Monday, December 18, 2023

Enough is ENOUGH!!! Vote out in November EVERY single politician who is not actively sealing our border.

[NGOs] go above and beyond for these migrants, but they don't do anything for disabled Americans.  I just have a government that doesn't want to pay me.  I'm well-educated.  I have over 12 years in college.  I was a manufacturing engineer for 27 years.  Like I said, I've paid for my benefits, and all's I want to do is go on with my life, and the government is doing everything they can to stop me from living that life because my benefits are high.  Citizens come very last, illegals are first.  They have no loyalty to this country.  They have no gratitude for what we give them, and yet they're given more preference and more privilege than we are.  --Peter Weelmaa

If this doesn’t piss you off, I don’t know what will! America meet Peter Weelmaa. He is a disabled American who’s been left homeless because of a federal government which has prioritized illegals over American citizens. Watch as he and his dog are left out in the cold and illegals are picked up to be moved into permanent housing. This is at the 20th police precinct in Chicago. What a disgrace! It’s time for every American citizen to rise up against this and hold the Democrats accountable!

I wonder.  Would a vigilante street justice fix this? 

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