Saturday, July 15, 2023

Most of these old cathedrals were built by guild members who had been initiated into the secrets of their guild.

Most of these old cathedrals were built by guild members who had been initiated into the secrets of their guild. These trade secrets were not merely things like just being taught how to cut stone or glass correctly, though of course that was part of it. They were spiritual secrets. How do you create a beautiful and majestic building that is awe-inspiring and artistic? Well, you do that by understanding geometry, for one, which is a sacred science. Sacred geometry considers the metaphysical meaning of shapes. This is related to the same principles that underlie music and astrology, also both once considered sacred sciences. It's about harmony and ratios. These buildings are beautiful BECAUSE they have been encoded with sacred truths. They reflect the divine.  

Modern man, with all his computers and tools, cannot make this. Not because he is incompetent, but because he no longer knows anything of metaphysical truth, let alone how to symbolically encode it into a building. 

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