Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I have read so many pros and cons with coffee drinking, that I kind of threw my arms and said the heck with it.  I love coffee.  Love the taste.  Love the warmth.  Love that it's dark and opaque.  And when it comes to the my earliest memories of coffee, it always causes me to recall road trips with my dad pouring me a hot cup of coffee from a Thermos at 5am on Interstate 101 in California on our way to Monterey.  Loved him.  Great memory.
But caffeine does have its drawbacks.  The acids in the coffee obviously are not good for your teeth's enamel.  Coffee will color you teeth light brown or yellow.  But the worst part for the teeth is the loss of enamel, for it takes too much time and conscious effort to rebuild it.  
The acids in the coffee also put your blood in an acidic state, again not good if you're trying to keep a PH that is biased in the favor of a healthy base.  So we cannot drink coffee with abandon, cup after cup throughout the day.  Not to mention what the caffeine does to your adrenal glands.  Coffee will deplete your energy by day's end, contrary to how you might expect caffeine to perform.  I'd read something this evening that was a bit alarming with regard to coffee consumption.  It was this:
Caffeine may make renal failure worse. Researchers noted in the 2007 issue of “Renal Failure” that previous studies had shown caffeine exacerbates renal failure if there is kidney disease in combination with metabolic syndrome. In experiments on diabetic rats, the researchers found that within two weeks of starting on caffeine the rats developed increased protein in the urine and increased heart rate. In addition, the arteries in the kidney became less flexible, which can increase blood pressure, although the rats in the study did not show signs of increased blood pressure.
What is renal failure?  According to that Wikipedia article, "Renal failure is mainly determined by a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, the rate at which blood is filtered in the glomeruli of the kidney. This is detected by a decrease in or absence of urine production or determination of waste products (creatinine or urea) in the blood. Depending on the cause, hematuria (blood loss in the urine) and proteinuria (protein loss in the urine) may be noted."  So one symptom that presents itself with renal failure is the lack of urine production; in other words, infrequency of pee-ing.  Clearly, one of the remedies for this condition would be to increase water consumption. 
The causes of renal failure are listed in that Wikipedia article, but what cures, if any, can be had from kidney failure or chronic kidney weakness? 
"An interesting point to make about the kidneys is their relationship to the knees. One of the fundamental principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy is that ‘Everything that happens on the outside of the body reflects an imbalance within the body’. As the knees represent the kidneys in TCM, any injury of damage to the knees, can affect the kidneys and vice versa. According to TCM philosophy, the kidney meridians run through both knees thereby potentially causing kidney problems to manifest in the knees. Therefore, there can be an association between people who work in jobs that cause knee stress such as carpet layers or floor tilers and the increased likelihood of renal issues due to the connection between the kidneys and the knees. Stiffness, inflexibility or rigidity in the knees can also suggest inflexibility of the mind, reservation or stubbornness (to accept new ideas) or a resistance to move forward so be aware of these mind-body connections whenever you have negative thoughts."
I've heard this very connection between the kidneys and the knees.  When your knees hurt, it may be because of arthritis, but more than likely it is because of some food or toxin that your kidneys are dealing with, particularly large portions of protein, caffeine, or salt.  So back off on these when when you experience knee pain.  Also from earthmedicine.com is this:
Renal disorders can cause a large number of symptoms and health problems ranging from excessive sweating, fluid retention, weakness, high blood pressure, fatigue, shortness of breath, vein conditions, kidney stones, urinary system problems, heart rhythm disturbances, right through to kidney failure. However, as previously stated, there are usually no symptoms until the condition is really serious.  
Fortunately most kidney conditions are preventable through adequate water intake, low toxin exposure, preventing systemic inflammation, trying to avoid taking drugs that cause kidney damage (e.g. NSAIDS [aspirin], etc), maintaining normal blood glucose levels through diet and exercise and having a healthy diet that tends to be more alkaline than acidic. Therefore avoiding a diet that is high in animal proteins and opting for a more plant-based diet can often be beneficial for optimum renal health. Those with high acid levels are also more likely to suffer from skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems, particularly those that cause itching.
Nutritional deficiencies can play key roles in the development of CKD and low vitamin D levels have been found to be associated with this condition. In addition, nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin A and other nutrients can be important for optimum kidney health.
If you already have kidney disease, there are a number of herbal medicines that can be beneficial for kidney problems but speak to your naturopath, herbalist or naturopathic doctor before self-prescribing as they may not be suitable for you, especially if you are already taking medications. Depending on the condition, herbal medicines that may be beneficial in the treatment of kidney problems can include Apium graveolens (Celery seed), Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Bearberry), Zea Mays (Cornsilk), Barosma betulina (Buchu), Equisetum arvense (Horsetail), Agropyron repens (Couchgrass), Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion leaf), Eupatorium purpureum  (Gravel root) and Vaccinium myrtillus (Bilberry). Eating parsley and alfalfa have also been found to assist the kidneys as they can be alkalizing to your system.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Interesting exemptions from Obamacare in US Territories, like Puerto Rico, Guam, Virigin Islands, North Mariana Islands and others and the reasons for those exemptions. It almost destroyed those countries' insurance industry.

