Saturday, August 8, 2020

More deaths from lockdown than from COVID admits CDC Director

The world has gone mad.

This morning I stopped into my usual place to puck up snacks for my workday.  The check-out clerk had a mask around her mouth and a plastic visor covering her face AND thin latex gloves on both hands.  I place my items on the cashier's belt and said "Hello."  She asked,  "What did you say?" before she leaned her ear toward me to hear me say, "I said hello."  And she proceeded to wipe down the keypad where you type in your debit card password.  I told her that she was overdoing it, that personal health should not be socialized, that I take care of myself. And she says to me, "That's a bit overconfident."  I said I take care of myself.

One, this shows how illiterate and incompetent people are in caring for their own health.  Two, it shows how "the crisis" or "pandemic" has given illiterates, particularly women, the Karens of the world, the power to shame and bully individuals. This woman owns nothing of herself.

Three, it's becoming apparent that the use of masks is more harmful than I first thought.  The lack of oxygen the masks produce is giving people headaches which intensifies their anxiety, makes them panic, and causes them to be rude and belligerent.

Even the monsters who are running the pandemic hoax admit that the lockdown, and other protective measures, have killed more people than the virus itself.  Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, admitted in a statement that

Science reporter, Jon Rappoport, recently pointed out how Ferguson of Imperial College, where the first alarming predictions emerged, was not only wrong but severely exaggerated his estimates for effect.  And that Ferguson is serially wrong.  See here.
We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from Covid. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose, that are above excess, than we had as background than we are seeing deaths from Covid.

Monday, August 3, 2020

"Masks Make Us Slaves"

Sunday, August 2, 2020

"Debra Birx doesn't even have a medical license anymore."

The mask issue really irks me, so it is with good cheer that I learn here from Pam Popper of Ohio's 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, headed by Maurice Thompson whom she praises justly. This is the case that Pam mentions first.  I wonder if California has such a center. 
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tulsa resident, Jeffrey Dickstein, a former California attorney, is suing the Tulsa governor to stop the mask mandate.  
Pam cites a fourth champion for freedom, Warren Davidson, a House Rep. from Ohio's 8th Congressional District.  Davidson is introducing a Defend Freedom Act.  "
Jena Powell, an Ohio nurse and House Representative from Ohio's 80th Congressional District, delivers some terrific common sense.  Common sense is rising in Ohio.  
The Supreme Court held that the government must have a warrant to use cell phone data to track someone. 

At the 9:36 mark, Pam outs Debra Birx, the scarf lady, by telling us that she doesn't have a medical license anymore.  And yet she holds a national position advising Americans on how to protect themselves?  

Monday, July 27, 2020

"You're Putting My Health At Risk"

Thanks to Laurence Vance for this cartoon, titled "A Tale of 4 Masks." 

Thanks to Laurence Vance for this cartoon, titled "You're Putting My Health At Risk."

Pharma bought the Media?

The video quality is terrible, but the reporting is unmatched to anything you see or hear on television today.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., writes
I thought some of you kids ought to see what journalists once did for a living before Pharma bought the Media. Google recently signed a $700 million deal with GlaxoSmithKline, the world’s 2nd biggest vaccine maker. Google has its own vaccine companies working on developing universal flu vaccines and other immunizations. The sordid buying and selling of American journalists is all in the past; Pharma now owns all of them and they’re not selling.  

The point for sharing this video is to remind people of the dangers of vaccines.  Yes, it's true that lots of people get them.  I knew of one man who used to get the annual flu vaccine, and he lived to be 85 years old.

The business of vaccines is so serious to nutritional reporter, Bill Sardi, that he has created a vaccine consent form.  Find it here.