Wednesday, December 20, 2023

CHICAGO: "they've been dropping the guns off in crates for years"

The situation in Chicago . . . I'm from Chicago, born and raised there.  I ran those streets in Chicago, and it changed my life.  But I want to kind of make people aware of some things that you don't know cause you've never really been out there, you wouldn't know it.  And it's going to be hard with me but . . . . 

Myself, for a fact, and several others that I ran with, know this to be the truth.  Growing up in Chicago in the early 90s, the same situation was happening.  I've been in Chicago where a person came into my house, knocked on the door, and told to get me early, 6:30 in the morning, and said, "Come with me man, there's a crate of guns in the alley."  And I got up and I ran out there and sure enough, there was a crate of guns.  And during that time when we in it, you're not thinking about "where did the guns come from?"  We never think about that type of stuff, like where the guns come from and why are they here?  But now that I'm older, I can tell you that it's a diabolical plot.  Nothing has stopped.  The guns are still there.  The guns are still being placed in these different strategic communities.  It's a plan.  It's not out in Glenview it's not out in West Mountain.  Yeah, they puttin' it on 55th.  They putting it in Englewood in at 6:30 in the morning, while older people are at work, that work; you know, you're asleep.  You're not outside.  So you got the streetwalkers and the people that are out, they hustling and they out to start their day.  Yeah they're the ones who are going to run across [the crate of guns] and who would tell the police? I never went to go tell the police that I found some guns that doesn't even make sense why would you go tell the police?  

1:57. People are wondering why there's so much violence, you know, think about it.  Think about this the cops are locking people up constantly in Chicago every single day they're taking guns off the street every single day everyday so how is it that all these guns just keep appearing?  Where are all of the guns coming from nobody's going to the gun store buying these guns so where are all these guns [coming from]?

2:22. This is another part that you don't know.  I was so used to having exotic guns that I thought the Devil didn't know them.  A fully automatic handgun is almost impossible to get a fully automatic assault rifle that's not common it may sound common but that's not common.  And Uzi that's fully automatic that's not common so I was so used to having everything in the area that was "fully."  A shotgun, fully automatic, fully.  So we being 17 and 18 and in my twenties, I was so naive that I thought that was how all the guns was. I saw so many different exotic guns on the streets running around in different areas with the guys just running around I thought that was the norm.  

3:22. So now I'm an older gentleman you know I'm out here switching my life around you know I'm living right so now I cleared my name up had my record sealed I'm going to the gun shop I'm going to the shooting range shooting like I was supposed to I go into gun stores and I asked for certain guns and they're looking at me like I'm crazy, like I made that gun up these are guns that I've seen several times in different areas that the gun stores saying, "Huh?" How would that be on the street that's something that you would have to get specialized, customized.  You see what I'm saying? But these guns are on the street so Chicago and my point to you is yeah we can't try to make an excuse for the kids out there shooting you know it ain't all kids we can't make an excuse but I want you to look at the bigger picture where are they getting the guns from it's not one or two areas it's not one or two areas it's everywhere in the urban communities is what I'm telling you.  They're not dropping them in _________ Crest.  They're not going to be out there you check in them hundreds you check on the low end you check in the Heart of the City the inner city that's where they dropping all the guns at that's why that's where all the killings are happening at that's why a lot of innocent people are getting shot stuff like that because these guns they've got guns that they can't control they're shooting these guns they're letting off a hundred shots Landing in 30 seconds these guns are not being bought they don't have no guns gun license to buy these guns so where are they getting the guns from that's the question I'm telling you right now there they've been dropping the guns off in crates for years.  They've been doing it I've seen it twice in my lifetime I I saw it in the 1990s and I saw it again in 1999 I've seen it with my own eyes you can believe that or not but that's the honest to God true I went out I seen the guns in the crates myself and they went out through the whole area.  Everybody got one.  This one grabbed that one.  "Let me get that one," and I grabbed it.  Everybody got a gun, and that's what they keep doing.  That's how the guns get on the streets.  That's why the wars don't stop.  You see what I'm saying?  That's the part that people got to focus on.  The gun control?  How you going to control something at the center of where you puttin' down at?  That's propaganda when they saying it's "gun control," or "We lobbying for gun control."  You're not trying to control nothing when you say you're putting guns out there.  They're giving it to them.  Now they want to give them the guns, so they can catch them with the guns. Either they're going to kill somebody with the gun, then they get to lock them up, or if you catch 'em with a gun, they get to lock them up.  Either way it's rules, rules, rules, rules, rules.  You see what I'm saying?  It's a business for them.  It's a business.  You know what I'm saying?  It's like if we want to sell a drug, we got to get you hooked first.  It's a business for them.  So the more people that they can catch with guns, or the more people that commit crimes with guns, they get to lock them up.  To them it's just a number they don't care they don't care who it is but but it's the African-American Community that's . . . we the victims.  And I hate you know when they say that everything is boiled down to racing I'm not a racist the truth is the truth and I'm just telling it how it is you know I go to Chicago all the time but if I go out to Westmont, Illinois where one of my good white friends lives, and I go with him it's a different community.  It's a different community.  Ain't nobody run around with no guns!  Everybody doing when I go out there I feel safe!   As soon as I go where I grew up, I'm not getting out of the car without no gun because I don't trust nobody because everybody around here got a gun.  e Everybody got a gun!  You hear that part!  That's the part that matters.  Everybody got a gun from the 14-year-old on up, everybody got a gun when they ain't even doing nothing with it.  They just got one!  How did everybody get all these guns!  Where'd they come from?  Right back to that again.  That's what I'm trying to tell you the guns have been deliberately placed strategically placed in certain communities to Target certain individuals please pay attention please research it check it out ask somebody ogs who've been around and they'll tell you the same thing that I'm not lying I'm just willing to expose it I'm trying to tell you the truth it's the truth they're deliberately placing guns in Chicago in different areas that's why there's so much shooting the kids in as a little boy when you're growing up you want to be a cowboy you want a gun in your hand as soon as you get it you're going to emulate what you see people in front of you doing so as soon as you get your hand on that gun you got an extended clip the clip

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