Showing posts with label American elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American elections. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

political class shifts donor control to the political class away from the candidate

Football, soccer, one of the two great things the British empire gave to the world.  BTW, you can look, you can go and see exactly where the British empire starts, where British shipping reached, where the British directly ruled they played cricket.  Where the British ships, the Navy, went they played soccer.  That's why most of the world outside the U.S. plays either soccer or cricket.  

Looking for U.S. election results, except election Day came and I didn't get the results.  Election Day, at least in the United States has turned unto Election Week.

8:40  From an elections standards, American elections are unprecedented and unparalleled historically for American but also around the globe in this sense:  How we conduct American elections would be condemned if it were the American State Dept. talking about some other country's elections.  Around the world, they do not allow mass mail-in voting; they don't allow you to mail it in.  America now does . . . in most key states, and more key jurisdictions.  In most places around the world, they count the ballots the same day as the election.  They tell you how many people voted, first, and then they count them as to who won.  Brazil just had elections.  Within 3 to 4 hours, all the votes were counted.  That's the norm around the globe.  Ah, not in America.  Nevada's elections went on for . . . they're still counting in Nevada.   

By doing this, the political class can flood places that they want or starve places that they want.