Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chlorophyll or Aloe Vera?
"Chlorophyll . . . increas[es] the overall oxygenation of cells to enhance respiration."

A friend of mine made the point the other day that what made aloe vera juice effective in treating stomach conditions is the chlorophyll.  It's also what gives aloe vera juice that green hue.  I personally have tried aloe vera juice for digestive situation and it has made me feel better.  But then I thought if the reason people go after and buy aloe vera is because of the chlorophyll and not anything else in particular, then why not just buy chlorophyll?  

I'd also read from Healthwyze that chlorophyll is a powerful healing component, explaining that the "Linus Pauling Institute discovered that chlorophyll speeds the healing of wounds when applied topically."  So my thought was that if chlorophyll speeds the healing of external wounds, perhaps the way that Vitamin E capsules do on wounds, that it surely must be a powerful healer of internal wounds.  Healthwyze does expalin that "Chlorophyll provides mental clarity and physical energy by increasing the rate of oxygen absorption into cells. This is also an important component for the prevention of cancer, as oxygen deprivation is a primary cause of cancer."  So as a healing agent, chlorophyll is really your choice over aloe vera.  And The Linus Pauling Institute does point out the benefits of chlorophyll:
1.  Used orally as an internal deodorant.
2.  Topically in the treatment of slow-healing wounds for more than 50 yeas without any serious side effects.
3.  Chlorophyll supplementation may decrease oxidative damage induced by chemical carcinogens and radiation.  (Yes, I have heard doctors recommend chlorophyll for radiation damage or weakness.)
4.  A recent study showed that human colon cancer cells undergo cell cycle arrest after treatment with chlorophyllin.
5.  During the late '40s and '50s, a series of largely uncontrolled studies in patients with slow-healing wounds, such as vascular ulcers and pressure (decubitus) ulcers, reported that the application of topical chlorophyllin promomted healing more effectively than other commonly used treatments.
Sarah C. Corriher at Healthwyze adds that "Chlorophyll provides a long-lasting boost of energy by somehow increasing the overall oxygenation of cells to enhance respiration."

From Yahoo Answers, a contributor wrote "Aloe Vera Juice is used to maintain and restore balance of stomach acids. Aloe Vera has shown for maintaining and promoting the right balance of stomach acids."  He goes on: 
In fact, aloe Vera’s tissue regeneration activities again build tissue of the small and large intestine, colon and stomach tissue. Researchers have found that aloe Vera easily stimulate the fibroblasts for making new tissue. When Fibroblasts are stimulated, make proteoglycans, collagen and other elements for producing new tissue. 
Aloe polysaccharides are used to improve the property of immune cells, and it is very effective to eliminate waste and build up toxic and other properties. 
Okay, that creating new tissue point is quite amazing.  
Aloe Vera enhances absorption of nutrients and digestive functioning. 
Aloe Vera Juice is useful to treat digestive system conditions like acid indigestion, candida, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Chlorophyll, the green “blood” of plant life is made by plants through a chemical process called photosynthesis. And amazingly, it essentially has the same effects in the body as iron, so it builds our own blood naturally. Catabolic and anabolic at the same time, liquid chlorophyll is a powerful detoxifier and tonic. It cleanses the blood and builds red blood cells while doing it. 
Because liquid chlorophyll’s composition contains calcium, it is highly useful for people as well as animals with arthritis, bone diseases, and hip dysplasia. Chlorophyll heals chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stops the growth and development of toxic bacteria. Chlorophyll removes toxins from the bones, blood tissues, and intestines. And because chlorophyll helps to thicken and strengthen the walls of the cells, it is also a nutritional aid for the immune system. 
Liquid chlorophyll counteracts toxins, the result is that the body heal faster. It also works in purifying the liver, eliminates old toxic material, and deodorizes the bowels and the entire body. In the colon, liquid chlorophyll helps keep the colon healthy by destroying disease causing bacteria. It works well in eliminating body odors, abscesses, and other skin sores in people as well as animals. In fact it’s a great help for any digestive problems, constipation, or diarrhea. 
Indeed, liquid chlorophyll is non-toxic, safe and soothing to body tissues, so it’s considered very safe for people of all ages. It is actually a whole food, instead of medication. Liquid chlorophyll is available in herbal shops, and of course, eating lots of deep green vegetables is the perfect way to get this great wonder tonic into your system.    

