Showing posts with label Basil Valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basil Valentine. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

LATYPOVA: These people [AmplifyBio, JD Vance's company] are cruel to the point of insanity, and there is no scientific reason to do it this way

"It appears to me that the defense department is working on bioweapons...and J.D. Vance is front and center in one of the central labs that did the study."

"Battelle is a parent company for AmplifyBio, which is J.D. Vance's company...[and] it appears they're getting huge contracts, especially from the defense department, including DARPA..."
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for Basil Valentine on TNT Radio () how Batelle—a parent company of AmplifyBio, which is partially owned by J.D. Vance's Cincinnati-based venture capital fund, Narya Capital, along with Batelle—is "getting huge contracts" from the Department of Defense (DOD), including, specifically, DARPA, BARDA, and DITRA.

"Battelle is a parent company for AmplifyBio, which is J.D. Vance's company, and they give them grants or funnel these grants from biodefense to work on [what is called 'biodefense,' but is really] bioweapons development," Latypova says.

Latypova notes that AmplifyBio has performed "horrific experimentation on animals," including the injection of a virus-and-vaccine combination containing both Ebola genes and Nipah virus genes. She adds, "They're telling us this is some sort of standard science that they need to do to study vaccines—it's not. And I'm looking more closely into this paper. It appears to me that the defense department is working on bioweapons." 

Partial transcription of clip: 
"I became interested in [Vance's] company, AmplifyBio, which seems to be a service provider to the pharmaceutical industry, which I worked in myself. So this is very familiar to me. And it seems that his company is, was, set up actually the parent company is Battelle Institute, and I started looking into what Battelle is. And it appears to be a front pretending to be some sort of a nonprofit networking between government and private industry. 

"But it appears they're getting huge contracts especially from the defense department, including DARPA, BARDA, DITRA, other agencies of the defense, especially biodefense, which is the part of the Department of Defense in the United States that's very interested in bioweapons development and that is very interested in mRNA. And so this Battelle Corporation, who has huge grants from the Department of Defense—including, I found, $22 million for bioweapons for biological biodefense, they call biodefense development—and other very large grants, like, $350 million for some vehicles. And then they funnel these projects to companies that they directly control or have friends on networks. 

"So for example, Battelle is a parent company for AmplifyBio, which is J.D. Vance's company, and they give them grants or funnel these grants from biodefense to work on, well, the cover story for bioweapons development. As always, we're working on the infectious disease and the vaccines. And so, one of the papers which I found had horrific experimentation on animals, injecting them directly into the brain with what they call vaccine and virus. In the same paper, they call it the chimeric vaccine and the chimeric virus. It's the same exact substance, which contains, backbone of live replicating virus, including Ebola genes and Nipah virus genes.

"And so they test this substance by directly injecting it into the brains of, mice, hamsters, and monkeys. So I, in fact, worked in the industry...and there is no scientific reason to do it this way. In fact, I was so puzzled by it. I searched on, different search engines trying to find the specific route of injection... which is directly into the brain, into the region that's called thalamus in the brain... It was very hard to find any references to this injection route except this particular study.

"So they're telling us this is some sort of standard science that they need to do to study vaccines. It's not. And I'm looking more closely into this paper. It appears to me that the defense department is working on bioweapons. This is a known way of coming up with new toxins and new pathogens. It's these kinds of, poisoning of animals, and then covering it up with infectious disease research. So that's what it appears to me to be, and J.D. Vance is front and center in one of the central labs that did the study." 

Full video:

02:00, VALENTINE. Yeah, he's got links to people that are associated with Palantir, a group like this, organizations that are heavily involved in surveillance.  They are themselves tangentially linked to Crowd Strike and the outage, not saying he had anything to do with that but he's got some wild ideas I mean I've referenced like flooding Gaza.  He and Trump made common cause with the neo fascists in the Israeli regime.  Obviously extraordinary stuff particularly in the light of the ICJ rulings at the end of last week that the entire Israeli presence in the West Bank in Gaza is illegal and should come to an end as soon as possible to me this points to a global Constitutional crisis for want of a better expression because international law is totally disregarded and people like Vance seem to have nothing but contempt for it.

03:07, LATYPOVA. Yeah, so Vance, to me, appears from what I've read and what I've looked at and now I'm doing a more detailed dive into the background than what exactly his companies are working on and the connections, but to me, it looks like he's just another coin-operated creature from the swamp because his hypocrisy is obvious in what he does and what he funds and what he says in his books conservative Catholic values are nowhere to be found when he's making money.  And for these people that seems totally okay where the ends justify the means.  Somehow he's associated with Peter Thiel who owns Palintir, the totalitarian surveillance of everything