Sunday, April 28, 2024

Elze van Hamelen on Pharma Foods, all part of the story of controlling the food supply.  

It's an important story and it's one that I've been personally avoiding because I did a deep dive into the what was wrong with the industrial agriculture system and that was frightening enough.  This one is not going to be the most positive thing we've done.  So you read this and you think this can't ever possibly be economic.

Well that was my big question, I think, because it uses the same process as for biopharma products, but these are very high margin products . . . 

A hamburger is not a high margin product.

Even if you're able to set up this process and produce this product, which they're not really able to do yet on a high scale, why would you produce something with a margin of a hamburger?  

We talked about the universities, we talked about NASA, and the government agencies.  We've got a lot of startups and private companies and VCs.

What's important too is that after this VC Capital wave, the large corporations are investing in this too.

The conglomerates are here.

Because if you look at the structure of the food market basically every segment of the food market is dominated by an  oligopoly and sometimes there are also crossovers between these companies but our whole food system already is highly controlled, so to see these corporations are moving into this in a big way now they're calling in the government because in 2021 many governments have their own cellular meet program and you see the CEO of New Harvest she said well you have all the startups and they're not really getting off the ground they don't have an infrastructure we need an infrastructure now so they're lobbying all these governments a lot of government said have initiated this platform to help the startups get off the ground .

Why would a sane, intelligent person do this?  Why would Mr Global turn on the tap?  What are the logical reasons why this is a good idea?

That was actually a major turning point because I was reading this and I was like one thing is more insane than the other it's so insane it can be very frustrating but under what circumstances would this be rational?

Under what circumstances would you do it? 

Yes.  So there you get back to NASA like Solari published a lot about the space program and I thought okay . . . 

If you need food production on a spaceship, how you going to do it?  You can't bring cows, right?

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