed to have microparasitic infections.  Weber also emphasized that microparasites are more pathogenic meaning disease-causing than any bacteria and fungus infection you could have.  And they are the natural causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.  This is mind-blowing. 

7:39.  Here is a slide of a human blood smear.  It shows some normal red blood cells it shows some damaged red blood cells but you also see three specific large egg sacs full of parasites these are in a mature stage called gametocytes, and these can cause a lot of human illnesses, as I said microparasites are the cause of many different human diseases.  In 2011, Alan Cantwell published a paper called "The Return of the Cancer Parasite: Bacteria and the Origin of the Cancer Cell," Alan Cantwell, October 26, 2011.  And the origin of cancer itself.  Now here are some interesting photos from his incredible collection and they're related to different types of cancers.  Now, Slide #3 is breast cancer tissue.  This section of tissue shows an intracellular round of parasitic egg sacs, magnified at 1,000x, and you can see that this is a huge egg sack.  Slide #4 is tissue from prostate cancer, and it shows a cell packed with intracellular coccoid forms which are the exacts again at 1,000x magnification

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Junk food companies design medical school curricula and textbook content?

companies that benefit from the sale of certain food products, like junk food, carbohydrate-rich foods, and unhealthy seed oils influence educational programs, medical school curricula, and textbook content.  --Robert Lufkin, MD

If we agree, at least on some level, that maybe medical schools aren't keeping up with some of these emphases on looking at root causes and trying to figure out what's behind things rather than just diagnosing and prescribing.  What do you think is driving the curriculum, and how should it change?

Well, the curriculum is unfortunately driven by a lot of vested interests that generate revenue from the sale of pharmaceuticals, like insulin or metformin, drugs used to treat diabetes.  There are also vested interests in companies that benefit from the sale of certain food products, like junk food, and carbohydrate-rich foods, and unhealthy seed oils.  These influence the educational program through various quasi-scientific organizations that contribute to the curriculum. 

Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life, Robert Lufkin, MD, June 4, 2024

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE MILITARY: NEVER order, harass, threaten or intimidate her into doing anything that could harm her…

Monday, February 26, 2024

"Is a diploma on the wall the only thing you need to trust someone?"

Is a diploma on the wall the only thing you need to trust someone? “For upwards of twenty-three centuries to starve, bleed, purge, and torture, had been the all but exclusive business of the man of medicine. From the days of Hippocrates till within the last few years, this was the undoubted practice in almost all diseases. In truth, what from the gloom of the sick room, and what from the obscurity that enveloped the science, no question was ever asked by the public at large about medical matters. The possession of a diploma or degree from a school or university of reputation was the only requisite for practice. The practice itself, no matter how destructive, signified little so long as it was the ‘established practice.’” ― Samuel Dickson, MD, Glasgow

Samuel Dickson, MD, Glasgow, The “Destructive Art of Healing;” or, Facts for Families, Second Edition, 1855, London, pp. 5-6 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Y’all meet Peter Tontonoz, MD, PhD. He sold his myocarditis research data for $14M. Pfizer bought it and buried it! The DOJ was tipped off in 2022 by an auditor/whistleblower

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

DOCUMENTARY: ROOT CAUSE "70-90% of all medical problems actually originate in the mouth"

Your teeth are too important for overall health, so you don't want to be putting any kind of metal in your teeth. You don't want to shave any of your teeth down, like what needs to be done for crowns.  Teeth at every age are a sign of health, fertility, intelligence, and longevity.

15:39  Dr. Gerald H. Smith, DDS, DNM.  [find his FB page here.]  70-90% of all medical problems actually originate in the mouth.  Conventional dentistry still has a focus on the mechanistic, Newtonian mentality that the teeth are not connected to the rest of the body.  I mean embryologically, the teeth developed from the same tissues that give rise to your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.  The blood supply literally will take any toxins via the lymphatic system and take them down to the thyroid, the thymus, the heart, and the rest of the body, so there is a direct connection.

