Tuesday, December 19, 2023

PFIZER CENSORSHIP. WHAT'S NEW? COVID vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

Thank you to Dave @ Lew Rockwell.

Writes Dave:

What they didn’t want you to see during the most recent GOP debate. What’s happened to America?

Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

This is what was blacked out from the American public.

If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn’t want you to see it, then it’s probably worth sharing.

Vivek ran cover for Reagan AND for Big Pharma.  Didn't want to disparage the Gipper, eh, Vivek?  After all, it was only Reagan who signed into law the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that granted immunity to vaccine manufacturers.  Also under Reagan,  Title 42 – Public Health Service Act, at §247d et seq, “Public health emergencies,” as established in 1983.  With the firmer, the government said, hey, we'll cover the program that covers costs and care, Dear Vaccine Makers,  if any child or adult gets injured.  Except that they didn't.  They don't.  Government lied?  Reagan's government lied?  Oh, my God, say it isn't so.  

The legislative trail from Katherine Watt:

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act gave manufacturers immunity for liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines listed on the government-recommended childhood immunization schedule.

The argument used to exempt manufacturers from liability was that the government, through the Department of Health and Human Services, would monitor the childhood vaccination program, collect safety data, and report it to Congress to provide oversight and take harmful vaccines off the market.

However, the HHS and Congressional oversight required by the 1986 law didn’t occur.

See Informed Consent Action Network v. US-HHS, 1:18-cv-03215-JMF, which ended with a July 9, 2018 stipulation by the U.S. government that HHS had no records of any safety monitoring or public reporting of the childhood vaccination program, under the 1986 law, between 1986 and 2018.

Later two reports were located, filed on 5/4/88 and 7/21/89. Since 1989: nothing. No evidence that the childhood vaccination schedule was safe at that time, nor any evidence that the injections added to the childhood schedule since 1986, alone or cumulatively, are safe.

So Vivek was tasked with running cover for a monstrous program and tasked with diverting Reagan's role in setting up the monsters.  

Latypova summarizes it up quite eloquently,

Overall characterization of what is going on: the federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal gov agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you, or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory. Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply.

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