Thursday, April 25, 2024

Then just weeks later the Bush Administration asked the Federal Claims court to seal the documents of those cases. Do you know who used to sit on Eli Lilly's board of directors? Former President George Bush Sr.

Did you know in the final hours of negotiations for the Homeland Security Act of 2002, a mysterious Rider was introduced to the bill that would have exonerated Eli Lilly from any liability for its product Thimerosal?

It just so happened that they were being sued by families of autistic children at the time who claimed it was the cause of their plight. Then just weeks later the Bush Administration asked the Federal Claims court to seal the documents of those cases. Do you know who used to sit on Eli Lilly's board of directors? Former President George Bush Sr. In this video author of the book "Evidence of Harm", David Kirby explains how he came to the belief that Thimerosal is indeed a contributing factor in the autism epidemic. It was taken out of the childhood schedule but is still very much in use in the Flu shots to this day, so if you inject your children with flu shots, be aware of the potential risks.

5:04. How did you become interested in this, are you in the medical profession?  

5:07. No, I'm a journalist, but I do have some public health background.  I worked in AIDS research.  I worked for the city of New York on public health issues.  I've consulted for the National Cancer Institute but I approach this as a journalist, actually as somebody interested in politics, and in November 2002 when they passed the  Homeland Security Bill there was a rider that was slipped in at the last minute, a secret rider, to dismiss all the lawsuits against Eli Lilly which invented Thimerosal, the mercury-containing vaccines, ah, mercury-containing preservative put in these vaccines, and I thought that was very suspicious I thought people who have nothing to hide don't act in that manner a week later the Bush Administration sent lawyers into the Federal vaccine Court filed a motion that would seal all the records including access to that database permanently and forever and anybody who had received any information would be forced to relinquish those documents and they would be destroyed it was so Draconian and coming on the heels of the Homeland Security bill, the journalist in me said, I think there's a story here.  And then it expanded from there I found the families who who are pushing this Theory and believe in it and their stories are incredibly compelling that's why this is going to be turned into a movie sort of Allah Aaron Brockovich a feature film Hollywood movie it's been

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