16:15Thomas Rau, MD.  The teeth are just not like a stone in the mouth.  It is extremely densely connected.  The pulp is extremely densely connected to the lymph system and to the autonomic nervous system.

95% of the time, women who have breast cancer and undergo a thermographic study, will be found to have hot spots on the jaw on the same side as that malignant breast.

97% of breast cancer patients between the of 30 to 70, they had a root canal of a toxic situation in their teeth. 

The discussion of energetic relationship between the teeth and the rest of the body is very interesting.  Every tooth lies on a specific acupuncture meridian, relates to certain organs, tissues, vertebrae, and muscle groups.  And so very often you can . for instance, a 19-year-old girl, first year in college had a root canal on her front tooth. That front tooth relates to the kidney and the bladder.  She started to have bladder infections and kidney infections.  She tried every treatment known and she was constantly going on antibiotics 

18:50. I remember years ago a physician saying he just can't buy into the concept that there are these electricity meridian.  I've never seen a meridian in all the cadaver lives I've . ... Okay, when you do an EKG on your cadaver, I'll show you

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

9th Circuit Court of Appeals just struck down the City of Berkeley, CA's ban on gas stoves and other gas appliances because it violated federal law

Monday, April 17, 2023

ALARMING: Pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds since 2018, without telling the public.

Friday, March 24, 2023

"At no time in human history have we ever vaccinated anybody this many times"

the more frequently you vaccinate people with these lipid nanoparticles and adenoviruses, the more it shifts the immune response from an IgG3 to IgG4.  What that does is allows the human body to recognize the vaccine as part of the human body and it ceases to reject it,  allowing more genetic code to be sequenced and injected into people.

At no time in human history have we ever vaccinated anybody this many times with this type of problem.  The shift in the human immune response . . . .  

Friday, March 3, 2023

"submit your cover letter to Mr. Paxton and Governor Abbott. Download the cover letter AND the Indictment Letter and mail it in this weekend." Ditto for California and Florida, as well as your state

Do one act that takes one whole hour to get done from start to finish, an action that says to yourself and to the state that you're not pleased with what they've been doing to you.  Just 1 act.  Takes one hour.  Treat it like an opportunity, because it is.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Thank you to Jennifer Depew.

Concerns with EDTA.  

PubMed 13 patients were treated with EDTA.  Creatine clearance significantly improved.  Safe and therapeutic.  For renal function, EDTA is extremely safe.  The cream even more so, because it enters the bloodstream so slowly.  EDTA breaks up kidney stones quite well, broken up and excreted out of the body. 

EDTA a Carcinogen?  Just the opposite is true. 

Not just chemtrails, but lead from auto exhaust, cadmium, petrochemicals, tires, and EDTA has proven to remove these toxins and heavy metals.  Just as vitamins act synergistically, so do these toxic metals. 

The spike proteins from the mRNA form the spike proteins in the muscles.  The neutrofils break down the spike proteins.  That's good news.

From the show notes:
Dr. Michael Roth is a retired doctor of chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to provide for and educate the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle, and effective removal of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body. He is a member of AFLDS, FLCCN, and several other medical freedom and liberty groups. For more information go to his website: or email:

To order EDTA Detox Cream go to Use Coupon Code Dr. Ana for 10% discount.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician and President of AM Medical LLC, an integrative health clinic with a focus on anti-aging and reversal of all diseases. Dr. Ana is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”.
For more information on
Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity
Dr. Ana’s Substack Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, and more.

Monday, October 24, 2022

"The highest levels of COQ10 are in the organs of our body that need the most energy--so heart, liver, kidneys."

The best food source of COQ10 that you can get is heart, so beef heart, sheep heart, goat heart, chicken hearts.  Keep in mind that people have been eating [animal] hearts for millions of years.  Ken D. Berry, MD

A long list of medications that will tank your COQ10 levels. 

A coenzyme that hundreds of chemical interactions that your body needs to function optimally. 

The chemical name for Ubiquinol is ubiquinone, which rhymes with ubiquitous.  And the reason they named it that is because every animal on the planet, and most bacteria, have to have ubiquinone, or COQ10, in order to function optimally.  Something needed like this across all animal kingdoms, that's a hint that it's very, very important.  

