Showing posts with label — James Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — James Lindsay. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2024

“Queer Theory opens the gates to hell.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New Documentary Film, Beneath Sheep's Clothing

Julie Behling is a Utah mom [good interview in that link] who has published a book about communism coming from her real-life experience in dealing with the culture of what happened behind the Iron Curtain.  In her book, she writes about underground Christian movements in the Soviet Union.

Julie Behling's book, Beneath Sheep's Clothing: The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America, 2022.  

The Politics of Compliance proceeds through doing moral injury (demoralization) and psychic injury (derangement). Some people never recover. The people who do it to their populations deserve hell.

Went through the self-checkout last night, and an older man from a Middle Eastern country, was coughing uncontrollably at the register next to me.  He bought only a gallon of milk.  Does milk help with coughs or bronchitis?  Me thinks not.  It wasn't a mask issue; the guy not once put his hand over his mouth.  Different cultures, different hygienic practices, I guess.  

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


00:25. A quote from a lesser known dictator and that's Mao Zedong.  In 1957, he not so famously said, "Not to have correct political opinions is like not having a soul."  And I think that that is kind of a banner for the lives that we've been living for the last few years and that's very unfortunate but it's also very telling.  My talk is titled, "The Target Is You."  What I want to talk about is actually "The Politics of Compliance" is the name I've given this and it's actually derived from a strategy that Mao Zedong used, but to make the politics of compliance work the target is actually you.  And I don't just mean you with the wrong political opinions who don't have souls.  I mean everybody.  There are generally three categories of people when it comes to the politics of compliance: 1) there are the people who are complying; 2) there are the people who are refusing, and 3) there are the people who aren't sure.  And all three are targeted by the politics of compliance roughly the same way with the same Dynamic the goal is of course to get the compliant to feel better than everybody else but also frustrated with everybody else it is to convince those who are not sure to join the programming to begin to comply and it is to use the people who refuse to comply as the wedge around which the entire thing turns.  In fact, it's to dehumanize them and motivate the other two groups to try to destroy them.  So Mao Zedong simply took over China with a very small number of conceptual concepts that I'm lumping together in what I'm calling the politics of compliance.  He separated the population into two broad categories I just mentioned.  I just mentioned three, well he cut it into two.  It was an oversimplification, and those two categories are the people, and the enemies of the people.  Not to put too fine a point on it, that's what he called them: the people and the enemies of the people. And what he said is who are the people?  Well, he gives this kind of historical record in 1957 as to who counted as the people, and when.  And there's a consistent running theme through his 8 or 9 different examples of different historical periods of the Chinese story, whether it's the Japanese or the Sino-Japanese War, the second one, whether it's the period of building socialism after he took power in 1949, whether it's during his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-Year Plan, and the examples all have the single theme of THE people are the people who agree with Mao, and THE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE are the people who don't agree with Mao.  And it turns out to be really that simple the people at the period of building socialism are those who support the building of socialism and the enemies of the people are those who resist the building of socialism.  He says it explicitly that clearly.  

3:20. And this sets up a dynamic I think the best name for it is Hatecraft, and here is how it works.  The goal of this split is to say that there is a correct perspective on all things, a sacred science (see #5), as Robert [Jay] Lifton described it, and that's called The People's perspective, or at least it was in China.  We could call it whatever, "the critical race perspective on Race"; we could call it "the queer perspective on sexual politics"; we could all imagine a bunch of examples under COVID, "the public health perspective," I guess would be the right name for it.  I see Red Hats in the crowd, you're not allowed to have those.  That's the deplorable side of a different perspective.  But this is the general idea.  There are people who do the right thing.  There are people who do the wrong thing, and the goal is to bring people into the people's perspective, which is also called agreeing with the tyranny.  

4:10. And what you do in order to achieve this idea is that you separate the population into two broad categories, The People and The Enemies of the People.  And then you say,

What we want is unity.  We want Unity but there are certain elements in the population who are preventing us from unity and moving into the future that we can be having, and it's their fault.  The people want to move forward, and the enemy of the people is stopping them.  The people want to open their businesses and go back about their lives, but the people who won't wear masks or take a shot or socially distance or close down their lives or whatever else in the COVID department, are stopping them.  We want to open the country back up, but we can't because there are anti-vaxxers.  They are the problem.

That is hatecraft.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

FYI, the Left uses language of the Khmer Rouge, like "Year Zero," with people before "Year Zero" deemed largely irrelevant and purged

All of the history of a Nation corrupted by "Western, capitalist" ideas and people before "Year Zero" would be largely deemed irrelevant and purged, replaced with ideas based on "equity" and "social justice."

The Khmer Rouge declared day 1 of "Year Zero" for Cambodia to be April 17, 1975.  4 years later they ended up killing 2 million people nearly a quarter of their population in their attempt to achieve Year Zero, also known as the Cambodian Genocide. 

The first thing i noticed when the COVID lockdowns began and the mitigating measures, or countermeasures, launched were all the reports on how to be hygienic under the new COVID regime as if all of the hygienic habits of putting your hand over your mouth when you sneezed or coughed and making sure to wash your hands regularly were somehow tossed out the window, making March 20, 2020 Day 1 of "Year Zero" in the new normal of unprecedented times.  Had no idea that we were being subjected to pages out of the Khmer Rouge's playbook from the Cambodian Genocide.  Ominous.  Going forward, governments will target anyone ir ant group deemed immunologically unfit as targets for the roving mobs of the Cambodian Genocide stateside.  

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Some food manufacturers must be on Bill Gates' payroll. Tyson Foods joins with Protix (Pro-Ticks?) to manufacture bug-based meal, "typically used in fish feed and dog food"

No wonder people's dogs are so sick.   

