Friday, March 21, 2025

TOM LUONGO: If you want peace in the region . . . Get rid of USAID. Get rid of the National Endowment for Democracy. Get rid of the State Department

Because this is now sincere and real.  If you want peace in the region, it's only going to come when the Saudis,, the Egyptians, and everybody else in the region the Jordanians, and everybody else, finally take a stake in the process as opposed to acting through vaster powers and vaster powers that are their proxies.  F*** that noise.  Get rid of USAID.  Get rid of the National Endowment for Democracy.  Get rid of the State Department f****** things up.  Get rid of the British Intelligence [in the region].  Get rid of all of it.  And there is only one way to do that: you got to cut off the f****** flow of money through the City of London and through Brussels.  Trump has to go after them directly and implement the sovereign debt crisis in Europe at the same time as he takes out our sins. 

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