Saturday, March 22, 2025

00:00.  We've got to basically tell the truth to everybody so that they wake up and look at what's going on out there because I've never seen the mainstream media lie so much.

The dramatic impact of the Trump approach to trade with the Tariff threat let me just start with some simple questions is it going to be effective?

00:25.  No I mean look 25% tariff is more of a political ploy for negotiation what he did to China with the 10% that's more of an economic tariff.

00:40.  Is there any history of governments being able to control and is more complicated than ever as you were alluding to much earlier more complicated than ever more variables than ever has anybody ever succeeded because they keep trying to sell that to the public.

00:54.  No, it never works, even once.  The FED didn't raise rates today.  Why?  Because now the Fed has realized If they raise rates, it doesn't stop inflation.  Why?  Because then the government expenditures go up anyhow the central banks have been neutered basically all the theories that they had from the Great Depression none of them work anymore but they can't say this publicly because it's a confidence game.

01:35.  I keep getting feedback, and I feel this personally there are so many things going on it's hard to keep track of them.  And some of them with contrary impacts whether we're talking about the stock market, gold, currencies, overall economic growth, etc.  And when that happens, I always find it a huge privilege and benefit to be able to talk with Martin Armstrong.  He's the originator of the Socrates model over 40 years ago when people hadn't heard the word artificial intelligence.  But it's a model that in the past has predicted things specifically like the fall of the Berlin Wall to the date, and so many other things.  . . . so many other things with a record of accuracy that comes out of his model, and I'll just reiterate that Marty always says "Hey, this is the work of my model.  No individual could process as many variables as we are feeding it."  It's been beneficial to his subscribers of Socrates and  We've benefited . . . .

02:51.  So many things sitting in, so I'm going to start with Canadians and Mexicans, and other points of view.  The dramatic impact of the Trump approach to trade with the tariff threat.  Is it going to be effective?

03:03.  No, a 25% tariff is more of a political play for negotiation.  What he did to China, the 10%, that's more of an economic tariff.  You're not going to fund the government with tariffs; you're just not going to do it.  But Trump is acting based upon the old theories that we were taught in school back when.  They don't work but every government still uses them, central banks.  But, no I don't see the tariffs working.  The idea that the US used to be funded by tariffs during the 19th century is historically correct, but that was also before socialism.  

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