Monday, July 24, 2023

Scientists are acknowledging that even tiny infinitesimal amounts of mercury, parts per billion, will cause profound neurological injury in children.  And I was working on these issues and mothers started coming up to me and said, "You know, the biggest exposure is not coming from power plants or old mining claims as you might think it's coming from our own vaccines."  And they asked me to work on it and just to look into it.  And they were not hysterical people.  They were scientists.  They were doctors.  They were psychiatrists.  They were pharmacists.  They were people who had their feet on the ground.  They had attended the conferences.  They had read the scientific literature.  They had calmly and deliberately gone through this and they had reached the conclusion: that the vaccine were destroying the health, were making the sickest generation of American children in history of our country.  And I started looking into it. And somebody provided me with the Simpson wood scandal or memo which I then published in Rolling Stones.  Simpsonwood was the transcripts of a secret meeting that was held between CDC and 75 representatives of the vaccine industry in which they reviewed a report that CDC had ordered they were Stratton study vaccine safety database and when they looked at it themselves they said it is impossible to quote Miss massage this data to make the signal go away there is no deny that there is a connection between Autism and thimerosol in the vaccines and this is what they said I didn't say this is what they their own scientists and the their own conclusions of the best doctors the top people at the CDC the top people from the pharmaceutical industry when they had this meeting they had it not in Atlanta which was the headquarters of the CDC but in Simpsonwood at a private Conference Center [in Norcross, Georgia] because they believe that that would make them be able to insulate themselves from a request from the Freedom of Information Act law and they would not have to disclose the transcripts of these meetings to the public somebody transcribed the meeting and we were able to get a hold of it but you have them talking about different study

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