Friday, August 1, 2014

 There was a discussion on Alzheimer's this morning on a subscription forum.  One guy laid out a plan to improve cognitive functioning.  I have myself increased my egg consumption, eating the eggs either over-easy or sunny side up to keep the yoke liquid.  Keeping the yoke liquid means I retain all of the benefits from the choline and cholesterol that the food police have advised against.  Here are his comments:
Here is a list. You might want to print it out. There are two parts to this: diet and supplementation.

Eat lots of eggs. Yes, that is correct. Lots. Soft-boiled, poached, soft-scrambled, undercooked slowly in butter. No high-heat frying or hard-boiled. Raw is okay but it's best to cook the eggs somewhat. How many? 4-6 per day per 100 lbs. body weight. (Ex.: someone who weighs 200 lbs. should eat 8-12/ day. Your brain needs all the cholesterol you can give it, especially when it has been deprived of it for decades from bad medical theories! This is therapeutic nutrition we are talking about.

No fried foods. High-heat cooking and overheated fats and oils do a lot of free-radical damage inside the body.

No burnt foods, especially meats. Medium rare is best. (Cancer risk is also greatly reduced when you switch from well-done to medium rare.) Okay to boil in soup until the meat falls off the bones, but no frying or well-done. No well-done anything!

No processed meats: deli meats, lunch meats, ham, bacon, sausage, etc.--nitrates, nitrites, also fillers that are no good.

No vegetable oils--not even virgin coconut or olive (there are two camps on this issue, pro-oil, anti-oil). They all turn into trans-fats once inside the body. Oil is notoriously perishable, turns rancid quickly. Some people claim positive results with coconut oil. I err on the side of caution.

Definitely NO hydrogenated fats or oils. Unless you like machine lubricant in your diet.

Eat butter, cream, lard, avocado and nuts for healthy fats.

NO GLUTEN: wheat, barley, rye, oats. Gluten intolerance is a hidden pandemic that affects millions if not tens of millions/ hundreds of millions of people in this country. More Americans have gluten intolerance than they think:
We eat WAY too many grain products, wheat-based and otherwise. Eliminate as much as possible. A little gluten-free is okay: rice, millet, buckwheat, flax, for example. Corn is iffy because it is mostly GMO now.

That reminds me, NO GMO!

Eat fresh meats and poultry: grass-fed, free-range (local, organic, if possible), wild-caught fish packed in water. No farmed fish.

A little fruit. A LOT of vegetables. Sweet potatoes are very good nutritionally.

No sugar or corn syrup. Little to no honey, molasses or "natural" sweetener. The body gets all the sugar it needs from all of the above. Liquid nutrition products given to infants and the elderly are famous for their high fructose corn syrup and low nutritive value.

This is also a very good all-purpose, anti-inflammatory, anti-disease diet as well. Anyone would benefit from it. I follow it myself.

I would also skip vaccinations. Flu shots, shingles shots, etc. Too many viruses, too many toxic preservatives and adjuvants. Too little benefit with too many risks.

I will have to come back to this. Time constraints! But I wanted to at least post the dietary side first.

. . . Alzheimers is not genetic. For that matter, NO disease is genetic. That is the latest trendy medical theory like bloodletting and the low-fat/low cholesterol myth. Genetics can be influenced by external-environmental factors. They are not etched in stone.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The Health Benefits of Limes
by NFR6K: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids
The first fruit that comes to our minds when it comes to medicinal uses is perhaps the good old lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many specialist medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, has been used for ages for the treatment of various ailments.

Lime is consumed throughout the world in sorbets, beverages, refreshing drinks, pickles, jams, jellies, snacks, candies, sugar-boiled confectionaries, and culinary and the oil extracted from its peel or skin is extensively used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetics, hair oils, toothpaste, toilet and beauty soaps, disinfectants, mouthwashes, deodorants, and innumerable other products. There are many varieties of lime found all over the world, particularly in the tropical and Mediterranean climates.

benefits of lime include scurvy, digestion, constipation, eye care, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders, gout, gums, weight loss, skin care, urinary disorders, etc.

It helps cure arthritis, rheumatism, prostrate and colon cancer, cholera, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, fatigue, heart diseases, and even very high fever (in contrary to popular belief). The best part of it is that it has no side effects. Other Benefits: It is a good appetizer and digestive.

Scurvy: Lime is so famous as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused by to deficiency of vitamin C and characterized by frequent infections with cough and cold; cracked lips and lip corners; ulcers in tongue and mouth; spongy, swollen, and bleeding gums, etc. that nowadays even a child can tell you that. Since its cause is a deficiency of vitamin C, its remedy is none other than vitamin C, and lime is blessed with this vitamin. In olden days, soldiers and sailors were given lime to keep safe from scurvy, which was a dreaded disease then. Even now, it is distributed among the workers working in polluting environments like those working in furnaces, painting shops, heat treatments, cement factories, mines, etc. to protect them from scurvy.

