Showing posts with label — Roman Bystrianyk (@RBystrianyk) August 16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Roman Bystrianyk (@RBystrianyk) August 16. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2024

BYSTRIANYK: Tuberculosis cured with… wait for it… vegetable juice.

Tuberculosis cured with… wait for it… vegetable juice.

A 1905 article in the New York Times discussed a cure for tuberculosis that was developed by Dr. Russell. His treatment was vegetable juices, which cured patients who suffered from active tuberculosis.
“Dr. Russell says he has found a combination of foods which seems effective in the destruction of the bacilli of tuberculosis. The most beneficial item in the food combination—consisting of butter, bread, eggs, milk, and emulsion—is, he says, vegetable juices. Since the introduction of this juice the report records remarkable results among the tuberculosis patients. The fluid, which Dr. Russell and his colleagues at the Post-Graduate believe to have beneficial properties, is the combined juice of every kind of vegetable to be had in the market. It has been in regular use at the hospital along with the regular diet since Jan. 7. It is now recorded that in the first five months of this year eleven patients were discharged “apparently cured,” against a record number of thirteen cures effected during the whole of 1904. This sudden increase, and the fact that the patients are still thriving upon the vegetable-juice treatment, lead the examiners to believe that Dr. Russell has discovered a fluid, the properties of which are fatal to the progress of tuberculosis... The vegetables first used were potato, onion, beet, turnip, cabbage, and celery. Later were added sweet potato, apple, pineapple, carrot, parsnip, and later still rhubarb, (pieplant), summer squash, tomato, spinach, radishes, string beans, and green peas with the pods.”

[“Vegetable Juice a New Consumption Remedy, Tried with Success at Post-Graduate Hospital, 11 Believed to be Cured,” New York Times, August 25, 1905.]

DR. CARNE ROSS: he has invariably treated influenza with cinnamon, patients have generally been perfectly fit to return to their avocations . . . within three or four days

Do you have a concern about the flu? Vaccination has shown itself to be a failure. Maybe you should try cinnamon! 
In 1907, Dr. Ross reported on his use of cinnamon oil for 16 years to help patients quickly recover from influenza. Weeks of illness from the flu were reduced to three or four days. “Ross states that for nearly sixteen years he has employed cinnamon in various forms in treating this [influenza] disease, but for many years now he has always employed the oil of Ceylon cinnamon bark... We all of us have heard only too often of bad cases of influenza where the unhappy patients have been confined to their beds or their rooms for a fortnight, three weeks, a month, or even longer... he has invariably treated influenza with cinnamon, his patients have generally been perfectly fit to return to their avocations, whatever they may have been, within three or four days, and that in no single case has a patient suffering from influenza been on his hands for more than a week.” 
[“Cinnamon Oil in the Treatment of Influenza,” Joseph Carne Ross, M.D. Edin., The Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet, vol. XXVIII, no. 1, January 1907, p. 92.

DR. C. KILLICK MILLARD: with improved sanitation (using the term in the widest sense) smallpox will be completely banished from this country as has been the case with plague, cholera, and typhus fever

They use the name “pox” to elicit a fear reaction because most people have been brainwashed that smallpox was defeated by vaccination.

In 1914 Dr. C. Killick Millard wrote in The Vaccination Question:

“For forty years, corresponding roughly with the advent of the “sanitary era,” smallpox has gradually but steadily been leaving this country (England). For the past ten years, the disease has ceased to have any appreciable effect upon our mortality statistics. For most of that period, it has been entirely absent except for a few isolated outbreaks here and there. It is reasonable to believe that with the perfecting and more general adoption of modern methods of control and with improved sanitation (using the term in the widest sense) smallpox will be completely banished from this country as has been the case with plague, cholera, and typhus fever. Accompanying this decline in smallpox there has been a notable diminution during the past decade in the amount of infantile vaccination. This falling off in vaccination is steadily increasing and is becoming very widespread.”

[Harry Bernhardt Anderson, State Medicine a Menace to Democracy, 1920, p. 84.]