Wednesday, July 5, 2023

"The reason why Justice Jackson was going nuts is because it's a direct threat to the entire Obama regime of woke liberal academic institutional politics in America"

18:25. The woke regime and its administrative state within the academic structure depends on this upper middle-class favoritism with legacies, donors, and affirmative action for its sustenance.  What happens when, as you point out, it's working class kids from Vietnam who are dominating parts of, say, Cal's campus?  You're going to have a very different political response.  The degree of tolerance, the degree of people seeking out, "Hey, I really wanted to study intersectional feminist to study the difference between trans and whatever, and some weird category that they created with its bogus Professor who used to work for the Weather Underground, you're going to have all these people questioning administrative decisions, questioning not filling in the certain class needs a certain categories of the academy and not being on board with the political message.  The reason why Justice Jackson was going nuts is because it's a direct threat to the entire Obama regime of woke liberal academic institutional politics in America.  Their core base of power is the Academia.  The core basis for that power has been affirmative action.  Take affirmative action away, the pillar of wokeness falls, and we get back to merits and Enlightenment thought in our universities which would be revolutionary and critical for the sustenance of American society. 

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