Showing posts with label number one Gay Studies author (@ConceptualJames) March 13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label number one Gay Studies author (@ConceptualJames) March 13. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New Documentary Film, Beneath Sheep's Clothing

Julie Behling is a Utah mom [good interview in that link] who has published a book about communism coming from her real-life experience in dealing with the culture of what happened behind the Iron Curtain.  In her book, she writes about underground Christian movements in the Soviet Union.

Julie Behling's book, Beneath Sheep's Clothing: The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America, 2022.  

The Politics of Compliance proceeds through doing moral injury (demoralization) and psychic injury (derangement). Some people never recover. The people who do it to their populations deserve hell.

Went through the self-checkout last night, and an older man from a Middle Eastern country, was coughing uncontrollably at the register next to me.  He bought only a gallon of milk.  Does milk help with coughs or bronchitis?  Me thinks not.  It wasn't a mask issue; the guy not once put his hand over his mouth.  Different cultures, different hygienic practices, I guess.