Monday, July 27, 2020

Pharma bought the Media?

The video quality is terrible, but the reporting is unmatched to anything you see or hear on television today.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., writes
I thought some of you kids ought to see what journalists once did for a living before Pharma bought the Media. Google recently signed a $700 million deal with GlaxoSmithKline, the world’s 2nd biggest vaccine maker. Google has its own vaccine companies working on developing universal flu vaccines and other immunizations. The sordid buying and selling of American journalists is all in the past; Pharma now owns all of them and they’re not selling.  

The point for sharing this video is to remind people of the dangers of vaccines.  Yes, it's true that lots of people get them.  I knew of one man who used to get the annual flu vaccine, and he lived to be 85 years old.

The business of vaccines is so serious to nutritional reporter, Bill Sardi, that he has created a vaccine consent form.  Find it here.

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