Showing posts with label — J P Fanton (@HealthyFellow). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — J P Fanton (@HealthyFellow). Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The more vitamin B1 you have in your stores, the less likely you are to have heart problems.

Conclusion:  Hypertension and heart failure are in an inverse ratio with vitamin B1, thiamin.  The more vitamin B1 you have in your stores, the less likely you are to have heart problems.  The less vitamin B1 you have in your blood, the risks increase.  

This association is especially significant in elderly-aged men, overweight individuals, smokers, drinkers, and dyslipidemia patients.

Why is this important?  Because heart disease is the 2nd largest cause of death in the U.S.   So that fact got my attention.