So, which is it: Chlorophyll or Aloe Vera?  It depends on what you're trying to treat, but I really like the wound-healing and cellular respiration capability of Chlorophyll.  Aloe Vera sounds like it balances stomach acids.  By the way, both have chlorophyll, it's just that chlorophyll liquid is highly concentrated.  Don't forget, the chlorophyll is a great deodorant as well.  Get the chlorophyll.  It seems like it would remedy more situations.

Coffee Is Rich in Polyphenols But Spikes Insulin

Coffee is a stimulant whose breakdown products spike insulin. But coffee has a dark color and that means it is rich in polyphenols or anti-oxidants. Remember, any color in any that occurs naturally is rich in polyphenols. Blueberries, cherries, raspberries, all rich in polyphenols.  Unsweetened chocolate--rich in polyphenols.  Coffee is rich in polyphenols but its breakdown products do spike insulin.  So you need to make the call whether it is worth it.  I like it, so, yes, to me, it is worth it.
Decaffeinated coffee is soaked in methelyne chloride.  The same stuff is used to soak your laundry at the laundromat when they dry clean it.  This pulls out the caffeine.  Then they try to drive off all of the methelyne chloride and then add the flavors back.  What!  That doesn't make sense. This method may be the cheapest method to extract the caffeine.  There are more expensive, time-consuming methods that uses hot water to extract caffeine.  Caffeine is more water-soluble than the polyphenols are. 
He says that most people don't do well with coffee--caffeinated or de-caffeinated.  Hmm. 
He recommends teas, particularly green tea.  He cites the green color in green tea as possessing a lot of polyphenols.  But all teas have color. I haven't come across a single tea in my life that doesn't have color.  Unless you're talking about plain hot water; if so, that's not tea.  He explains that black tea (there's your colors) are fermented green teas. Didn't know that. He says that black teas, like Lipton teas and others, have only 1/10 the amount of polyphenols that green has.  Again, not heard that before. It's why green tea tastes more bitter than black tea.  Interesting.  So the bitterness of a food also indicates a higher concentration of polyphenols? Apparently so if you're comparing chocolates.
To knock out the bitter taste of green tea, he recommneds adding lemon or sugar.  He points out that tea has about half the caffeine as coffee. One cup of green tea will contain about 600 ORAC units. The higher the units, the greater concentration of polyphenols.  Dr. Mercola explains what polyphenols are and why they're important:  
Polyphenols are phytochemicals, meaning compounds found abundantly in natural plant food sources that have antioxidant properties. There are over 8,000 identified polyphenols found in foods such as tea, wine, chocolates, fruits, vegetables, and extra virgin olive oil, just to name a few.
Polyphenols play an important role in maintaining your health and wellness.  Antioxidants as a group help protect the cells in your body from free radical damage, thereby controlling the rate at which you age.
If your body does not get adequate protection, free radicals can become rampant, causing your cells to perform poorly. This can lead to tissue degradation and put you at risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease, for example.
Healthwise, seems that coffee is best when fully caffeinated and enjoyed with a meal to minimize the spike in inuslin.  So enjoy a cup today.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

$600 for an MRI.  Where?  Where?

He writes: 

Antidote to Obamacare? Competitive Market-Based Medicine. In June of 2013, I posted on CD about the $600 all-inclusive flat-rate for any MRI scan at the Milwaukee-based Smart Choice MRI. At the time, I mentioned that the $600 price hadn’t changed in at least six years, and it’s now more than two year[s] later and the price is still $600 for the cost of the scan and the cost to have your scan read by expert radiologists at the Cleveland Clinic. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting today that Smart Choice MRI has raised $6.5 million from investors [my emphasis] and is set to open four imaging centers in the Chicago market and will be the company’s first expansion outside Wisconsin. The price? Still $600, compared to comparable MRI exams performed at hospitals using the exact same technology at an average cost of up to $3,000. Need an appointment? Any of the six Milwaukee locations can schedule your MRI as early as this Thursday!

