Thursday, October 26, 2023

Biotin has reversed the loss of taste that occurred in one case due to lipoic acid supplementation

Most people who take biotin take it for their hair and nails.

Yet biotin does much more than this:

Biotin deficiency causes moodiness, cloudy thinking, and fatigue in some people; in others, it causes hair loss, difficulty concentrating, and stomach problems; in yet others it causes hand tremors, muscle pain, and trouble breathing; and in some people it even makes them need to wear glasses. All of these are reversible with biotin supplementation. Yes, I literally mean one person had to wear glasses when biotin deficient and was able to get rid of them when he went back on biotin.

Biotin deficiency can also cause candida-infected red, itchy, scaly skin, and “unusual body odor.”

Finally, biotin deficiency can massively increase serum cholesterol.

Biotin has reversed the loss of taste that occurred in one case due to lipoic acid supplementation (which interferes with biotin transport) and in another case as a side effect of surgery.

Biotin has allowed type 1 diabetics to go off insulin and maintain nearly normal blood sugar, and dramatically improved neuromuscular problems in type 1 diabetics.

Half of mothers become spontaneously biotin-deficient during pregnancy, and correcting this likely prevents birth defects.

On the other hand, massive biotin doses can make human multiple sclerosis patients more likely to relapse, shown at least twice, and they cause infertility in rats and birth defects in rabbits. Humans taking huge biotin doses for genetic defects do fine with pregnancy, whether on 10-20 milligrams or 100 milligrams, but they are special cases who need the high doses.

Smoking, the anti-convulsant valproate, and egg whites that are not thoroughly cooked by boiling for 4-8 minutes can all induce biotin deficiency.

There is no RDA for biotin. Officials have instead set an “adequate intake” by looking at the average intake among American infants and adjusting it upward by bodyweight for adults. This is set at 30 micrograms per day.

This replaced an older recommendation of 300 micrograms per day, which was based on 150-300 micrograms per day being needed to correct severe deficiency.

The biotin requirement increases as a function of protein intake. By my calculations, the following rule of thumb applies:

Get at least 150 micrograms of biotin per day, which will allow an intake of non-collagen protein up to 100 grams.

For each additional 50 grams of non-collagen protein, get an additional 35 micrograms of biotin.

This puts most people in the range of 150-300 micrograms of biotin.

To do this with food, make the base of your diet rich in grass-fed animal products, a diversity of fermented foods, and a large volume of fresh produce. Then, add one egg yolk equivalent for every 25 grams of non-collagen protein in your diet.

Each egg yolk equivalent can be any of the following: one raw or cooked egg yolk with the white thrown in the trash; one whole egg boiled for at least four minutes; 1.5 fried eggs; 3.5 poached eggs; 8 grams of natto; 9 grams of chicken liver; or 36 grams of beef liver.

Pregnant and lactating women should multiply these values by 1.7. Children should adjust downward based on protein intake.

Doses used for diabetes are between 5 and 16 milligrams per day and those used for reversing loss of taste are 10-20 milligrams per day.

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Dr. Weston A. Price emphasized the importance of vit A, noting that the diets of traditional healthy people he observed contained 10x more vitamin A than those of people he saw in the US

Beef liver contains excellent amounts of Retinol A.  


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

456k active duty service members, or roughly 40% of the active duty force, were diagnosed with a mental health disorder in a 4 year period.

SV-40 did not cause cancer in its natural host, an Asian monkey. But what it would do in another primate that had never been exposed to it, one whose immune system had not been sensitized to SV-40?

Anybody citing the polio virus as a standard of medicine or a standard of medical success ought to be outright laughed out of the room.  It was a disaster, whose consequences have been censored.  Unless you read about it in Edward T. Haslam's Dr. Mary's Monkey, 2007.

Page 206:

Before long yells laboratory discovered that the polyoma virus that had produced the cancer in Stewart's mice and hamsters turned out to act like Simeon virus number 40, SV-40, a monkey virus that causes cancer.

Page 207:

In June 1959, Bernice Eddy who was still officially assigned to the flu vaccine project, began thinking about the polio vaccine again.  This time she was worried about something much deeper than polio.  The vaccine manufacturers had grown their polioviruses on the kidneys of monkeys.  And when they removed the polio virus from the monkey's kidneys, they also removed an unknown number of other monkey viruses.  The more they looked, the more they found.  The medical science of the day knew little about the behavior or consequences of these monkey viruses.  But times were changing.  Confronted with mounting evidence that some monkey viruses caused cancer, Eddy grew suspicious of the polio vaccine and asked an excruciating question: have they inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer-causing monkey viruses?  She conducted her research quietly, without alerting her NIH supervisors.

In October 1960, one month before the Kennedy/Nixon Presidential debate, Eddy gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society and, without warning NIH in advance, announced that she had examined monkey kidney cells in which the polio virus was grown and had found they were infected with cancer-causing viruses parent location was clear there were cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine.  This was tantamount to forecasting an epidemic of cancer in America.  When the word got back to her NIH bosses, they exploded.  No suggestion of cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine was welcomed at NIH.  When the cussing stopped, they crushed Bernice Edd professionally.

Page 208: 

They took her took away her lab, destroyed her animals, put her under a gag order, and prevented her from attending professional meetings, and delayed publication of her scientific papers.  In the words of Edward Shorter, author of The Health Century, 1987, "Her treatment became a scandal within the scientific community."  Later it became the subject of a Congressional inquiry.  In the words of Dr. Lawrence Killham, a fellow NIH researcher who wrote a letter of protest to the U.S. Surgeon General's office, "The presence of a cancer virus in the polio vaccine is the matter demanding full investigation." And further: "Dr. Eddy's case, to many of us, represents a somewhat Prussian-like attempt to hinder an outstanding scientist."

Eddy, however, was not the only one who investigated the issue.  A viral specialist named Lorella McClellan, working for vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman in Philadelphia, found similar problems in the polio vaccine.  vaccine.  The essence of the problem was the SV-40 did not cause cancer in its natural host, an Asian monkey.  But what it would do in another primate that had never been exposed to it, one whose immune system had not been sensitized to SV-40?

FYI, the ticket for treating cancer really is Ivermectin.

Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics, Edward T. Haslam, 2007.