Sunday, April 21, 2024

17:40  Johnson chose poorly on this.  I'm not seeing any upside here, folks.  I've been doing research into emergency coms and emergency backup power for the last two weeks, if everybody wants to know where my head has been, okay?  Like going down the whole ham radio thing and looking at the situation and how we're going to take care of ourselves because we don't have any halfway decent communications.  I'm dead serious.  I haven't felt this way since 2008, and I'm far more seasoned about this stuff now than when I was panicking over 2008.  Back then I was panicking; this isn't panic, this is just deep, abiding vitriol.  We sat here and we held out hope that there was you know I mean look I don't don't get me wrong.  It's not like we can't come back from this.  We can.  But not as the United States of America.  This is going to be the moment in time, if we do this, if we seize Russia's foreign exchange assets, hand them to Ukraine, and the European Union doesn't do the same thing?  It's the ultimate betrayal of America by our leadership.  It's the big win they've been trying to maneuver us into for years, and the only way you salvage that is by breaking it up and by restoring effectively a version of the U.S. Constitution's rule of law and everything else to a group of people and a government not located in Washington DC.  Do you understand?  This is this is the problem.  This decision implies all of these things.  There is no other discussion about this it's not just a deglobalization of the world that's also on the table this also ensures that Putin seizes, nationalizing assets of unfriendly countries, owned by unfriendly countries yeah he's selling possessions in 9/10 of the law the same way that half of Germany's gold is still in Marriner Eccles' Building in DC, built in 1937.  England still won't give Venezuela their gold back go back to the JCPOA they've been setting this up for years since 2015 when the JCPOA I remember arguing with a friend who's a rabid Neoconservative Jew great guy and every other way but when it came to Israel he became a complete freaking rabbit neocon when the JCPOA was signed, he was literally right next to Bebe N. 

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