"The virus did not devastate the world—the response devastated the world. Therefore, we should be looking at the origins of the response, not the origins of the virus. So any investigation that focuses on the origins of the virus is missing the entire picture."
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) and Debbie Lerman, a 2023 Brownstone (@brownstoneinst) Fellow and retired science writer, describe for Alex Newman (@ALEXNEWMAN_JOU) of The New American (@NewAmericanMag) how everyone looking for the core truth in matters regarding COVID must be focused on the origins of the "response" to the disease, not the origins of the disease itself. Lerman notes that it was the *response* that "devastated the world," not the "virus." If indeed there even was a virus. (And, of course, much evidence points to there being no SARS-2 virus.)
"You need to realize the virus did not devastate the world. The response devastated the world," Lerman says. "Therefore, we should be looking at the origins of the response, not the origins of the virus. So any investigation that focuses on the origins of the virus is missing the entire picture. The origins of response is what we need to address, not the origins of the virus."
Latypova goes on to describe how the idea of declaring a "pandemic" before a novel disease has run its course is fraudulent on its face:
"In the past, pandemics did not exist... a pandemic is a simultaneous mass illness and death exceeding all the previous mass illnesses and deaths in human history occurring simultaneously all over the world. That does not exist, never happened. Okay? Now epidemics have been historically declared. An epidemic in a public health sense, this is non-nefarious, benign [in a] public health sense, [but still an] epidemic can only be declared retrospectively. After you've collected the data about this current season, mortality, and morbidity, and you compare it to the previous years and it exceeded certain thresholds, then you can say you had an epidemic. So [this COVID pandemic declaration is] nonsense. It's absurdity to take a code, some sort of a random code, genetic code that was uploaded on January 9th to GenBank from China and then say, 'Oh my God, this is a pandemic virus.'"
Latypova adds:
"I've published on this. I've read several of Ralph Baric's long reports. He co-authored a gigantic report—it's like a book on bioweapons, published by the National Academies of Science in the US. [And] there's numerous very prestigious authors of this book [as well]. They all unanimously say, 'We do not have scientific knowledge that today can predict from the genetic code how dangerous [a] virus is going to be or even if it's going to infect anyone. So how is it possible that they have a sequence that somebody uploaded?
"By the way, those [SARS-2] sequences, they're not accurate. They're always consensus sequences because PCR is error-prone. So you have to do numerous runs then average it out and then say, well, sort of like this sequence. Right? But it represents nothing. It's an averaged code."
Lerman adds:
"Sasha just gave you why the scientific explanation for why [COVID] could not have been innocent. The public health and national security reason is even if they thought [SARS-2] was a bioweapon that was gonna kill a lot of people, why didn't they tell us? Number one. Number two, if they knew it [was a public health emergency] on February 5th 2020, why did they only start implementing measures on March 13th or 18th or 15th depending on the country or the state? So they could not possibly have been innocent... Even if they all believed that this was a terrible bioweapon that China created at the Wuhan lab and Fauci funded it... they still didn't tell us for a month and a half."