ZeroHedge reports

Tyson Foods Inc. is buying a stake in insect-protein company Protix BV. The two companies will collaborate to establish a manufacturing facility in the US to produce bug-based meal and oil, typically used in fish feed and dog food. 

"The American meatpacker said Tuesday that it agreed to buy a stake in Dongen, Netherlands-based Protix BV to help fund its expansion. The companies will also form a joint venture to build and operate a US facility that will produce bug-based meal and oil, which are typically used in fish feed and dog food. Financial terms of the deal weren't disclosed." --Bloomberg 

"It's a multibillion-dollar industry opportunity that has tremendous growth potential, and we see Protix as being a leader there," Tyson CFO John Tyson said in an interview. 

In addition to manufacturing disgusting foods, Tyson Foods also mistreats its employees.  Definitely not an "American company."  Check out what Tyson said about making insect meal,

Tyson said, "In the long run, insect-protein inclusion in animal-feed diets can be a real thing that exists and can be one that is good for people, planet and animals."

Protix already supplies insect meal to other American companies, like Nestle and Mars.  How's that Almond Joy tasting now? 

Protix already supplies insect-based protein to pet food makers Nestle SA and Mars Inc. The company was established in 2009, and the partnership with Tyson will expand operations internationally. 

Protix brags about its products.

It is definitely a huge way to establish ourselves into an international context," Protix CEO Kees Aarts said. He added the deal with Tyson is a "tipping point we have been working for." 

But who is setting this market in motion?  Ah, yes, Klaus Schwab, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, and other alarmists and crisis actors.  Clean the air by eating insects?  That's certainly how the elite view working people.  

Slowly but surely, the World Economic Forum and major corporations appear to be resetting the global food supply chain. WEF has been very vocal about how the masses must give up beef because cow farts are polluting the air and, instead, eat insects. 

Remember what your mother told you.  "Don't eat that!"  So don't eat that.  Don't be an idiot.  Eat this.  It'll make you smarter.  It's not just protein that steak provides: it's the massive amounts of vitamins and minerals that you can't get from any other food.

Check it out.  BTW, it's the same with milk.  Don't drink almond milk or rice milk or some other plant-based milk.  Many of these contain ingredients that render you infertile.  Be careful.  Choose wisely.  Choose healthily.  

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

CA SENATOR, SCOTT WILK: I've encouraged people to keep fighting but I've changed my mind on that. If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.

I'm now in year 11 in the state legislature, and all the time we're proposing policies to protect children. After 11 years, I've come to the conclusion that we need to start protecting parents.  That's just not happening.  I've been here and witnessed a full frontal assault on charter schools taking away parents' choice and how their children are going to be educated to the detriment, particularly of children of color. In recent years, we have put government bureaucrats between parents children and doctors when it comes to medical care, and now we have this where if a parent does not support the ideology of the government they're going to be taken away from the home.  Now, I agree with both Senator Weiner and Senator Laird that today it only involves divorce proceedings, and frankly, a judge can already factor this in.  But I can assure you, it's not going to end with divorce proceedings.  In the past when we've had these discussions I've seen parental rights atrophied.  I've encouraged people to keep fighting but I've changed my mind on that.  If you love your children, you need to flee California.  You need to flee.  We are moving towards the pathway of The Handmaid's Tale. California is becoming the new Gilead, and it just breaks my heart born and raised in the state I love, this state.  I'm not going to stay in this state because it's just too oppressive, and I believe in freedom.  So I'm going to move to America when I leave the legislature. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

ESG will crush the whole world if we don't stop it

The story, the music, and the tact of using a reunion with one's child are used to castrate your critique of abominable self-mutilation.  Don't fall for it.  This is corporate woke America exploiting the Christian mandate to love and accept everyone.  But accepting self-mutilation as a viable choice for our children is not what that Christian ethic is about.  1 Corinthians, 6:19-20 says 

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Self-mutilation is an abomination and violates God's commandments.  Are you looking for mandates?  Look to God's.  And this is what LBGTQ+ stands for.  They will use the Christian doctrine to seduce you into accepting abominations.  

Also, this is not a working-class issue.  These are the concerns of high-end, first-world capitalism.  In other words, it's a non-issue in most peoples' lives but it is unmistakably a value of one of the established brands in corporate, woke America.  Do Indians really drink Starbucks?  I would say that have better coffee than the drek that the green and white mermaid serves.  

Open up a full screen to see the note at the end at the very bottom.  It reads, 

"This content is not intended to offend or cause distress to any group of people."  

That's more of a legal statement, where the intention of a crime is the crux of guilt.  By any group of people, are they saying that they don't care about hetero-Christian world doesn't exist?  

Another abomination by a woke corporation.  

Bury Bud Light.  

Bury Target.  

Bury Starbucks.  

It's a Bill Gates product anyway, the guy whose goal it is to sterilize the world's population.  And the LBGTQ+ are literally the water carriers for that agenda.  

Sunday, June 4, 2023

The goal is to make us into "global citizens." There is no global sovereign, so there is no global citizenship

Wokism is Marxism evolved to attack the West.  Nailed it.  The first assault was to turn every imaginary identity belonging to Western culture from capitalism to Christianity to a free thinker.  There's no greater attack on a freethinking American who is free to have and enjoy independent thought.  In America, if you want to hold racist or racial views, you can.  It doesn't mean you're on your way to calling for genocide.  It means you're free to think.  And as everyone knows, thoughts do not equate to action.  And our thinking is liable to experience and interaction.  Still, I wouldn't want to strip anyone of their convictions that are based on real-world, maybe even traumatized, experiences  Thoughts do not make you a monster.  Read poetry.  Poets are always showing us the crazy, raging fertile mind