Most of the COQ10 in your body is stored and used by your mitochondria.  The mitochondria make most of the energy molecules, the ATP and NADH that your body uses for energy.  So right off the bat, that if your COQ10 levels are low, you're just not going to have the energy that you need to function optimally.

Common side effect of low COQ10 levels is fatigue. 

The highest levels of COQ10 are in the organs of our body that need the most energy--so heart, liver, kidneys.  These have a much higher concentration of COQ10.  But what if you're taking a medication, a prescription or over-the-counter, that's tanking your COQ10 levels and you don't even know it.  And these organs are not going to be getting the COQ10 that they need for optimal functions.  

Statins drastically reduce your body's stores of COQ10.

Acid Blockers, or even over-the-counter antacids, also reduce your body's stores of COQ10.  So drugs like Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac, Prilosec, all of these meds are going to lower your COQ10.  Antacids like Rolaids, Tums, Mylanta, they're going to lower your body stores of COQ10.  

Many antibiotics Keflex, Cipro, Levaquin, Bactrim, they're going to lower your stores of COQ10 that your mitochondria take up for energy.  

Anti-depressants, like Elavil or Pamelor lower your COQ10 levels.

Blood-thinners Coumadin and Warfarin lower your COQ10 levels.  

A long list in the show notes.  Be sure to check out that list to see which meds you're taking.


Any cut of meat from any land animal or any fish that swims in the water is going to be a decent source of CO Enzyme Q10.  The best food source of COQ10 that you can get is heart, so beef heart, sheep heart, goat heart, chicken hearts.  Keep in mind that people have been eating [animal] hearts for millions of years.


Don't take a chalky tablet.  Take an olive oil filled gel cap that has at least 100 milligrams of COQ10 . . . .  Dr. Berry says to take 100mg for each of the medications that you're taking.  So if you're taking 3 of the meds listed in his show notes, that means you take 300mgs of COQ10.  He cautions that if you're not taking any of these medications, and you take 1,000 mgs of COQ10 per day, it's not going to be harmful but it could cause some stomach upset.  That'd be about the worst of it, he explains. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

"It's almost as if the spike protein was humanized potentially for the ribosomes to read the genetic code and produce the spike protein."

From Florida International suggesting that the spike protein conformationally actually matches dozens of human epitopes.  It's almost as if the spike protein was humanized potentially for the ribosomes to read the genetic code and produce the spike protein.  If it wasn't humanized, perhaps it wouldn't even read this foreign code.  But now we have this spike protein that causes damage but also mimics human proteins inciting autoimmunity.  

The spike proteins last in the body 15 months or more.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

"heritable immune system changes passed to progeny. Most are unfavorable 'weakening' effects . . . "

Thursday, June 30, 2022


Sunday, May 1, 2022

1st - ASTONISHING: Did you know that the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the (alleged) most prestigious medical journal, DOES NOT ANALYZE THE DATA of the studies they publish?

Saturday, January 15, 2022


It's estimated at about $100,000 per patient is what the hospitals get.  --Dr. Peterson Pierre, M.D.

High mortality rate in the hospital AND your family is kept in the dark as to what is happening.  

The CARES Act is providing bonus payments to hospitals whenever you hav a diagnosis of COVID.  

The Center for Medicaid/Medicare Services is waiving patient rights.  Meaning that the hospital, which is following CDC protocol, can by law deny you your rights if you're hospitalized with COVID.  I know of a few people whose loved ones were kept from their families for this reason.  

This is a deadly combination.  So here's what happens.  

#1  You, meaning the hospitals, get a payment because you offer a free COVID test in the Emergency Room.  

#2  You get a boost payment if you have a diagnosis of COVID.  

#3  You get another bonus payment if the patient is admitted with COVID. 

#4  You get another bonus payment if you're put on Remdesivir.

#5  Another bonus payment if you're put on a mechanical ventilator.   

#6  Another 20% bonus if the diagnosis on your death certificate says COVID even though you may not have died from COVID.  

