Showing posts with label Global Citizen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Citizen. Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2023

The goal is to make us into "global citizens." There is no global sovereign, so there is no global citizenship

Wokism is Marxism evolved to attack the West.  Nailed it.  The first assault was to turn every imaginary identity belonging to Western culture from capitalism to Christianity to a free thinker.  There's no greater attack on a freethinking American who is free to have and enjoy independent thought.  In America, if you want to hold racist or racial views, you can.  It doesn't mean you're on your way to calling for genocide.  It means you're free to think.  And as everyone knows, thoughts do not equate to action.  And our thinking is liable to experience and interaction.  Still, I wouldn't want to strip anyone of their convictions that are based on real-world, maybe even traumatized, experiences  Thoughts do not make you a monster.  Read poetry.  Poets are always showing us the crazy, raging fertile mind