Showing posts with label — Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) February 13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) February 13. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

"the public health emergency laws require those governments to attack their own people with chemical and biological weapons or else forfeit Central banking services"

Specific to the public health emergencies and COVID-19, there is a conflict that is set up between Public Health Emergency laws that require governments to violate other laws, the other laws being the ones that prohibit biological and chemical weapons.  And the public health emergency laws require those governments to attack their own people with chemical and biological weapons or else forfeit Central banking services.  And so, they are in this bind and they have chosen to attack their people rather than forfeit Central banking services.  

Some of the laws implicated in it are: 

*  the UN convention in 1975 on biological weapons.

*  1997 UN Convention on chemical weapons.

*  the World Health Organization's International Health regulations, especially the 2005 amendments.

*  and then in the US are implementing laws for those International laws are:

*  18 USC 175 which prohibits biological weapons 

*  18 USC 229 which prohibits chemical weapons and those are in conflict with . . . 

*  42 USC 247d which puts all the power to order the use of these weapons into the Health and Human Services Secretary's hands during a public health emergency which the HHS Secretary unilaterally declares and sustains and then . . . 

*  the Emergency Use Authorization law, which applies to the products under the Food, Drug, & Cosmetics Act, and that one is 21 USC 360 BBB.

1:49. This is just a list of major US laws that have some of the interlocking pieces:

*  the Homeland Security Act,

*  the Federal Reserve Act,

*  International Organizations Immunities Act which is what gives the World Health Organization the UN and other International organizations and private organizations, like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the ability to operate without any legal liability to commit crimes, to commit civil rights violations; everything they can do because they are outside of the law . . .