Friday, August 11, 2023

ALEX KRAINER: "All roads lead to London"

38:27. KNUSTLER. I've been paying more attention to Russia really and it seems to me despite the fact that no one in the United States has noticed it, the Russians are moving very methodically and systematically to consolidate the control over Ukraine.  Their original intent not to turn it into a basket case, failed state has had to be put aside and they have had to damage it quite a bit more then they wanted to originally.  Their motive is very clear: they want to turn this region back into their own sphere of influence and make sure it doesn't cause any more mischief in that part of the world it.  And the Americans are being exposed every single day as chaos agents in that part of the world and using Ukraine as its proxy chaos agent and very few countries see any point to that anymore.

39:45LUONGO. For the most part I agree with you Jim. I just want everybody to remember that for a lot of the tops [top people in these organizations] we know the term regulatory capture, well, there's political capture as well.  And the tops for a lot of our three letter organizations really are this . . . is what Whitney Webb is talking about and Dave was talking about earlier.  My friend Alex Krainer likes to say it this way, "All roads lead to London."  Don't ever, ever underestimate the perfidious of Albion.  Never ever, ever underestimate these people.  They have tremendous amount of pull.  They have tremendous amount of infiltration everywhere.  And I'm not saying that we as Americans or aspects of our American System are not terminally freaking corrupt.  I'm absolutely on board with this.   Of course we are, but this is a symbiotic relationship of "Suck," for lack of a better term.  This has always been their policy.  I don't know if you guys have had a chance to listen to my 2 and 1/2 hour podcast that I did with Richard Poe.  I learned so much about how deeply this stuff goes back 300 years.  Episode #146 of the podcast.  He and I reviewed how deeply embedded all these ideas about globalism, one world government, all the stuff goes 300 years back to the written . . . .  It's not a single vector; it's everywhere all across the old European Colonial powers.  But when you stop to look at it, why is everybody talking about the de-dollarization, why is everybody talking about how the United States needs to be broken up, these are all ideas put into our heads by OUTSIDE factors.  We can fix this s*** here in the US!!! Yeah, we're clown world, but we manipulated the clown world.  It's a feature not a bug.  It's crazy when I was talking about de-dollarization 10 years ago, everybody looked at me like I had four heads.  Today, everybody is like, "Oh, what do you think about de-dollarization?"  The same thing I thought about it 10 years ago.  It's going to happen eventually, but it's not like it's happening today. 

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