Digestion: Lime has an irresistible scent that waters the mouth and thus aids primary digestion (the digestive saliva floods your mouth even before you taste it). Then the acids in it do the rest. While they break down the macromolecules of the food, the Flavonoids, the compounds found in the fragrant oils extracted from lime, stimulate the digestive system and increase the secretion of digestive juices, bile, and acids and also stimulate the peristaltic motion. This is the reason behind having lemon pickle with lunch and dinner is an age-old practice in India and some of its neighboring countries.

Constipation: Primarily, the ample of acids present in lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts, just like some acids are used to clean floors and toilets. Then the roughage in it is also helpful in easing constipation. But it is mainly due to high acids. An overdose of lime juice with salt also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thereby giving relief in constipation.

Peptic Ulcer: In addition to vitamin C, lime contains special compounds called Flavonoids (Limonoids such as Limonin Glucoside) which have anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic, and detoxifying properties that help the healing of peptic and oral ulcers.

Respiratory Disorders: The oil, containing Flavonoids and certain oils, extracted from lime is extensively used in anti-congestive medicines such as balms, vaporizers, inhalers, etc. due to the presence of Kaempferol. Just scratching the peel of a lime and inhaling it gives immediate relief from congestion and nausea.

Gout: There are two main causes of Gout. The first reason is an accumulation of free radicals in the body; the second is the accumulation of toxins, primarily uric acid. Now, limes can help you with both of these. It is a reservoir of antioxidants & detoxifiers (vitamin C & Flavonoids) which free radicals as well as detoxify the body.

Gums: The root causes of gum problems are deficiency of vitamin C (Scurvy, which causes bleeding and spongy gums) and microbial growth. Sometimes, ulcers and wounds from bones, hard objects, etc. are also the causes. In all of these, limes can help you. Its vitamin C cures scurvy, Flavonoids inhibit microbial growth, and potassium and Flavonoids help heal ulcers and wounds.

Eye Care: Vitamin C again! Its anti-oxidant properties protect eyes from aging and macular degeneration. Flavonoids help protect them from infections.

Piles: Since lime helps heal ulcers and wounds in the digestive system and excretory system and gives relief from constipation too, it eradicates all the root causes of piles or hemorrhoids.

Weight Loss: A glass of warm water with a full-lime juice in it is an excellent weight reducer as well as a brilliant refresher and anti-oxidant drink. The citric acid present in lime is an excellent fat burner. Just have two glasses a day and see the remarkable result within a week.

Skin Care: Lime juice and its oil are very beneficial for the skin when consumed orally or applied externally. It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shining, protects it from infections, and reduces body odor due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C and Flavonoids, both of which are class-1 antioxidants, antibiotics, and disinfectants. When applied externally on the skin, its acids scrub out the dead cells, cure dandruff, rashes, bruises, etc., and give you a refreshing bath if its juice or oil is mixed into your bathing water.

Urinary Disorders: The high potassium content of limes is very effective in the removal of the toxic substances and the precipitates deposited in the kidneys, and urinary bladder, and its disinfectant properties help cure infections in the urinary system. It also stops prostrate growth (very common in males above 40) and clears blockage of urine due to the deposition of calcium in the urinary tract.

Caution*: The seeds of all citrus fruits (and also apples) are poisonous and if ingested in large quantities (even a small handful) can be fatal. So, avoid chewing or swallowing the seeds.

*This final statement of caution is wrong and false.  The seeds of all fruits do contain cyanide.  Obviously eating a whole apple will not kill you, which means that you can eat all the seeds contained in a single apple.  Ditto with an orange.  Ditto with a kiwi.  Ditto with all other fruits.  In fact, your body can withstand the consumption of a lot of seeds.  Apricot seeds contain cyanide, but those seeds are used in the killing of cancer cells in your body.  Read G. Edward Griffin's World Without Cancer, where he reviews the powers of apricot seeds or B-17.   He explains how the body uses the cyanide to target cancer cells exclusively.  Apricot seeds are referred to as bitter almonds.  The cyanide gives the seeds a bitter taste.  The health benefit of low-dose cyanide is that it kills cancer cells only.  Wikipedia says 
"Apricot kernels can sometimes be strong-tasting and bitter. They feature in recipes for apricot jam, and Italian amaretto cookies and liqueur.[citation needed] Taken in excess, they may produce symptoms of cyanide poisoning, including nausea, fever, rash, headaches, insomnia, increased thirst, weakness, lethargy, nervousness, various aches and pains in joints and muscles, and a drop in blood pressure."  
Nowhere in the Wikipedia article does it say that apricot seeds, which is a fruit, are fatal.  The same goes for all other fruits. The caution is unwarranted and false.  In fact, this article from United Patients Group explains the action of the cyanide from fruit seeds in the body, 
"However, according to the book World Without Cancer, by G. Edward Griffin, there is only one substance that can “unlock” the B17 molecule, which releases the cyanide.  It is an enzyme called beta-glucosidase. When B17 comes in contact with this enzyme in the presence of water, cyanide is released, along with benzaldehyde (another highly toxic substance.) This unlocking enzyme is not found anywhere in the body except in the cancer cell. The result is that the poison is only released to the cancer cell."