#7  There are bonus payments to coroners.  

Do you understand the gravity of what's happening right now?  The Biden Administration is literally paying hospitals to kill you.  That's what's happening.  This is terrible.  We need to stop that.  These are real human lives we're talking about.  They are priceless.  It's estimated at about $100,000 per patient is what the hospitals get.  Think about that.  Ladies and gentlemen, the real news of RightNow continues.

His name is Dr. Peterson Pierre, and he runs the Pierre Skin Institute out in Thousand Oaks, CA.  

Thursday, January 6, 2022

"[FAUCI] and his [Private Investigators] must ignore the fact that AIDS occurs in HIV-negative people."

An excerpt: 

Controlling billions of dollars for AIDs research, Fauci refused to fund any investigators that had the cheek to question the viral cause of AIDS, or who supported using cheap, no-longer-patented medicines to treat it. He directed funds to develop an AIDS vaccine. In the meantime, Fauci pushed AZT (Azidothymidine), a DNA chain terminator. This chemotherapy poison killed some 300,000 healthy people who tested positive on a PCR test for HIV, like with tennis player Arthur Ashe! [who died at 49 years of age.]

RFK Jr. reports that Dr. Fauci has so far spent half a trillion dollars in government research grants trying to produce a vaccine against HIV, supporting “nearly 100 vaccine candidates.”

But what if the “human immunodeficiency virus” (HIV) doesn’t cause AIDS?  RJK Jr. addresses this “AIDS denialist” question in Chapter 5, “The HIV Heretics” (with 145 references, i.e., “endnotes”), and how Fauci and his team deals with them, in Chapter 6, “Burning The HIV Heretics” (with 180 references). 
Respected UC Berkeley molecular biologists Peter Duesberg, cofounder of the first retroviral oncogene and author of Inventing theAIDS Virus, and the late Harvey Bialy, founding scientific editor of Nature Biotechnology and Peter Duesberg’s biographer (Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life and Times of PeterH. Duesberg), along with others, contend that HIV is innocent. It is a harmless cellular passenger, like a hitchhiker. And HIV infects less than one in 10,000 T cells, which thrive. AIDS, instead, is caused by long-term, heavy duty recreational drug use; taking antiretroviral drugs, like AZT; unprotected anal sex; and, in Africa, malnutrition and bad water. Dr. Fauci has his team suppress these facts. billi 
The claim that HIV causes AIDS is the “critical foundation of Dr. Fauci’s career.” So, he and his PIs must ignore the fact that AIDS occurs in HIV-negative people.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

DR. MARY T. BOWDEN: Strategies for Treating COVID to Avoid Hospitalization

The interview with Dr. Mary T. Bowden begins at the 5:53 mark.  Dr. Bowden is an Otolaryngologist in Houston, TX with special training and skill in diagnosing, treating, and medically managing ear, nose, and throat disorders and diseases. 

More about Dr. Bowden

As an Otolaryngologist, Mary T. Bowden, MD performs treatment and management of diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat, and related bodily structures. Otolaryngology is the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck. Significant diseases and conditions treated by Otolaryngologists include hearing imbalance, allergies, deviated septum, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinus headaches and migraines, nasal obstruction, hoarseness, GERD, infections, throat tumors, vocal cord disorders, enlarged thyroid glands, Grave's disease, head and neck cancers, sleep apnea, facial trauma, cleft palates, drooping eyelids, hair loss, and facial paralysis. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by Otolaryngologists include treatment of allergy using medication, immunotherapy; surgery on the face, neck or ear for cosmetic, functional, or reconstructive purposes; treating or removing tumors of the head and neck, including the nose and throat; managing throat disorders; treating ear infections, tumors, and nerve pathway disorders affecting hearing and balance; attending to ENT diseases in children, including congenital abnormalities and developmental delays; as well as managing nose and sinus dysfunctions. 

At the 40:09 mark, Dr. Bowden references the site,, for the caller, Daniel, to monoclonal antibodies.  She is helpful.  

47:35  Smokers rarely get COVID.  Interesting.