Monday, December 14, 2015


"Daily consumption of . . . half-liter of soda is linked with 4.6 years of additional biological aging . . . comparable to . . . smoking.”

Soft Drink Consumption Will Age You As Fast As Smoking - 10 Reasons To Avoid Them 
from HelathySustainableLiving

I am reviewing this article here in the midst of a Coronavirus pandemic, March 23, 2020.  And upon review, I think maybe I shouldn't have posted it at all.  One, I don't like the calls for government intervention into any market, and particularly not into the individual choices that people make as to what they want to put into their own bodies, and, yes, that goes for drugs too.  That's nobody's business but the person alone.  Though their family can advise, if someone wants to put junk into their bodies, who's to say who can stop them?  

From the start, the article calls for government intervention, 
The message to stop smoking issued by public health officials has been nothing less than paramount, repetitive and consistent in the last several decades. What about soft drinks? Daily consumption of just a half-liter of soda is linked with 4.6 years of additional biological aging, effects comparable to that of smoking, finds a new study.
Drinking Soda Ages You
The study found that drinking soft drinks is associated with cell aging, suggesting sugar-sweetened soda consumption might promote disease independently from its role in obesity.

The study revealed that telomeres--the protective units of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes in cells--were shorter in the white blood cells of survey participants who reported drinking more soda. The findings were reported in the American Journal of Public Health.

The length of telomeres within white blood cells--where it can most easily be measured--has previously been associated with human lifespan. Short telomeres also have been associated with the development of chronic diseases of aging, including heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Telomeres, the protective units of DNA
that cap the ends of chromosomes in cells, 
were shorter in the white blood 
cells of people who reported drinking
more soda. 
"Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence disease development, not only by straining the body's metabolic control of sugars, but also through accelerated cellular aging of tissues," said senior study author Elissa Epel, professor of psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

“This is the first demonstration that soda is associated with telomere shortness,” Epel said. “This finding held regardless of age, race, income and education level. Telomere shortening starts long before disease onset. Further, although we only studied adults here, it is possible that soda consumption is associated with telomere shortening in children, as well.”

The authors compared telomere length and sugar-sweetened soda consumption for each participant at a single time point, and that an association does not necessarily demonstrate causation. Epel is co-leading a new study in which participants will be tracked for weeks in real-time to look for effects of sugar-sweetened soda consumption on aspects of cellular aging. Telomere shortening has previously been associated with oxidative damage to tissue, to inflammation, and to insulin resistance.

Based on the way telomere length shortens on average with chronological age, the UCSF researchers calculated that daily consumption of a 20-ounce soda was associated with 4.6 years of additional biological aging. This effect on telomere length is comparable to the effect of smoking, or to the effect of regular exercise in the opposite, anti-aging direction, according to UCSF postdoctoral fellow Cindy Leung, ScD, from the UCSF Center for Health and Community and the lead author of the newly published study.

The average sugar-sweetened soda consumption for all survey participants was 12 ounces. About 21 percent in this nationally representative sample reported drinking at least 20 ounces of sugar-sweetened soda a day.

“It is critical to understand both dietary factors that may shorten telomeres, as well as dietary factors that may lengthen telomeres,” Leung said. “Here it appeared that the only beverage consumption that had a measurable negative association with telomere length was consumption of sugared soda.”

The finding adds a new consideration to the list of links that have tied sugary beverages to obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and that has driven legislators and activists in several U.S. jurisdictions to champion ballot initiatives that would tax sugar-sweetened beverage purchases with the goal of discouraging consumption and improving public health.

The UCSF researchers measured telomeres after obtaining stored DNA from 5,309 participants, ages 20 to 65, with no history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, who had participated in the nation’s largest ongoing health survey, called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, during the years 1999 through 2002. They found that the amount of sugar-sweetened soda a person consumed was associated with telomere length, as measured in the laboratory of Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, professor of biochemistry at UCSF and a winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her telomere-related discoveries.

