Monday, July 24, 2023

"They're talking about carbon dioxide, the most important food for all life on earth"

the bottom line is the invisible part of this whole process politically and socially it is the politicians giving the money to the scientists to provide them with these scare stories is never part of the story. -- Patrick Moore

Carbon dioxide isn't dirty; in fact, it's invisible.  If it was dirty, you could probably see it.  But it's invisible and that's why it's easy to make up a scare story about it because no one can see for themselves what's really going on.  That is the topic of my recent book, Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, 2021.  I call it the unified theory of scary stories.  What they are unified by is that they are either invisible like, carbon dioxide, like radiation.  They make it seem like nuclear plants are going to kill everybody overnight when there are over 100 plants operating in North America and not one person has been injured by them in 50, 60 yasfors.  So that's how dangerous nuclear is and how dangerous radiation is.  And then there's the secret ingredients in GMOs, genetically modified foods, that is going to kill everybody even though people have been eating them for years now.  I mean billions of meals have been consumed and there's no evidence of any harm but the funny thing about that is the bad thing in GMOs it's not only invisible it simply does not doesn't exist if it existed it would have a name and a chemical formula so they've made a multi-billion dollar industry against genetically modified foods which is a really important advance in agriculture and science they have made that into a scare story when there is absolutely nothing there.  At least with radiation and CO2, there is something there, which is invisible.  The other aspects are things that are very remote, so remote that they might as well be invisible to most people, and that's why polar bears and coral reefs are used as scare stories about climate change.  "They're going to go extinct," "they're all dying in the oceans," and it's all lies.  The polar bear population has grown tremendously since the treaty was signed in 1973 to end unrestricted hunting, something you never hear about because they don't want you to know that the treaty was signed and that the population of the polar bear population has grown.  Also, coral reefs are underwater.  They said "93% of coral reefs are nearly dead," and "93% of the coral reef is bleached."  "Dying," "nearly dead," "bleached and dying" do not mean dead.  When you're dying, you're not dead.  And the funny thing was that Forbes had one that said, "Corral reefs were in their final terminal stage as if they were other terminal stages besides the final one: terminal stage #1 terminal, stage terminal stage #2, and then the final terminal stage, which still isn't dead because if you're dead, you're dead.  You're not in a terminal stage so they've got away with this kind of thing.  At the bottom line the invisible part of this whole process politically and socially it is the politicians giving the money to the scientists to provide them with these scare stories is never part of the story.  The story is always about how the scientists have done a new study, which suggests or perhaps says that it might happen that something horrible is going to come about and that's what the politicians want.  They want a scientist that they can bring as an expert to say "We believe if we don't stop using fossil fuels, civilization will end, all the animals will die and birds will fall from the sky, etc.  It's all lies, but the media and the activists use this to make their money. 

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