Showing posts with label Brook Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brook Jackson. Show all posts

Friday, October 20, 2023

Pfizer has until midnight tonight to file a motion for dismissal for the Fraud claim that Whistleblower @IamBrookJackson filed against them on behalf of the American People.

Brook Jackson is SUING @Pfizer + @VRG_FortWorth on behalf of the American people for multiple violations under the False Claims Act

I have followed the COVID-19 condition, the mask mandates, and the made-up 6-foot distancing, it's all been one big con.  Don't get me wrong, I've had fun with it.  Anyone who insisted I wear a mask, I either outright refused or gave them a mindful of their $.69 cents' worth of authority.  But even after 3, nearly 4 years of this war on everything that human beings value, I am still appalled and disgusted with what some of these companies got away with.  

Brooke Jackson says the first thing she noticed was a lack of informed consent.  They weren't consenting patients properly; they weren't consenting patients at all.  So that was really the first thing that she saw.  There was unblinding.  There was no reporting of the adverse events properly.  They were mixing up lab samples.  The better question is what was Ventavia doing correctly?  Which was nothing.  She got a text message that was basically to lie to Pfizer that she never unblinded her patients.  She was removing documents from patients' charts and shredding them so that they wouldn't find out that we'd actually unblinding all these patients.  Just reading through some of the emails that she was getting she recognized there was an obvious rush to get the vaccine study to meet the enrollment goals.  There was just something that was not right, a gut feeling.  So on the 25th of September, she took [her findings] to the FDA, and she got fired about 6 hours after she contacted the FDA.  She feels like it's an effort between big Pharma and big government and she feels betrayed in a lot of ways, especially knowing that this product is dangerous and that it's hurting people.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

"we now know that this was a big massive fraud, but the FDA has never acknowledged that it was a fraud"

Brook Jackson's complaint against Pfizer is headed to the Appeals Court.

6:02. We now know that Pfizer was secretly funding organizations to mandate their vaccine, their so-called vaccine, their drug. They were hiding their sourcing their support of it by funding organizations with other names.

Not only that.  We now know that Pfizer was involved because the contract required that [the vaccine] could only be approved, and they could only receive it, if there was no available alternative because it took the PREP Act terms, the Emergency Use Authorization, EUA, terms and explicitly put them in the contract

Pfizer knew there were alternatives that worked.  So, Pfizer was working behind the scenes to prevent anybody from knowing there were alternatives that worked, using their power in the big pharmaceutical industry to do so.

So we now know that this was a big massive fraud, but the FDA has never acknowledged that it was a fraud.  The FDA is still saying it's, still saying it's effective, still saying it's a vaccine, still saying--a little bit less now--that it's for the prevention of COVID-19, and they're saying that they don't believe Brook Jackson's complaints. They're trusting Pfizer's lies.  Well, in that case, we get to pursue our case.  We only don't get to pursue our case if Pfizer says, if the FDA says "Oh, we know Pfizer's lying.  We know it's dangerous.  We know it's ineffective.  We know it's not a vaccine."  They've never said that.  The judge got the law completely wrong.  It was lazy judges by a lazy law clerk that were working for him or just ild fashion cowardice."