Friday, June 9, 2023

ESG will crush the whole world if we don't stop it

The story, the music, and the tact of using a reunion with one's child are used to castrate your critique of abominable self-mutilation.  Don't fall for it.  This is corporate woke America exploiting the Christian mandate to love and accept everyone.  But accepting self-mutilation as a viable choice for our children is not what that Christian ethic is about.  1 Corinthians, 6:19-20 says 

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Self-mutilation is an abomination and violates God's commandments.  Are you looking for mandates?  Look to God's.  And this is what LBGTQ+ stands for.  They will use the Christian doctrine to seduce you into accepting abominations.  

Also, this is not a working-class issue.  These are the concerns of high-end, first-world capitalism.  In other words, it's a non-issue in most peoples' lives but it is unmistakably a value of one of the established brands in corporate, woke America.  Do Indians really drink Starbucks?  I would say that have better coffee than the drek that the green and white mermaid serves.  

Open up a full screen to see the note at the end at the very bottom.  It reads, 

"This content is not intended to offend or cause distress to any group of people."  

That's more of a legal statement, where the intention of a crime is the crux of guilt.  By any group of people, are they saying that they don't care about hetero-Christian world doesn't exist?  

Another abomination by a woke corporation.  

Bury Bud Light.  

Bury Target.  

Bury Starbucks.  

It's a Bill Gates product anyway, the guy whose goal it is to sterilize the world's population.  And the LBGTQ+ are literally the water carriers for that agenda.  

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