Saturday, August 12, 2023

"It's not over. It's not over at all. calling the triple-demic: C-19, flu, & RSV"

What do you see coming in the near future what is the cabal up to next what do you suspect is going to be the next because everybody right now is fat and happy and cozy and comfy going to Johnny's soccer game Saturday what's coming and share a little bit about what we can do

1:50. I think the most important documents to look at from the government are the Prep Act Declaration amendments and the public health emergency declarations amendments.  They did two of those in the spring,  one in March and one in May, and that was around the time the mainstream media was making a big deal about Biden ending the emergency.  It's not over.  It's not over at all.  They just did a lateral transfer or a relabeling of it, and one of the key things that they put into the  May 11th, the day that they claimed it was going to be done, effective then May 11th, is the effective date of the next iteration of it.  And I write about that to some extent at my sub stack.  They added into the condition, or the health threat category for which the emergency is going on, seasonal influenza, and coterminous coronavirus and I think I may have also added Respiratory Syncytial Virus.  We know they've been doing a little bit of a media push through the New York Times of what they're calling the triple-demic; they say it's going to come in the fall, which would be coronavirus, influenza, and  RSV and that they are . . . and I think I just saw something today out there that says that we have the mRNA formulation of the flu shot that's going to be pushed out to the pharmacies, to the doctor's offices, to the businesses, and to the drive-thru clinics for the fall.

3:40. Are you worried?  I'm worried that people . . . that they're not paying attention and they'll just think, "Oh, it's a seasonal flu, it's not labeled Covid-19 and it's a combo.  Oh, RSV, take it.  It'll be great.  You won't get anything this winter." And it's all mRNA it's all a continuation of the bioweapon.

4:00.  They want to calm the mark as St. Ana talks about a lot.  They do a boot on the neck for a while, and then they let it off.  And then people are like okay, and then they step harder the next time, and then they let it up.  Yes, they are trying to normalize it.  They are trying to build on what they did with the pharmacies. This is totally just a thing you do.  You go to the pharmacy, you get your shots, and then you leave.  And I talked earlier about that--getting people quicker to seeing normalization of shots.  And getting people to see that this is an extension of the same program, and there was a brief lull, and then it's going to intensify but it's not going to intensify as before . . . their goal is to make it normalized, make it routine, something that people don't think about at all.  But I do think that they're going to have a little trouble because there has been success over the last 3 years of pushback.  For example, the uptake rate for the bivalent was really low, like less than 10%, in Canada.  In the United States, it was between 10 and 20% depending on the age group.  And more and more people are are not getting their kids injected with all of the childhood bio weapons.

5:38. Thank you, God.

And so that's another way that it could draw out if oh if they're not going to just line up and do it by themselves what's our fallback play at the same time I think they're going to ramp up all the climate crisis stuff they're going to ramp up all the energy crisis stuff they are going to ramp up more Civil War threats here and another countries and all of that comes back to sabotage that they're actively doing but they are going to say that it's spontaneous they're going to say that it's natural they're going to say that it's just popping up it's just happening because the solution that they're going to implement is more centralization and control of those things my expectation for the fall and winter is a lot more like advertising you know this is just a thing that you do you go and get your bivalent you go and get your trivalent all these different things you just go go get them get them get them.

7:15. And the Prep Act puts the liability coverage over the whole thing, over the entire childhood vaccination schedule, puts it over the entire flu shot schedule; it gives pharmacists the authority to do, and pharmacy techs, and Pharmacy interns, people with no training, to do all of these shots, and I think they also put in that lower levels of childhood vaccination are part of the Health and emergency so they are aware that people are backing off of it and they are trying to say now that that's an emergency and because that's an emergency it it kicks in all of these other extra powers and extends them and extends them so there is going to be a lot more pushed to tell parents well we got off the schedule because of Covid but now is the time to bang in another six or seven shots all at once so that you can get caught up and they're going to do a lot more around school districts making them you know require these shots so that people feel forced to do it

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