Showing posts with label Chris Williamson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Williamson. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Vicious Ways Women Compete - Dr Tracy Vaillancourt

19:35. There's a number of interesting studies going on at the moment to do with female sports I think tennis players in basketball players on opposite teams given that you've been doing your ethnographic in place what have you observed about inter, intra team love and distaste and all that stuff.

19:58.  I've noticed so much and in fact I've studied a lot of the things that I've noticed one of the things that I've noticed and then we actually have a study that show this to be true more so for adolescent girls than for adolescent boys but adolescent girls make a lot of social comparisons is she prettier than me is she better than me is she smarter than me is she more popular those social comparisons elicit jealousy and the way that jealousy is manage is either it's turned inward maybe come depressed and anxious or the like or I'm not as good as so and so or they turn it outward which is more common and they tear down their rival so the only reason that she's playing Left fullback and I'm a left fullback is because her dad's the coach or her mom's coach that sort of thing