Thursday, April 25, 2024

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: Don’t trust experts. Trust the data and your own capacity for thinking.

Don’t trust experts. Trust the data and your own capacity for thinking.

In Sweden in 1955, they began vaccinating for whooping cough (pertussis), well after the death rate had fallen to near zero. Examinations in 1978 showed that 84% of children who were verified to have pertussis had previously received three doses of vaccine. As a result, the whole-cell DTP vaccine was deemed ineffective. Combined with the concerns over its safety, the Swedish health ministry recommended the discontinuation of the whooping cough vaccination in 1979. From 1979 to 1996 (17 years), there was no national vaccination program. But there was no increase in deaths from whooping cough.

DAVE COLLUM: Psychologists have known for years when you wish to sell a movement, young girls are your most powerful propaganda tool. This was Greta from the past. There will be Greta's in the future the Hoax must go on...


It was 1992 and Severn Cullis-Suzuki, daughter of Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki, was addressing the plenary session of the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

Severn, now 39, is still a prominent environmental activist, speaker, TV host and author. In 2017, she and her friends from ECO marked the 25th anniversary of their Rio trip by encouraging young people to film their own take on “I’m only a child, but …”

She now describes climate change as the “ultimate example of an intergenerational crime” and supports Greta, whose School Strike For Climate has gone from a lone protest outside Swedish parliament to a global youth movement in the space of a year.

“My heart is so full,” she wrote in an Instagram post celebrating last Friday’s marches. “The youth are showing the world how to take action. Demanding transformation now. Human change not climate change.”

You can find Severn's full speech here.


LINDSAY: This is the cult, related to Communism, behind much of the radical culture shift that has allowed our current Communist revolution to be as successful as it has been.

Ben Shapiro accused Ron Paul of anti-Semitism over a decade ago when he warned us of all this stuff.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


This is a Nazi idea, not a Catholic social ethic.