15-year study found those who drank 300ml of a fizzy drink a day--slightly less than a standard can--were 40 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer than men who avoid the drinks.

Consider the hard facts about soft drinks: soda consumption could lead to various health problems, and scientists are adding to the list seemingly every day. Here are 10 reasons to put down the cola and quit adding to the billions of gallons of soda consumed in the United States annually:

1) Dehydration.
Because caffeine is a diuretic, it leads to an increase in urine volume. So, when you drink a caffeinated soda to quench your thirst, you will actually become thirstier.

2) High calories.
A can of regular cola contains over 150 calories. Not only are these calories devoid of any nutritional value, but they also deplete your body of vital nutrients.

3) Caffeine addiction.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University say when people don't get their usual dose of caffeine from soda, they can suffer a range of withdrawal symptoms including headache, fatigue, muscle pain and inability to concentrate.

4) Acid.
The amount of acid in soda is enough to wear away at the enamel of your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay. In tests done on the acidity levels of soda, certain ones were found to have PH levels as low as 2.5. To put that into perspective, consider that battery acid has a pH of 1 and pure water has a pH of 7.

5) Money.
A person who drinks just 2 cans of soda a day will pay $206 over the course of a year to keep the habit going. If there is more than one soda drinker in the household, that yearly total could quickly double or even triple.

6) Weight gain. Researchers at the University of Texas say artificial sweeteners can interfere with the body's natural ability to regulate calorie intake. This could mean that people who consume artificially sweetened items are more likely to overindulge.

7) Artificial sweeteners.
Many people opt for diet sodas to cut out the calories, but some research shows the sweeteners may cause additional harm, such as cancer.

8) Mineral depletion.
Colas contain phosphoric acid and caffeine, which drain calcium from the bones. Also, because caffeine increases urine volume, more minerals end up leaving the body before having a chance to be properly absorbed.

9) Diabetes. Some scientists believe that the unceasing demands a soda habit places on the pancreas may ultimately leave it unable to keep up with the body's need for insulin -- which could eventually lead to diabetes. The daily consumption of soda does contribute to other problems, such as obesity -- a leading cause of diabetes.

10) A replacement for healthier drinks. In the 1950's, children drank healthier beverages and more water. Today that statistic has flipped and children are drinking more unhealthy beverages and less water.


April McCarthy is a community journalist playing an active role reporting and analyzing world events to advance our health and eco-friendly initiatives.
Soft Drink Consumption Will Age You As Fast As Smoking - 10 Reasons To Avoid Them

Sunday, December 13, 2015


"ginseng is . . .  excellent . . . for balancing the nervous system."

That was the first benefit I noticed.  I loved it.  It helped me to sleep, which is ironic because one of the side effects that people complain about is restlessness.  On the first night, the ginseng really relaxed me.  Loved it. 

You know by now with all of the varied claims about how one vitamin cures berie berie and one herb "treats" Alzheimer's or how "calcium supports bone growth," that these are just ads competing for a larger space in our wallets.  Whether you follow the homeopathic path, the allopathic path, Traditional Chinese Medicine or alternative therapies, each one is competing ultimately for your dollars.  Claims that vitamin C cures colds or claims that chiropractic fix a broken shoulder all are claims against some other treatment.  Your job is to sift through all of the claims and find out what they mean.  And if their claim is true, which in many cases they might be, so what?  Does the product benefit you?  It costs time and money to find out.  Do you have either one or both? 

An acupuncturist told me that weakness causes pain. That made sense. That would redefine pain a bit. Wouldn't that also mean that numbing and lack of sensation are pain? Absolutely.  So when patients complain about diabetic neuropathy and its numbing effects, that my friend is pain. 

It appears that ginseng helps with weakness.  

The active ingredient in ginseng is a chemical called ginsenosides.

