Showing posts with label — Danny Roddy (@dannyroddy) May 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Danny Roddy (@dannyroddy) May 6. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2024

COPPER DEFICIENCY: Can cause "Loss of pigmentation," abnormal electrocardiograms, glucose intolerance, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, hyperuricemia, injury by free radicals, and thrombosis in animals...

"Foods with high copper content include animal livers and shellfish..."  

From the Jama Network's "Copper in Nuts May Lower Heart Disease Risk," Arch Intern Medicine, 1993, 153(3):402. 

Get copper from animal sources, like ruminant organ meats. 
"Copper deficiency is the only nutritional insult that has been shown to produce abnormal electrocardiograms, glucose intolerance, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, hyperuricemia, injury by free radicals, and thrombosis in animals...

From "Copper deficiency in Humans," Annual Review Nutrition, 1988;8:235-257. 

"Loss of pigmentation might also be expected in chronic copper deficiency since this is a pronounced feature in most species." "Foods with high copper content include animal livers and shellfish..."  

 "Osteoporosis is another feature seen in all species." Anemia neopenia and osteoporosis have been the principal features."

Ruminant liver and oysters are the best sources.

Beef heart.