Friday, August 16, 2024

DR. CARNE ROSS: he has invariably treated influenza with cinnamon, patients have generally been perfectly fit to return to their avocations . . . within three or four days

Do you have a concern about the flu? Vaccination has shown itself to be a failure. Maybe you should try cinnamon! 
In 1907, Dr. Ross reported on his use of cinnamon oil for 16 years to help patients quickly recover from influenza. Weeks of illness from the flu were reduced to three or four days. “Ross states that for nearly sixteen years he has employed cinnamon in various forms in treating this [influenza] disease, but for many years now he has always employed the oil of Ceylon cinnamon bark... We all of us have heard only too often of bad cases of influenza where the unhappy patients have been confined to their beds or their rooms for a fortnight, three weeks, a month, or even longer... he has invariably treated influenza with cinnamon, his patients have generally been perfectly fit to return to their avocations, whatever they may have been, within three or four days, and that in no single case has a patient suffering from influenza been on his hands for more than a week.” 
[“Cinnamon Oil in the Treatment of Influenza,” Joseph Carne Ross, M.D. Edin., The Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet, vol. XXVIII, no. 1, January 1907, p. 92.

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