WebMD claims that ginseng boosts the immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, that in combination with gingko biloba improves concentration and learning, boosts endurance, improves moods, and, get this, treats cancer, heart disease, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, high blood pressure, menopausal symptoms, and other conditions.  Wow!
Some studies have found that ginseng may boost the immune system. There is some evidence that one particular type of American ginseng extract might decrease the number and severity of colds in adults.
 Several studies in people have also shown that ginseng may lower blood sugar levels.
 There is some early evidence that ginseng might temporarily -- and modestly -- improve concentration and learning. In some studies of mental performance, ginseng has been combined with ginkgo. While these studies are intriguing, many experts feel that we need more evidence.
Ginseng has also been studied as a way to improve mood and boost endurance as well as treat cancerheart disease, fatigue,  erectile dysfunctionhepatitis Chigh blood pressure, menopausal symptoms, and other conditions. While some of these uses are promising, the evidence isn’t conclusive. 
I have found much of this to be true.  Energy stores are up.  My heart beats stronger.  My endurance is definitely improved.  And concentration is definitely enhanced.  It is remarkable.  And it seems to be the right protocol when addressing injuries and weaknesses.  Healing is all about increasing energy.  Whereas coffee and caffeine cycle through your blood to amplify you then returns you to be tired and weak, ginseng acts on the deeper, structural parts of your system.  I can feel the difference.  I have not tried it in conjunction ginkgo biloba.  I will have to try that.  But for now I like its effects.  

What's funny is that I had always thought of ginseng as ginger.  I knew ginger was good for you.  Good in that it activates your stomach and in turn increases the gastric juices that actually helps you lose weight. Ginger is excellent for nausea and a great tonic for your stomach. Something to think about here at Christmas and the holiday season.  

WebMd leaves the dosage up to you, which it should.  It does not know why you might be taking ginseng.  It does not know your medical history or your particular DNA, injuries or diseases, whatnot.  So you'll need to gauge what you can take or tolerate yourself.  It's about you being responsible to your own body.  Given the conditions that ginseng can treat, it seems like it might be good for lots of people.  Remember, energy is key.  

The question is can your body get fatigued from the introduction of ginseng into your system?  I don't know.  I haven't tried ginseng long enough.  But an acupunturist shared with me that he recommends giving ginseng to patients for one month and then lets the patient's body acclimate to that new energy for the next 11 months.  I don't know if that works.  I'll ask him.  

But doesn't it make sense that if ginseng increases your energy stores that that alone with address cancers that as we know weaken our body and systems?  MedicalNewsToday cites a Vanderbilt study:  
Prevents cancer:  There may be substances in ginseng that have anticancer properties.  A few populations in Asia have linked the herb's consumption to a lower risk of cancer. 
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center researchers found that Ginseng improved survival and quality of life after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
MedicalNewsToday explains that "Although ginseng is generally consdiered to be safe to consume, the following side effects have been reported.  
Elevated heart rate
Difficulty sleeping."

This site,, recommends taking Korean Red Ginseng.  And the acupuncturist I refer to above said the same thing, that Korean Ginseng is the strongest and therefore the best.  Now what he does is mix the Korean ginseng with other herbs for balance.  It is a potent energy enhancer, and he mixes it with other herbs to mitigate some of known adverse side effects.

Panax Ginseng is the cream of the crop of medicinal plants when it comes to tackling fatigue.  It is particularly recommended for those lacking in energy, as it is a very strong and healthy stimulant (unlike coffee and tea).  Ginseng is considered a panacea in that it treats a great number of problems and helps the body to combat many different diseases.   Another notable (but often forgotten) benefit of ginseng is its excellent capacity for balancing the nervous system, largely due to its abundance of group B vitamins.  Because of this, ginseng promotes much improved concentration and deep, restorative sleep, as well as fighting episodes of dementia.  It can be very useful for those suffering from emotional as well as physical hardships, e.g., after a death or a break-up, and also for those who are trying to withdraw from drugs (cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, etc.).  Finally, it is an excellent plant for convalescents wishing to restore energy and vitality after illness or sporting injury.  
Always play it smart.  Consult a physician.