Saturday, July 1, 2023

The British constantly push the large powers into conflict. This war is nothing more than a British psy-op, as always.

16:50. The best plan that emerged from this, a plan that is usually attributed to to a guy by the name of W.T. Stead, 1849-1912, he was a very prominent British journalist he worked as a journalist I've read that he's he was actually an intelligence operative very high level one in British intelligence he was certainly somebody much more than a journalist he was a leading planner of imperial policy and worked at a very high level with very top figures in the British establishment and he wrote a book in 1901, called the Americanization of the World in which Mr. Stead basically argued that in order to keep its predominant position in the world, its place of power, Great Britain would have to actually merge with the United States.  They foresaw that the US would emerge as a global superpower, and Stead understood that England could either be a rival of the United States, and that wasn't going to end well for England, they could foresee even then, or England could manage a process of merging with the United States to create a global English-speaking superstate that would be basically under British control by taking the initiative in making this happen.  The British would ensure that they would control them and this is very important for people to understand because I think most people if they think on this question at all they understand that because of NATO and because of the five eyes intelligence agencies treaty just because of all these transnational treaties and transnational institutions that have been set up especially after World War II I think most people understand that the United States and Great Britain are locked together in all kinds of complexional institutional Frameworks to the point where they don't completely exist independent as as independent countries

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